Career - Assessment Strong Interest Inventory
Career - Assessment Strong Interest Inventory
Career - Assessment Strong Interest Inventory
Prepared by
Strong Interest Inventory
• Assess your interests, personality, values,
and skills.
• Learn which career opportunities are the
best fit with your personality.
• The Strong measures interests, not abilities
(if you have the interest, you can develop
the abilities). There are no wrong answers!
Career Theory
• All individuals have unique characteristics
related to their interests, abilities, needs,
values, and personality.
• All occupations/jobs have unique
characteristics related to work tasks, skills
required, demands, and rewards.
• Workers and employers are most satisfied
when there is a match between the
characteristics of the worker and the
characteristics of the occupation/job.
Adapted from Facilitating Career Development by JoAnn Harris-Bowlsbey, Barbara H. Suddarth, and David M. Reile, 2005
Holland’s Theory of Vocational Interests
• Motivated by building, repairing, being outdoors
• No one answer will affect your results, so try to give the first
answer that comes to mind