Before MERGER happens!
Sania Mirza has called off her engagement of seven months to Sohrab Mirza, a
childhood friend of the tennis ace and a wealthy businessman.
A short statement to the press - Sania said that they were ³friends for years but found
ourselves incompatible as fiances.´
And that sure happens to a lot of us. The best friend becomes a life partner and then
things with the life partner don¶t work out. In Sania¶s case, the two of them had
everything going for them, at least on the surface -- looks, money, a friendship going
back years -- but the secret ingredient, compatibility, was missing.
And although they found that out a little late in the day, after a formal engagement,
they did the right thing -- officially ending a relationship on an honourable note takes a
lot of courage and dignity. In fact, the couple's parents even issued statements saying
that their friendship remains unchanged, which is more than you can expect of anyone.
And while it must be hard coping with such a situation as a celebrity, with the world
watching your every move, a break-up involves a lot of heartbreak for anyone.