Differential Diagnosis and Clinical Decision Making
Differential Diagnosis and Clinical Decision Making
Differential Diagnosis and Clinical Decision Making
Therapist’s responsibility
Cost effective
Treat specifically
Signed prescription
Medical specialization
Malingering/Non-Organic Pain
Past Medical History
Secondary Prevention:
Early detection of disease(es), illnesses), and other pathologic
health conditions through regular screening; this does not prevent
the condition but may decrease duration and/or severity of
disease and thereby improve the outcome, including improved
quality of life
Tertiary Prevention:
Providing ways to limit the degree of disability while improving
function in patients/clients with chronic and/or irreversible
It is the policy of the (APTA) that PT shall
establish a diagnosis for each patient.
PTs use diagnostic labels that i d e n tify the
impact of a condition on function at the level
of the system (especially the movement
system) and the level of the whole person.
The PT is qualified to make a diagnosis
regarding primary NMS conditions though
we must do so in accordance with the state
practice act.
How do you dignose your
Clinical Decision Making/ Clinical
Reasoning process
It is a process by which a health care
provider take objective data acquired
from an actual patient and integrate it
with factual knowledge from text
books and medical literature to either
make a diagnosis or develop a
treatment plan.
Clinical Reasoning process
It is not a simple skill
Interpretation of subjective data
Evaluation of the accuracy and validity of
Synchronize individual pieces of data into
higher order groups
Determination of the relevance of
scientific literature for a specific clinical
Clinical Reasoning process
Criticalevaluation of the arguments for
and against the diagnosis.
Application of biostatistics
Integration of different types of
knowledge into a complete decision
making process
Guide to physical therapy practice
Difference b/w medical and
physical therapy diagnosis
Medical diagnosis
Based on the pathologic or pathophysiologic
state at the cellular level.
List of diaganosis