The Problem: Rationale and Background
The Problem: Rationale and Background
The Problem: Rationale and Background
Ho: There is no significant
difference on the perception of the
teachers and the students on the
causes of bullying.
Readings and literature survey on:
Preparation of research instruments such as
Domains of Learning-focused Leadership Questionnaires;
leadership supports:
-Providing resources
-Supporting leaders’ professional learning
-Brokering leaders relationships with peers
-Responding to leaders’ operational needs
-Sponsoring and legitimizing learning-focused
A subset of the population
Selecting a sample rather than the total
population has advantages and
disadvantages. On the advantage side, it
saves time, financial and human
resources. But on the disadvantage side,
the researcher finds only an estimate or
a prediction of information about the
population’s characteristics or other
data, which are essential to the research
Two factors may influence the degree of certainty about the
inferences drawn from a sample:
Non-probability sampling
Probability sampling
Types of Sampling
1.Simple Random/Probability Sampling
- is a sampling design wherein each
element in the population has an equal
and independent chance of selection in the
sample. The concept of independence
means that the choice of one element is
not dependent upon the choice of another
element in the sampling or the selection or
rejection of the element does not affect
the inclusion or exclusion of another.
Techniques in Drawing Random Samples ( Daniel, 2012 )
a. Lottery Method ( also known as
fishbowl technique ). The numbers
representing each element in the target
population are placed on chips, cards,
rolled paper, etc. These are then placed
in a container and thoroughly mixed.
Next, blindly select chips from the
container until the desired sample size
has been obtained.
b. Table of Random Numbers.
The numbers in a table of random
numbers are not arranged in any
particular pattern. In using this technique,
the researcher should blindly select a
starting point and then systematically
proceed in the table. The numbers of
digits that are used should correspond to
the total size of the target population.
c. Randomly Generated Numbers using a computer
program ( i.e., random number generator )
• Non-Probability Samples
• Availability/Convenience sample
• Purposive sample
• Quota
• Respondent-Assisted Sampling
1. Availability,Convenience Sampling
- under this sampling design, the sample
elements are selected from the target
population based on their availability,
on the convenience of the researcher,
and/or voluntary/self-reflection.
- according to Daniel ( 2012 ), it is the
most frequently used sampling
procedure in research.
2. Purposive Sampling
- this is non-probability sampling
procedure in which the elements
are selected from the target
population on the basis of their fir
with the purposes of the study and
specific inclusion and exclusion
3. Quota Sampling
- this is a type of non-probability sampling
procedure in which the population is divided into
mutually exclusive subcategories, and the
researcher solicits participation in the study from
members of the subcategories have been met.
4. Respondent-Assisted Sampling
- in this sampling procedure, the
elements are selected from a target
population with the assistance of
previously selected population
elements. This sampling procedure is
often used in studying social networks,
rare populations and hidden populations
such as drug dealers and users and
other criminals or commercial sex
workers, etc.
Research Instrument
A three-part questionnaire will be the main instrument of the
Part I of the questionnaire determined the level of agreement
of the teacher-respondents on the acceptability of the instructional
material in terms of a) learning objectives, b) learning activities, c)
accuracy and clarity of the material, and d) appeal of the material.
Part II dealt with the level of agreement of the teacher-
respondents on the usability of the instructional material.
Part III assessed the level of agreement of the student-
respondents on the usability of the instructional material.
Data Gathering Procedures
With the approval of the researchers' mentor
and upon the validation of the research
instrument, questionnaires will be adminstered to
the groups of respondents.
Survey-questionnaires will then be retrieved
and scored and the results will be tabulated,
analyzed, and interpreted by the researchers.
Statistical Treatment of Data
Statistical Treatment of Data
To answer the level of mastery attained by each group of
students in every activities of the instructional material and in every
formative test given, the mean formula was used.
where: n = total number of respondents in the group
= the sum of scores
To determine the level of acceptability, usability, face validity of the
developed differentiated instructional materials, weighted mean
formula will be used.
Statistical Treatment of Data
To interpret the result of each questionnaire, the following
scales will be applied: