Emotional Intelligence

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• Emotional Intelligence is sometimes
called EQ ( or EI) for short. Just as a high
IQ can predict test scores, a high EQ can
predict success in social and emotional
situations. EQ helps us build strong
relationships, makes good decisions, and
deal with difficult situations. EQ helps us
to build strong relationship , make good
decisions , and deal with difficult
One way to think about EQ is that
it’s part of being people-smart.
Understanding and getting along with
people helps us to be successful in
almost any area of life. In fact , some
studies shows that EQ is more
important than IQ when it comes to
doing well in school or being successful
or being successful at work.
• Being Aware of Your Emotions – simpley
noticing them as we feel them and helps us to
manage our own emotions. It also helps us
understand how other people feel. But some
people might go through the entire day without
really noticing their emotions. Practice
recognizing emotions as you feel them. Label
them in your mind( for example, by saying to
yourself “I feel grateful, “I feel frustrated.” Etc.
Make it a daily habit to be aware of your
• Understanding How Others Feel and Why
Part of EQ is being able to imagine how
other people might feel in certain situations. It
is also about understanding why they feel the
way they do. Being able to imagine what
emotions a person is likely to be feeling ( even
when you don’t actually know) is called
empathy. Empathy helps us care about others
and build good friendships and relationships. It
guides us on what to say and how to behave
around someone who is feeling strong
• Managing Emotional Reaction
We all get angry. We all have
disappointments. often it’s important to express
how you feel. But managing your reaction means
knowing when, where, and how to express
yourself. When you understand your emotions and
know how to manage them, you can use self-
control to hold reaction if now is not the right time
or place to express it. Someone who has good EQ
knows it can damage relationships to react to
emotions in a way that’s disrespectful, too intense ,
too impulsive, or harmful.
• Choosing Your Mood
Moods are emotional states that last a bit.
We have the power to decide what mood is
right for the situation and then to get into that
mood. Choosing the right mood can help
someone get motivated, concrete on task, or try
again instead of giving up. People with good
EQ knows that mood aren’t just things that
happen to us. We can control them by knowing
which mood is best for a particular situation
and how to get into that mood.
• Emotional intelligence is something
that develops as we get older. If
didn’t, all adults would act like kids,
expressing their emotions physically
through stomping, crying, hitting,
yelling and losing control.
Some of the skills that makeup
emotional intelligence develop earlier. They
may seem easier: For example, recognizing
emotions seems easy once we know what to
pay attention to. But the EQ skill of
managing emotional reactions and choosing
a mood seem harder to master. Thats
because the part of the brain that’s
responsible for self-management continues
to mature beyond our teen years. But
practice help those brain pathways develop.
Types of Responses
• Passive Response: Behaving passively means
not expressing your own needs and failures, or
expressing them so weakly that they will not be
• Aggressive Response: Behaving aggressively is
asking for what you want or saying how you feel
in threatening, sarcastic, or humiliating way that
may offend the other persons.
• Assertive Response: Behaving assertively
means asking fir what you want or saying how
you feeling an honest and respectful way that
does not infringe on another person’s rights or
put the individual down.

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