Chemistry Project
Chemistry Project
Chemistry Project
Surface chemistry
of colloidal
SUBMITTED TO : Mr. Gaurav Khatana
NAME : Deepak Dagar
Class : XII-A
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Deepak Dagar
Class : XII-A
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Pg. No
1. Colloids 5-6
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A colloid is a substance microscopically disperse throughout another
substance.The word colloid comes from a Greekword 'kolla', which
means glue thus colloidal particles are glue like substances.These
particles pass through a filter paperbut not through a semipermeable
membrane.Colloids can be made settle by the processof centrifugation.
Made up of particles or solutes and a solventThe solvent part of the
solution is usually a liquid, but can be a gas.The particles are atoms,
ions, or molecules thatare very small in diameter.
Has particles that are not as small as a solution and not as large as
a suspension.The particles are intermediate in size.
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Made up of particles and a solventits particles are larger than those
found in a solution.The particles in a suspension can be distributed
throughout the suspension evenly by shaking the mixture.
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✔Lyophilic Colloids :
Colloidal solution in which the dispersed phase has agreat
affinity for the dispersion medium. They are also termed as
intrinsic colloids. Such substances have tendency to pass into
colloidalsolution when brought in contact with dispersion medium.
If the dispersion medium is water, they are calledhydrophilic or
emulsoids. The lyophilic colloids are generally self-
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✔Multimolecular Colloids
Individual particles of the dispersed phase consists of
aggregates of atoms or small molecules having diameter less
than 10-7cm .The particles are held by weak vander waal’sforces.
Example; gold sol, sulphur sol
✔Macromolecular Colloids
The particles of dispersed phase are
sufficientlylarge in size enough to be of
colloidal solution. These are called
Natural Polymers.
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✔Associated Colloids
These colloids behave as normal electrolytesat low
concentrations but behave as colloidsat higher
concentrations.These associated colloids are also referred toas
micelles.Sodium stearate (C18H35NaO2)behave as electrolyte in
dilute solution but colloid inhigher concentrations.
Examples: Soaps , higher alkyl sulphonates ,polythene oxide.
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When a colloidal solution appears as fluid.The sols are
generally named as dispersion medium.When the dispersion
medium is water, the sol is known as hydrosol or aquosol.When
the dispersion medium is alcohol or benzene it is called alcosol
and benzosol respectively.
When a colloidal solution appear as solid.The rigidity of gel
varies from substance tosubstance.
Examples : jelly, butter, cheese, curd.
→Based On Electrical Charge On Dispersion
✔Positive Colloids
When dispersed phase in a colloidalsolution carries a positive
Examples : Metal hyroxides like Fe(OH)3,Al(OH)2, methylene
blue sol etc.
✔Negative Colloids
When dispersed phase in a
colloidalsolution carries a negative
Examples : Ag sol, Cu sol
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→Mechanical Dispersion :
⚫ In this method,The substance is first ground to coarse particles.
⚫ It is then mixed with the dispersion medium to geta suspension.
⚫ The suspension is then grinded in colloidal mill. It consists of
two metallic discs nearly touching each other and rotating in
opposite directions at a very high
speed about 7000 revolution per
⚫ The space between the discs of the
mill is so adjusted that
coarsen suspension is subjected to
great shearing force giving rise to
particles of colloidal size.
⚫ Colloidal solutions of black ink, paints, varnishes, dyes etc. are
obtained by this method.
→By Electrical Dispersion Or Bredig’s Arc Method:
⚫ This method is used to prepare sols ofplatinum, silver, copper or
⚫ The metal whose sol is to be prepared is madeas two electrodes
which immerge in dispersion medium such as water etc.
⚫ The dispersion medium is kept cooled by ice. An electric arc is
struck between the electrodes.
⚫ The tremendous heat generated by
this method give colloidal
⚫ The colloidal solution prepared is
stabilized byadding a small
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→Condensation Method :
In condensation method, the smaller particles of the dispersed
phase areaggregated to form larger particles of colloidal
dimensions. Some important condensation methods are described
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3. By exchange of solvent :
Colloidal solution of certain substances such as sulphur, phosphorus
which are soluble in alcohol but insoluble in water can be prepared
by pouring their alcoholic solution in excess of water.For example
alcoholic solution of sulphur on pouring into water gives milky
colloidal solution of sulphur.
4. Chemical methods :Colloids can be prepared by following
chemicals methods..
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Purification of colloids
→ Dialysis :
⚫ The process of separating the particles of colloid from those of
crystalloid, by means of diffusion through a suitable membrane.
⚫ It’s principle is that colloidal particles can not pass through a
cellophane membrane while the ions of the electrolyte can pass
through it.
→Electro Dialysis :
⚫The process of dialysis is very slow.
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→Ultra filtration :
Ultra filtration is a process of highpressure filtration through a
semipermeable membrane in which colloidal particles are retained
whilethe small sized solutes and the solvent areforced to move
across the membrane by
hydrostatic pressure forces.
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2. Electrosmosis :
⚫ The movement of dispersion medium under the influence of an
electric field in the situation when the movement of colloidal
particles is prevented with the
help of a suitable membrane.
⚫ During electrosmosis, colloidal
particles are checked and it is
the dispersion medium that
moves towards the oppositely
charged electrode.
3. Coagulation Or Flocculation :
Coagulation may bedefined as thephenomenon involving the
precipitation of a colloidal solution on addition of an electrolyte.
⚫ Hardy-Schulze rule :
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1. By electrophoresis
2. By mixing two oppositely sols
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→The sky is the empty space around earth and as such has no
colour. It appears blue due to the scattering of light by the
colloidal dust particles present in air (Tyndall effect).
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