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Dr. dr. Shahrul Rahman Sp.PD, FINASIM

Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam

Fakultas Kedokteran
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara
Medical diagnosis (often simply termed diagnosis)
refers both to the process of attempting to determine
or identify a possible disease or disorder

The plural of diagnosis is diagnoses, the verb is to diagnose,

and a person who diagnoses is called a diagnostician. The
word diagnosis is derived through Latin from the Greek word
διαγιγνώσκειν, meaning to discern or distinguish.
This Greek word is formed from διά, meaning apart,
and γιγνώσκειν, meaning to perceive.
Medical diagnosis or the actual process of
making a diagnosis is a cognitive process. A
clinician uses several sources of data and puts
the pieces of the puzzle together to make a
diagnostic impression. The initial diagnostic
impression can be a broad term describing a
category of diseases instead of a specific
disease or condition. After the initial diagnostic
impression, the clinician obtains follow up tests
and procedures to get more data to support or
reject the original diagnosis and will attempt to
narrow it down to a more specific level.
Diagnostic procedures are the specific tools
that the clinicians use to narrow the diagnostic
A diagnostic procedure may be performed by
various health care professionals such as a
physician, physical therapist, healthcare
scientist, dentist, podiatrist, nurse practitioner,
or physician assistants.
A diagnostic procedure (as well as the opinion
reached thereby) does not necessarily involve
elucidation of the etiology of the diseases or
conditions of interest, that is, what caused the
disease or condition. Such elucidation can be
useful to optimize treatment, further specify the
prognosis or prevent recurrence of the disease
or condition in the future.
The initial task is to detect a medical indication to perform a
diagnostic procedure. Indications include:
• Detection of any deviation from what is known to be normal,
such as can be described in terms of, for example, anatomy
(the structure of the human body), physiology (how the body
works), pathology (what can go wrong with the anatomy and
physiology), psychology (thought and behavior) and human
homeostasis (regarding mechanisms to keep body systems in
balance). Knowledge of what is normal and measuring of the
patient's current condition against those norms can assist in
determining the patient's particular departure from homeostasis
and the degree of departure, which in turn can assist in
quantifying the indication for further diagnostic processing.
• A complaint expressed by a patient.
• The fact that a patient has sought a diagnostician can itself be
an indication to perform a diagnostic procedure. Therefore, in,
for example, a doctor's visit, the physician may already start
performing a diagnostic procedure by, for example, watching
the gait of the patient from the waiting room to the doctor's
office even before she or he has started to present any
Even during an already ongoing diagnostic procedure, there can
be an indication to perform another, separate, diagnostic
procedure for another, potentially concomitant, disease or
condition. This may occur as a result of an incidental finding of
a sign unrelated to the parameter of interest, such as can occur
in comprehensive tests such as radiological studies like
magnetic resonance imaging or blood test panels that also
include blood tests that are not relevant for the ongoing
Differential diagnosis
The method of differential diagnosis is based on finding as many candidate
diseases or conditions as possible that can possibly cause the signs or
symptoms, followed by a process of elimination or at least of rendering the
entries more or less probable by further medical tests and other processing
until, aiming to reach the point where only one candidate disease or
condition remains as probable. The final result may also remain a list of
possible conditions, ranked in order of probability or severity.
The resultant diagnostic opinion by this method can be regarded more or
less as a diagnosis of exclusion. Even if it doesn't result in a single probable
disease or condition, it can at least rule out any imminently life-threatening
Unless the provider is certain of the condition present, further medical tests,
such as medical imaging, are performed or scheduled in part to confirm or
disprove the diagnosis but also to document the patient's status and keep
the patient's medical history up to date.
If unexpected findings are made during this process, the initial hypothesis
may be ruled out and the provider must then consider other hypotheses.
Additional types of diagnosis
Sub-types of diagnoses include:

Clinical diagnosis
A diagnosis made on the basis of medical signs and patient-reported symptoms,
rather than diagnostic tests
Laboratory diagnosis
A diagnosis based significantly on laboratory reports or test results, rather than the
physical examination of the patient. For instance, a proper diagnosis of infectious
diseases usually requires both an examination of signs and symptoms, as well as
laboratory characteristics of the pathogen involved.
Radiology diagnosis
A diagnosis based primarily on the results from medical imaging studies.
Greenstick fractures are common radiological diagnoses.
Principal diagnosis
The single medical diagnosis that is most relevant to the patient's chief complaint
or need for treatment. Many patients have additional diagnoses.
Admitting diagnosis
The diagnosis given as the reason why the patient was admitted to the hospital; it
may differ from the actual problem or from the discharge diagnoses, which are the
diagnoses recorded when the patient is discharged from the hospital.
Differential diagnosis
A process of identifying all of the possible diagnoses that could be connected to
the signs, symptoms, and lab findings, and then ruling out diagnoses until a final
determination can be made.
Diagnostic criteria
Designates the combination of signs, symptoms, and test results that the
clinician uses to attempt to determine the correct diagnosis. They are standards,
normally published by international committees, and they are designed to offer
the best sensitivity and specificity possible, respect the presence of a condition,
with the state-of-the-art technology.
Prenatal diagnosis
Diagnosis work done before birth
Diagnosis of exclusion
A medical condition whose presence cannot be established with complete
confidence from either examination or testing. Diagnosis is therefore by
elimination of all other reasonable possibilities.
Dual diagnosis
The diagnosis of two related, but separate, medical conditions or co-morbidities;
the term almost always refers to a diagnosis of a serious mental illness and
a substance addiction.
The diagnosis or identification of a medical conditions in oneself. Self-diagnosis
is very common and typically accurate for everyday conditions, such as
headaches, menstrual cramps, and headlice.

Anamnese : hasil wawancara yang diperoleh dokter
dari penderita

- auto anamnese

- allo anamnese

Anamnese yang baik : 60 - 80 % dari keberhasilan diagnostik

Pembagian Anamnese

1. Anamnese Pribadi

2. Anamnese Keluhan Utama

3. Anamnese Penyakit Sekarang

4. Anamnese Penyakit Terdahulu

5. Anamnese Organ / Sistem

6. Anamnese Riwayat Pribadi

7. Anamnese Famili

8. Anamnese Sosial Ekonomi

9. Anamnese Gizi
1. Penilaian nadi
Cara meraba nadi : dengan meletakkan jari kedua, ketiga
& keempat dari tangan kanan diatas arteri radialis sinistra,
& ibu jari memegang dari bawah.

Penilaian yang diambil :

- Frekwensi
- Ritme (irama)
- Tegangan
- Gelombang
- Volume
During palpation, note the
1. Quantity
2. Regularity
3. Volume
Pulsus bigeminus
Tiap 2 denyut jantung dipisahkan sesamanya

Pulsus trigeminus
Tiap 3 denyut diceraikan oleh masa antara denyut nadi yg lama

Pulsus extrasystole
Terdapat 1 denyut tambahan yang timbul lebih dini dari denyutan lain

Pulsus celer
Denyutan yang melompat tinggi dan menurun secara cepat sekali
Pulsus paradoxus
Denyutan semakin lemah pada inspirasi bahkan menghilang pada
akhir inspirasi untuk timbul kembali pada ekspirasi

Pulsus alternans
Nadi yang mempunyai denyut yang kuat dan lemah berganti-ganti

Pulsus magnus
Nadi yang besar (denyutan terasa mendorong)

Pulsus parvus
Nadi yang kecil
2. Pengukuran tekanan darah
Alat utk melakukan pengukuran tekanan darah dpt digu-
nakan sphygomanometer (tensi meter)
Cara : penderita didudukkan dgn tenang atau berbaring.
Usahakan agar pakaian tdk terlalu ketat dan menghala-
ngi tempat pengukuran cuff (manchet) dari tensimeter
yang dibalutkan pada lengan atas yg sdkt abduksi
3. Penilaian pernafasan

Penilaian yang diambil :

- Frekwensi
- Type pernafasan

4. Pengukuran suhu
Tempat pengukuran suhu tubuh : Axilla, mulut, rectum
dan vagina
Suhu normal : 36,5 – 37,20C
Hipotermi : < 36,50C
Subfebris : kenaikan suhu sampai 380C
Febris : 38 - 410C
Hiperpireksia : > 410C

Tipe demam :
1. Febris intermitten : suhu yang tinggi diselingi dengan
menggigil (rasa dingin)
Dapat ditemui pada penderita malaria atau sepsis
2. Febris remitens : suhu meninggi diselingi dengan sdkt
penurunan tetapi kenaikan dan penurunan suhu
tdk lebih dari 10C
Tdk khas utk sesuatu jenis penyakit
3. Febris kontinue : suhu meninggi dengan dijumpai
kenaikan yang nyata pada kurve temperatur
Khas utk demam typhoid, disamping dapat juga untuk
penyakit-penyakit berat lainnya
4. Febris hektica : suhu naik yg sgt tdk teratur & kadang -
kadang berlangsung lama.
Demam ini tjd pd penyakit yg sgt berat

5. Suhu inversus : suhu yg naik pd pagi hari & lebih tinggi

dari sore hari, kebalikan dari yg biasa.
Demam ini biasanya tdpt pd pdrt TB paru
Metode Pemeriksaan :
- Inspeksi : penglihatan dengan mata
- Palpasi : perabaan dengan tapak tangan
- Perkusi : pengetokan dengan jari pada bagian tubuh
dan menentukan suara yang dihasilkan serta
tekanan yang dijumpai
- Auskultasi : mendengarkan suara yang dihasilkan oleh
getaran dari organ yang diperiksa baik
secara langsung dengan telinga maupun
tidak langsung dengan alat stethoscope
Laboratorium :
- Darah Rutin
- Urine Rutin
- Feses Rutin
- Kimia Klinik
- Serologi
Radiologi :
- Foto Rontgen
- CT Scan
Patologi Anatomi

Elektrokardiografi (EKG)


Punksi Lumbal

Punksi Sumsum Tulang



Napoleon Boneparte, 1820

Remember, your license…

James only has a license to kill,

But doctors have a license to save and

also to kill

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