Nu Nunuk Du Tukun by Catalina Hontomin

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Nu Nunuk Du Tukun

Catalina Hontomin

Nu nunuk du tukun, minuhung as kadisi na;

Ichapungpung diya am yaken u nilawngan na.
Kapaytalamaran ava su avang di idaud
Ta miyan du inayebngan na, ta miyan du inayebngan na.
Nu itanis ko na un an didiwen ko
Ta nu taaw aya u suminbang diyaken.
Nu maliliyak a pahung as maheheyet a riyes
U minahey niya diyaken.

Translation: The Nunuk On The Hill

The Nunuk on the hill shot forth new leaves and twigs;
Then suddenly all its branches fell, and I under it.
On what is left I cannot watch boats on the sea,
For I stand on the side away from the sea.
I weep in my grief;
It was the sea that made me an orphan
The sad news came to me in the roar of the breakers,
From the voice of the mighty sea currents.

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