The Fundamental Unit of Life-II

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Structure of Cell

• Plasma Membrane/Cell Membrane

• The Nucleus
• Organelles
Plasma Membrane

Structure Function
• Cell Membrane is composed • Cell Membrane separate
of proteins & lipids. internal and external
• It is a semi-permeable environment of the cell.
membrane. • It helps in gaseous exchange
• It is the outermost covering of cell (Diffusion) and
of the cell. absorption of water by
• It is a porous surface. roots.(Osmosis)
• It helps in Endocytosis to
obtain nutrition.

• The movement of gases or solute from its high

concentration to its lower concentration.
• For Ex:-
• The movement of water from its higher concentration to its
lower concentration through semi-permeable membrane.
• Hypertonic solution: It is a solution in which solute is more
and the concentration of water is less inside the cell in
comparision of the its external medium.(the net result is that
water moves out from the cell , the cell will shrink)
• Hypotonic solution: It is a solution in which solute is less and
the concentration of water inside the cell is more in
comparision of the its external medium.(the net result is that
water enters in the cell , the cell will swell up)
• Isotonic solution: It is a solution in which the solute and
solvent is same in the concentration inside the cell and its
external medium.(there will be no net movement of water in
any region, the cell will remains same)
Cell Wall

Structure Functions
• It is present in Plant cell, • It protects the cell from
Bacteria and Fungus outside bursting in hypotonic
the Plasma Membrane. solution,
• It is hard ,dead and rigid • It provide the shape to the
• It is made up of :- cell and ability to stand at a
Cellulose in Plants. position.
Chitin in Fungus.
The Nucleus
Structure Function
• It has a doubled-layered covering • It is the control centre of all activities
called Nuclear Envelope. that takes place in cell.
• Nuclear Envelope has pores known • Nuclear Envelope allows the transfer
as Nuclear Pore. of material between cytoplasm and
• Jelly like substance fills up the nucleoplasm.
nucleus known as Nuclear Sap. • It plays a central role in cellular
• It has Chromatin which is reproduction
composed of DNA and Protein • DNA molecules contain the
visible as entangled mass of information necessary for
thread.(when cell isn’t dividing.) constructing and organising cells.
• Chromatin turn into rod-like
structure known as
Chromosomes.(when cell is

• Large and Complex cells need a lot of

chemical activities to support their
complicated structure and function. To keep
these activities of different kinds separate
from each other, these cells use membrane
bound little structures (organelles) within
themselves. For ex:- ER, Golgi Body,
Lysosomes, Mitochondria, Plastids and
Endoplasmic Reticulum

Structure Function
• Network like structure present
• Some lipids and proteins functions
inside the cytoplasm. as enzymes and hormones.
• It is a network of tubes and • It serves as channels for the
sheets. transport of material between
• Tubes are long, round and cytoplasm and nucleus.
oblong bag like structure • Provide cytoplasmic framework for
present outside the Nuclear bio-chemical activity.
• In liver cell of vertebrate animal
• Ribosome is present in RER, SER plays an important role in
ribosome is absent in SER. detoxifying of poisons and drugs.
Membrane Biogenesis

• Rough ER manufacture proteins and Smooth

ER manufacture lipids, These are used in the
manufacturing of Plasma Membrane . This
process is known as Membrane Biogenesis.
Hence the ER forms the Plasma Membrane.
Golgi Apparatus

Structure Function
• It is a membrane bound • Storage
vesicle stacked parallel to • Modification of proteins and
each other cisterns. lipids.
• It is a complex cellular • Packaging of proteins and lipids
membrane. in vesicles.
• It is located near ER. • Dispatching of vesicles inside
and outside the cell
• It is discovered by Camillo
• Simple sugar combines to form
Golgi. complex sugar.
• Formation of lysosomes.

Structure Function
• It has double layered • It is called the “powerhouse
membrane. 1) Outer porous of the cell”.
2) Inner folded. • It produce the energy in the
• Inner membrane is deeply form of ATP.
folded to increase the • Mitochondria is a self-
surface area for the replicating organelle
production of ATP. because it have its own DNA
• Outer is porous to allow the and ribosomes.
transport of materials.
• The space inside inner
membrane is called matrix.

Structure Function
• It is made from Golgi Body.• It keep the cell clean by
• It is a round vesicle. digesting foreign material,
worn-out cell, bacteria, food
• It contain digestive
and old organelles
enzymes for breaking
various organic materials. • When there is a disturbance in
For ex:- Lipase, Protease, cell ex:- when cell get damaged
lysosomes will burst and will
Amylase, Nuclease.
digest all the organelles inside
the cell, resulting in the death
of cell.

Structure Function
• It is present in cell.
• It consists of numerous • Leucoplast are colourless
membrane layers embedded ,present in roots and
in a material called stroma. underground modified stems to
store food.
• It also have their own DNA and
ribosomes. • Chromoplast are coloured(red,
yellow) and present in flowers
• Types: Leucoplast,
and fruits.
Chromoplast and Chloroplast.
• Chloroplast are green(due to
present of chlorophyll pigment),
responsible for photosynthesis
and present in leaves.

Structure Function
• It is a membrane-bound fluid • It provide turgidity and rigidity
filled sac. to the cell.
• In some plants, it may occupy • It acts as storage sacs.
50-90% of the cell volume. • It plays an important role in
• Substance like amino acids, expelling excess water and
sugars, various organic acid some waste from the cell.
and some proteins are stored • Contractile Vacuole helps to
in it. remove waste.
• Type: Contractile vacuole and • Food Vacuole helps to store
Food vacuole. food.

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