Rancangan Penelitian : Research Design
Rancangan Penelitian : Research Design
Rancangan Penelitian : Research Design
(Research Design)
Sri Raharjo
Direktorat Penelitian
5 Agustus 2016
• Memahami beragam pendekatan dalam
merancang penelitian
• Dapat memilih metodologi yang sesuai dalam
merencanakan penelitian
Industri manufaktur, Pertanian, Peternakan...
Arkeologi, sosial ekonomi, komputer, satelit...
Source: © Mark Saunders, Philip Lewis and Adrian Thornhill 2006
Research Philosophy
• This layer contains the philosophical stances
associated with the philosophies.
• Each of the possible choices at this level
require careful thought as they provide
structure, guidance and possible limitations to
following decisions and ultimately the way a
researcher can collect and analyse data to
create valid findings.
Research Philosophy:
• Positivism generates hypotheses (or research
questions) that can be tested and allows
explanations that are measured against accepted
knowledge of the world we live in.
• This position creates a body of research that can
be replicated by other researchers to generate
the same results.
• The emphasis is on quantifiable results that lend
themselves to statistical analysis.
• These could be the laws of gravity applied to an
apple falling from a tree.
Research Philosophy:
• Realism is similar to positivism in its processes and belief
that social reality and the researcher are independent of
each other and so will not create biased results.
• However, where they differ is that realism thinks that
scientific methods are not perfect.
• It believes that all theory can be revised and that our
ability to know for certain what reality is may not exist
without continually researching and leaving our minds
open to using new methods of research.
• Realism may therefore use several types of research
methods to triangulate results in their search for a more
reliable outcome.
Research Philosophy:
• Interpretativism refers to approaches
emphasizing the meaningful nature of people's
participation in social and cultural life.
• Researchers working within this tradition analyse
the meanings people confer upon their own and
others' actions
• Take the view that cultural existence and change
can be understood by studying what people think
about, their ideas, and the meanings that are
important to them.
Research Philosophy:
• Pragmatism argues that both constructivism and
objectivism are valid ways to approach research.
• Pragmatism allows a researcher to view the topic
from either or both points-of-view regarding the
influence or role of social actors and uses these
to create a practical approach to research.
• This may be used to find solutions to problems.
Research Philosophy:
• Objectivism recognises that social phenomena and
their meanings exist separately to social actors.
• An example of social phenomena could be heavy rain
and social actors are people wanting to have a picnic
• The rain exists, it is real and would be acknowledged by
everyone to exist and is therefore independent to the
people who have had their day out ruined by it.
• In your research this may be how a law (the social
phenomenon) impacts on a group of people (social
Research Philosophy:
• Constructivism argues the opposite to
• It is a standpoint that believes social phenomena
are actually constructed by social actors.
• So, if you had a constructive ontological
worldview you would believe that, for example, a
new law is the product of the behaviour of the
group of people it now has an impact on
Research Approach
• It contains the terms deductive and inductive.
• A decision on this level may be strongly
indicated by the decisions made at the
previous level, or you may need to assess your
research aim, your limitations and personal
opinions to decide which method will work
best for your work.
Research Approach: Deductive
• Deductive means that you start with a statement or
question and your research sets out to answer it.
• The aim would be to conclude with a yes or no response
to the question.
• Questions may be statements or informed speculation
about the topic that the researcher believes can be
• The thought process of deduction moves from theory to
the research question, to data collection, findings to a
rejection or confirmation of the research question.
• This should lead onto a revision of the theory and often
starts the process over again.
Research Approach: Inductive
• Inductive means that you are researching to create
• The process moves in the opposite direction to the
deductive approach taking its focus from the working
title of the researcher not the existing theory.
• This means the research goes from research question
to observation and description to analysis and finally
• Therefore if little research exists on a topic then an
inductive approach may be the best way to proceed.
Deductive vs. Inductive Approaches
Research Strategy Choices
• Choices refer to the research style that you will use to
collect and analyse data.
• Each one has its benefits and limitations. This needs to
be thought through and explained and balanced
throughout your work.
• Choices may be more commonly associated with
different philosophies and philosophical standpoints.
• You can choose more than one of these choices to
design and collect data as long as this is a decision that
can be justified in your written work.
Research Strategy Choices:
• Experimental designs are more rigid and scientific
in their structure to enable the research to be
• These designs test the causal effects of
phenomena on a group compared to a control
group who are not subjected to any phenomena.
• The causal effect is the independent variable on
the dependent variable.
• Experimental strategies generate data that can be
statistically analysed.
Types of Experiments
Laboratory experiments
• are those in which the independent variable is
manipulated and measures of the dependent
variable are taken in a contrived, artificial setting for
the purpose of controlling the many possible
extraneous variables that may affect the dependent
Types of Experiments
Field experiments
• are those in which the independent variables are
manipulated and the measurements of the
dependent variable are made on test units in their
natural setting.
Experimental vs. Quasi-Experimental
1. Experimental
only type of study design that can actually prove
individuals are randomly allocated to at least two
Manipulation is there.
2. Quasi-Experimental
• all the three main characteristics are not followed.
• Manipulation must be present.
Quasi-Experimental Control Group
Positivism Phenomenology
Reality is objective and Reality is subjective
Ontology: what is the singular, apart from the and multiple as seen
nature of reality? researcher by the participants
Researcher is independent Researcher interacts
What is valid
from that being researched with that being researched
Value free and un-biased Value-laden and biased
Role of values
• Cross-sectional studies • Action Research
RESEARCH • Experimental studies • Case Studies
STRATEGY • Longitudinal studies • Ethnography
• Surveys • Grounded Theory
• Etc... • Hermeneutics, etc...
Positivistic paradigm Phenomenological paradigm
Tends to produce quantitative Tends to produce qualitative
data data
Uses large samples Uses small samples
Concerned with hypothesis Concerned with generating
testing theories
Data is highly specific and Data is rich and subjective
The location is artificial The location is natural
Reliability is high Reliability is low
Validity is low Validity is high
Generalises from sample to Generalises from one setting to
population another
Comparing approaches
1. Descriptive
2. Analytical
3. Interventional
Diet habit Cases
Contains + bowl
of the food _
Case control
High fat diet +
Cohort Bowl cancer