By the end of this chapter the reader will be able to:
❏ Identify the anatomical areas where traumatic head injuries
❏ Identify common head and brain injuries
❏ Defi ne primary and secondary brain injury
❏ Understand factors that affect intracranial pressure and
cerebral perfusion pressure
❏ Describe assessment and management priorities in relation
The head is divided up into four areas – frontal, temporal,
parietal and occipital (Figure 3.1). Head injuries may involve
one or a number of structures within these areas, including
the scalp, bone, brain tissue and blood vessels.
The scalp is made up of fi ve layers and may be remembered
using the mnemonic SCALP:
• Skin
• subCutaneous tissue
• galea Aponeurosis (a fi brous muscle layer)
• Loose areola tissue (beneath the galea where emissary veins
are situated. These connecting veins drain blood from the
sinuses in the dura to the central circulation)
• Periosteum.
Once the fontanelles have fused, the skull or cranium is a
‘fi xed box’, which protects the brain. The facial bones provide
a structure for the face. Fractures of the skull are described
according to shape, site and displacement, and whether they
are depressed or not.
Linear fractures
Linear fractures are usually caused by blunt trauma and
consist of a line or crack in the bone. In the temporal region
the bone is thin and closely associated with the middle meningeal
artery.3 A fracture in this region can tear the artery,
which is a common cause of an extradural haematoma (discussed
Linear fractures may not necessarily need any treatment,
however there is a risk of underlying brain injury. For this
reason any patient in whom there is clinical suspicion of a
skull fracture should have a CT scan
Depressed or compound fractures
Injury to the skull when bone is displaced inwards is known
as a depressed skull fracture. The bone can be broken into a
number of pieces (described as comminuted) and if there is
an associated scalp wound present then the fracture is classifi
ed as being open or compound. Depressed fragments of
bone can damage the underlying brain tissue, therefore an
early neurosurgical referral should be made.2 Compound
skull fractures pose a risk of infection, therefore tetanus prophylaxis
and antibiotics are required.
Base of skull fractures
The base of the skull is composed of fi ve areas:
• Base of the orbit
• Sphenoid (part of the ethmoid bone)
• Temporal bone
• Occiput
• Cribriform plate.
Some clinical signs may indicate that a base of skull fracture is
Frontal base of skull fractures may present with:
• Subconjunctival haemorrhage – the border of the clot on the
sclera extends to back of the eyeball.
• Periorbital bruising or racoon eyes – this may indicate a base
of skull fracture or it may indicate haemorrhage collected
beneath the galea aponeurosis.
• Rhinorrhea – cerebrospinal fl uid (CSF) leak from the nose
(indicating a tear in the dura mater).
Mid base of skull fractures may present with:
• Otorrhea – CSF leak from the ear (indicating a tear in the
dura mater).
• Haemotypanum – blood behind the tympanic membrane.
• Mastoid process bruising or Battle’s sign (NB this will only
develop after 4–6 hours in a supine patient)
Facial fractures
Fractures of the facial bones and underlying tissue injury are
not generally life threatening unless they compromise the
airway or cause severe haemorrhage.4 However, facial fractures
associated with head injuries are often caused by severe force,
such as a head hitting the windscreen in a road traffi c accident
or assault to the head and face with a blunt object. Patients
may present with obvious bleeding, facial swelling and facial
deformity. Fractures of the middle third of the face can be
broadly placed into one of three categories (Figure 3.2):
• Le Fort I – involving the maxilla
• Le Fort II – involving the maxilla and the nasal bones
• Le Fort III – involving the maxilla, the nasal bones and the
zygomatic bones
Le Fort III injuries are the most serious as they may result in
airway compromise. Injuries which cause severe nasal bleeding
may be managed by using nasal compression balloons
(Epistats) or nasal packing.
The meninges are situated between the inside of the skull and
the brain (Figure 3.3).
The meninges consist of three layers:
• The dura mater – the outer fi brous membrane that lies close
to the skull.
• The arachnoid layer – the soft cobweb-like structure beneath
which cerebrospinal fl uid (CSF) circulates.
• The pia mater – the soft membrane that is attached to the
outer surface of the brain.
The brain is composed of the cerebrum (divided into two
cerebral hemispheres), the cerebellum and the brainstem.
Within the brainstem there is:
• The midbrain (containing the reticular activating system
responsible for the awake state)
The pons and the medulla (which contains the cardiorespiratory
control centres).
The tentorium is a fold of the dura mater that separates
the cerebral hemispheres from the cerebellum and the
Primary and secondary brain injuries
Injuries to the brain can be described as primary or
Primary injury occurs at the time of the incident and is
irreversible. These injuries can be focal, affecting one area of
the brain. These include:
• Contusions
• Haematomas
• Lacerations
Injuries can be diffuse affecting the whole brain, including
concussion and shearing injuries.
Secondary damage, which may be preventable or reversible,
occurs at a later stage due to:
• Brain tissue hypoxia
• Oedematous brain tissue
• Systemic hypotension, causing the brain to be
concussion and shearing injuries.
Secondary damage, which may be preventable or reversible,
occurs at a later stage due to:
• Brain tissue hypoxia
• Oedematous brain tissue
• Systemic hypotension, causing the brain to be
Concussion is defi ned as a temporary loss of consciousness or cerebral
disturbance with no long term neurological deficit following a head injury.5
Some patients may complain of a headache, amnesia, and nausea or vomiting.
Whilst there is no defi nitive treatment for concussion, a CT scan is warranted
to rule out cerebral contusion. The patient can normally be discharged home
following a normal CT with head injury instructions
Contusion is bruising of the brain tissue, often with associated swelling. This may
be caused by the brain being shaken around in the skull (rapid acceleration –
deceleration) or if the brain has been bruised by a bony prominence or skull
fracture. Contusions are usually diagnosed on CT scan; however suspicion
may be raised if the patient exhibits signs of prolonged loss of consciousness or
reduced level of consciousness following the injury. Patients should be admitted
to hospital to ensure that the contusion is not evolving into an intracerebral
haematoma. This is especially important for high risk patient groups such as
those taking anti coagulants or with clotting disorders.
Traumatic axonal injury
Traumatic axonal injury usually results from a rapid acceleration–deceleration
force, such as a high-speed road traffi c accident. Stretching and shearing occurs
causing swelling and injury to the axons within the brain tissue. This can lead to
permanent disability and is associated with high morbidity and mortality.
Extradural haematoma
An extradural haematoma is a bleed that occurs outside the dura mater beneath
the skull. Classically it occurs due to an injury in the temporal region where
branches of the middle meningeal artery are situated. Arterial injury causes
bleeding, resulting in the dura being separated away from the skull. The
expanding haematoma compresses the brain beneath it. Usually the bleed is rapid
and the patient will quickly lose consciousness at the time of the injury occurring.
However, a proportion of patients will have a lucid period following the injury
and then deteriorate swiftly into unconsciousness as the bleeding progresses.
Following CT scan, patients with an extradural haematoma need emergency
neurosurgery to evacuate the haematoma
Subdural haematoma
This is the most common intracranial bleed associated with severe head injury
and is associated with a worse outcome than for an extradural haematoma. A
haematoma forms beneath the dura mater as a result of injury to bridging veins
Chronic subdural haematomas may appear days, weeks or months after the
injury and they are common in small children and older patients. Venous in
origin, bleeding is slow and there may be more space for the haematoma to build
up due to a smaller or atrophied brain. This means that the signs and symptoms
may be subtle and the patient deteriorates slowly. In the older patient, symptoms
may be dismissed as confusion, dementia or falls. Once a chronic subdural
haematoma has been confi rmed on CT scan the patient should be referred to a
Intracerebral haematoma
An intracerebral haematoma is where bleeding has occurred deep within the brain
tissue. These bleeds are often caused by severe force and may be associated with
subdural haematoma. Following diagnosis on CT scan, an urgent neurosurgical
referral is necessary. Patients with large intracerebral haematomas may need
surgery, however smaller clots may be treated conservatively, with the patient
closely observed for deterioration indicating an ongoing bleed or increasing
intracranial pressure.
As for all trauma patients, assessment of the airway with simultaneous cervical
spine control is the fi rst priority for the head injured patient. Any patient with a
head or facial injury must be expected to have a cervical spine injury until proven
otherwise by a senior clinician. There is a 5% association of cervical spine injury
with severe head injury.
Patients with a suspected base of skull fracture should not have a nasopharyngeal
airway inserted because of the risk of passing the airway into brain tissue.
Early tracheal intubation is indicated for the head injured patient with a GCS < 9.2
Patients with severe facial injuries that cannot maintain a patent airway due to
bleeding, swelling or deformity, should be intubated early. Severe damage to
the face and upper airway may mean that a surgical airway (as described in
Chapter 2) is the most expedient method of securing a patent airway.