Luisa Cardenas
Valentina Castiblanco
Dylan Navarro
Andrea Vera
• When a fluid is passed upwards through a bed of particles the
pressure loss in the fluid due to frictional resistance increases
with increasing fluid flow
• A point is reached when the upward drag force exerted by the
fluid on the particles is equal to the apparent weight of
particles in the bed
• At this point the particles are lifted by the fluid, the separation
of the particles increases and the bed becomes fluidized
• The force balance across the fluidized bed dictates that the
fluid pressure loss across the bed of particles is equal to the
apparent weight of the particles per unit area of the bed
• For a bed of particles of density rp, fluidized by a fluid of
density rf to form a bed of depth H and voidage e in a vessel of
cross-sectional area A
• This correlation is valid for spheres in the range 0.01 < Remf <
1000 and is often expressed in the form:
• If the bed is deeper than this critical height, then slugging will
occur when the gas velocity exceeds Ums:
• The term entrainment describes the ejection of particles from the
surface of a bubbling bed and their removal from the vessel in the
fluidizing gas
• Other terms such as ‘carryover’ and ‘elutriation’ are often used
• Entrainment of particles in an upward-flowing gas stream is a
complex process
• Rate of entrainment and size distribution of entrained particles will
in general depend on particle size and density, gas properties, gas
velocity, gas flow regime and vessel diameter
• Prediction of entrainment from first principles is not possible and in
practice an empirical approach must be adopted
• Define coarse particles as particles whose terminal velocities are
greater than the superficial gas velocity (UT > U)
• Fine particles are particles which UT < U
• Region above fluidized bed surface
is considered to be composed of
several zones
• Freeboard – region between the
bed surface and gas outlet
• Splash zone – region just above the
bed surface in which coarse
particles fall back down
• Disengagement zone – region
above the splash zone in which the
upward flux and suspension
concentration of fine particles
decreases with increasing height
• Dilute-phase transport zone –
region above the disengagement
zone in which all particles are
carried upwards, particle flux and
suspension concentration are
constant with height
• Transport disengagement height (TDH) – height from
the bed surface to the top of the disengagement zone
• Above TDH the entrainment flux and concentration of
particles is constant
• From design point of view, in order to gain maximum
benefit from the effect of gravity in the freeboard, gas
exit should be placed above TDH
• Many empirical correlations for TDH are available in the