3. Read the information shared in this
PowerPoint about the zeal for service
according to the Lasallian Guiding Principles.
4. Participate in the Forum Discussion in
AnimoSpace to share your reflection about the
information read on the zeal for service.
5. Inspired by what you learned from the
videos and the PowerPoint, think about how a
zealous Lasallian would look like?
6. Collaborate to create the Spider Map task
(group output). Use the collaboration
functionality of AnimoSpace to accomplish
this task.
Video Watching &
Comic Strip
How does a zeal for service look like?
Video Watching
Use these links to access the videos:
● Group 1
● Group 2
● Group 3
Use these links to access the videos:
● Group 4
● Group 5
● Group 6
Comic Strip
How did the interviewees epitomize Zeal for Service? What makes the
work of the interviewees admirable?
Create a picture of zeal for service for each interviewee through the
uploaded comic strip. Describe the characteristics of service for each
picture and indicate in the allotted talking cloud.
Take a photo of your work and submit in AnimoSpace.
This output is an individual requirement.
Reading &
Forum Discussion
How did De La Salle demonstrate zeal for
service as a response to his faith?
PowerPoint Reading
Faith is WHY
we do the
things we do.
Spirit of Faith
Faith in yourself.
Faith in others.
Faith in something Higher than yourself.
WHY we do WHAT we do
the things in response to
we do our Faith
Zeal for Service
Zeal means:
1. enthusiasm,
2. excellence, and
3. indefatigability in doing one’s tasks and fulfilling one’s
4. It is oriented towards the complete salvation of people,
particularly the poor and the excluded.
Zeal for Service
From the Lasallian Guiding Principles (LGP)
Is the active expression of faith in gospel witness and service
● Enthusiastic selflessness for the sake of the mission
● Expressed with gratuity, generosity, creativity, fortitude,
compassion and commitment
● Preferential concern for the poor
● Drives the quest for excellence and self-improvement
Spirit of overflows
Zeal for
Faith Service
Because you believe ...You naturally cannot
in God and you are help but be enthusiastic
obedient to His will to serve.
and His calling for
you... Zeal for Service really is
the active expression of
Faith! 17
Forum Discussion
1. Reflect on the key events in the life of the Founder where the value
of Zeal for Service was clearly manifested.
2. Think about the definitions about the zeal of service according to
the Lasallian Guiding Principles.
3. Respond to the following questions in the forum discussion created
for your group in AnimoSpace.
● How did De La Salle manifest Zeal for Service?
● How did his zeal for service connect with his faith?
4. Build a discussion about the questions provided by replying to the
responses shared by your group mates.
Spider Map
Portrait of a zealous Lasallian
Collaboration: A Zealous Lasallian
1. Recall scenes in St. John Baptist de la Salle’s life where zeal was
2. To share your ideas within your group, use collaboration in
AnimoSpace to come up with a Spider Map that will represent your
combined ideas on how a Lasallian can manifest Zeal for Service in their
3. In the center of the Spider Map, create a portrait of a Zealous
Lasallian. How do you think would a Zealous Lasallian look like?
4. Complete your Spider Map by describing how this portrait of zeal
on service can be demonstrated as a student, at home, as part of a
community and in your future career. (Follow the example provided
in the next slide.)
As a student... In my future career...
<example> <example>
<example> <example>
(Nov 7 Online Session)
Lasallian Core Value Reflection &
Online Reading
Lasallian Core Value Reflection:
Zeal for Service
Reflect on the Portrait of a Zealous Lasallian that you made in
class. Answer the following questions:
● To what extent are you currently practicing these characteristics of a
Zealous Lasallian? What challenges or obstacles prevent you from
practicing the value of Zeal for Service?
● What concrete actions can you do in order to become more zealous
in service?
Please email me.