Flow Assurance (W11)

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Factor That Affect Flow Assurance

Petroleum Engineering
www.pertamina.com University of Pertamina
Objectives of The Class W11
student is able to describe and explain all of fluid flow barriers in the
production system that affect flow assurance

Class rules for today!!!

- No phone
- No unnecessary discussion
- No sleep in the class

A. Paraffin Deposition
B. Hydrate Formation
C. Emulsion
D. Asphaltenes
E. Scales
• Paraffins are continuum of high • Wax Appearance Temperature (WAT)
molecular weight alkane (CnH2n+2) or Cloud Point – The temperature at
saturated hydrocarbons that exist in which paraffin begins to come out of
crude oil solution
• Size can exceed C100 with either a • Pour Point – The temperature at which
normal or branched structure the crude sample becomes solid
• Normal paraffins exhibit higher melting • Paraffin deposits contain up to 90% oil
points than equivalent-sized branched • Paraffin floats on water and is soluble in
structures xylene, n-heptane and crude (generally
• The longer the paraffin (higher carbon linear hydrocarbons)
#), the higher the melting point
• The longer molecules come out of
solution first, so the deepest downhole
deposits would be the higher molecular
weight paraffins
Paraffin Deposition
Paraffin Deposition Process
• Paraffin deposition in pipes is a very complex process and poorly
• Paraffin deposition is a thermally driven process and involves many
other effects (Aging, shear, multiphase heat transfer, hydrodynamics,
kinetic resistance…)

Paraffin deposition conditions

•Temperature of fluids near pipe wall falls below the WAT (and even
possibly below the pour point to form a gel layer)
•Fluids are cooled down by surroundings and negative radial
temperature gradient exists

Radial Molecular Flux


Cold Surrounding
Paraffin Deposition
Mass Ballance
Preventive & Removal Method
Preventive Methods
Chemical inhibition
• Crystal modifiers
• Plastic coating

Removal/Remediation Methods


• Pigging (Widely used ,May be stuck in pipeline )

• Scrapers
• Electric heating
• Hot injections
• Solvent injection
• Water/dispersants
• Oil/dispersants

Gas hydrates are clathrates, crystalline

compounds wherein guest molecules are
entrapped in a cage structure composed of
host molecules

Gas hydrates are formed by the chemical

combination of natural gas and water, under
pressure at temperatures considerably above
the freezing point of water

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Hydrate Formation

Primary conditions:
• Gas must be at or below its water dew
point with free water presence
• Low temperature
• High pressure

Secondary conditions:
• High velocities
• Pressure pulsations
• Any type of agitation
• Presence of H2S and CO2

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Hydrates – Equilibrium Curve

Hydrates Phase Envelope

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Kinetic of Hydrates Formation

• Nucleation
• Growth
• Dissociation

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Hydrate nucleation is the process, during
which small hydrate crystals (nuclei) grow and
disperse in an attempt to achieve critical size
for continued growth.

Gas hydrates are ice-like crystalline structures

of a water lattice with cavities which contain
guest gases. They are bonded by Van der
Waals forces under low temperature and
moderate pressures. The guest molecule is
necessary to support the cavity.

• Formation of hydrate nuclei occurs as heterogeneous nucleation,

usually at an interface, (either fluid + solid, gas + liquid, or liquid
+ liquid). When both non-aqueous liquid and vapor are present
with water, hydrates form at the liquid-liquid interface.

• Under unusual conditions of supersaturation and instability,

nucleation can occur directly within the hydrocarbon fluid or
within the bulk of liquid water.
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On a molecular level, hydrate growth can be
considered to be a combination of two factors:
• Mass transfer of components to the
growing crystal surface
• The kinetics of crystal growth at the
hydrate surface

1. A guest in a temporal water cluster is transported to the growing crystal

2. The cluster absorbs on the crystal surface, and releases some surrounding
solvent molecules
3. The cluster diffuses over the surface to a step in the crystal
4. The cluster attaches to a crystal step, releasing further solvent molecules
5. The cluster diffuses along the step to a kink or defect point
6. The cluster absorbs at the kink
7. With integration into the crystal surface the cluster rearranges itself into the
proper cavity and excess solvent molecules are released
8. Cavity bonds are completed with the final integration of the cluster into the
kink. The final excess cluster molecules are released and the species loses
any residual energy of the mobility or translation along the crystal surface.
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• Of the several means of hydrate

dissociation, only thermal stimulation has
been well-quantified and measured on a
laboratory scale.
• Thermal decomposition of hydrate plugs is
viable only when the hydrate plug is easily
located and accessible.
• Thermal decomposition is normally not
practical in industry due the cost of the
• The common industrial practice is to
depressurize the hydrate plug.
• Depressurization from one end can cause
the hydrate plug to dislodge and become a
projectile in a pipeline, often with
disastrous consequences.

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Hydrate Control

• Remove one of the hydrate components,

such as water or the guest gas
• Increase temperature
• Decrease pressure

• Thermodynamic inhibitors such as

methanol and glycols can shift hydrate
phase envelop towards higher pressures
and lower temperatures

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• An emulsion is a quasi-stable suspension of fine

drops of one liquid dispersed in another liquid (as
shown in this figure)

• Three requirements for forming an emulsion:

 Two immiscible liquids
 Enough agitation to disperse one liquid into
small drops
 An emulsifier to stabilize the dispersed drops

• Emulsion become problem in separation process

• Can be controlled using chemical (demulsifier)

• Optimum dosage of demulsifier based on

economical consideration

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Type of Emulsion
Type of Emulsion

• Oil in water (O/W) • Tight emulsion

 Water continuous very small droplets, very stable and hard to
• Water in oil (W/O) break
 Oil continuous • Loose emulsion (or dispersion)
• Multiple emulsions large droplets (easier to separate), unstable
 W/O/W and easy to break
 O/W/O

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• Asphaltenes are high molecular weight, complex aromatic
ring structures containing O, N, S and heavy metals
• They give crude oil color
• Being a polar molecule, asphaltene adsorb to formation
surfaces, especially clays
• Unlike paraffin that is soluble in crude, asphaltenes are a
colloidal dispersion
• Although not a solution but colloidally dispersed,
asphaltenes can not be separated out by centrifuge
• With their aromatic ring structure, asphaltenes are not
soluble in straight chain alkanes (hexane, heptane)
• They are soluble in aromatic solvents like xylene and
• Unlike paraffin deposits that melt, asphaltene deposits
decompose, softening like road tar or even turning into
coke-like deposits

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Asphaltenes Deposition

• Flocculation of asphaltene in paraffinic

crude oils are known to be irreversible.

• Due to their large size and their adsorption

affinity to solid surfaces flocculated
asphaltenes can cause irreversible
deposition which may not wash away by
current remediation techniques.

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Asphaltenes Control

Flocculation and deposition of asphaltenes can be controlled using various production

and chemical treatment techniques.

Production techniques include:

• Reduction of shear
• Elimination of incompatible materials from asphaltic crude oil streams
• Minimization of pressure-drops in the production facility
• Minimization of mixing of lean feed stock liquids into asphaltic crude streams

Chemical treatment techniques include:

Addition of dispersants, antifoulants, and aromatic solvents which may be used to control
asphaltene deposition.
• Dispersants work by surrounding the asphaltene molecules similar to the natural
resin materials.
• Aromatic solvents for asphaltene deposits need to have a high aromaticity to be
• Antifoulants have proven effective in condensate stabilization units in gas plants.

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What is scale?

Deposit of inorganic compounds of :

• Calcium carbonates

• Calcium sulfates

• Barium sulfates

• Strontium sulfates

• Iron precipitates
 Iron carbonate
 Iron sulfur
 Iron oxides
 Iron hydroxides

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Scales Formation

Scale Formation

• Most scale forming

components are electrolytes
from the aqueous phase.

• Scale can form from connate

water that becomes
supersaturated due to P-T
changes, or from the mixing
of incompatible waters

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Scales Control

1. Get reservoir water analysis

2. Simulation software to predict solubilities
as a function of P, T, x
3. Is water injection planned ?
4. Will injection water be compatible with
reservoir water?
5. Selection of scale inhibitors

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Weekly Home Work

Individual Home Work - menyusul


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