Last Review Notes Pakistan Studies 2059
Last Review Notes Pakistan Studies 2059
Last Review Notes Pakistan Studies 2059
Ms. A Hindu tradition, ritual burning of widows on funeral pyre of husbands. British tended to
ignore the practice because of the fear of offending high-caste Hindus serving in the British army
and civil service. In 1813 stated it was voluntary and would only be banned if Hindu religion
opposed it, the widow was under 16 or intoxicated or pregnant. Practice outlawed by EIC in Bengal
in 1829 and later in rest of India by Governor General Lord Bentinck. Suttee remained legal in some
princely states. Isolated instances occurred in 20th century.
Compulsory Islamic tax on non-Muslims for their protection, since caliphate period, Akbar
abolished on Hindus, Aurangzeb reimposed, caused resentment
A Marhatta leader, called Peshwa, organized them into power, war against Aurangzeb
Ms. Lived in the Deccan, Aurangzeb had failed to crush them, known for skills as guerrilla fighters
and devotion to Hinduism, 1737 defeated a Mughal army outside Delhi which they occupied in
1760, defeated by Afghans in 1761 at Panipat.
Lack of any rule of succession in Mughals, infightings examples, effects, impact of decline
Weak successors, poor administration, infightings, vastness of the empire, rebellions, foreign
invasions, EIC
A trading company, Charter granted in 1600 by Queen Elizabeth I, landed at Surat in 1608,
permission to trade in 1612, headquarters moved to Bombay in 1664. Grew in power during 18th
10. Who was Robert Clive?
Ms. Became a general in EIC armed forces in India, defeated the French, Plessey 1757 showed
qualities as a soldier and leader by defeating Nawab of Bengal. Made Governor of Bengal and
enabled British supremacy there, increased power of merchants and established Oudh as a buffer
state between Bengal and the Marathas. Introduced a number of reforms – dual system
government, civil reforms, abolition of private trade system, Society of Trade, military reforms etc.
Made Lord Clive, accused ‘plundering India’ but found not guilty. Became addicted to opium and in
1773 committed suicide
Nowab of Bengal, instigated by French, attacked Fort William, defeated in Battle of Plessey, Killed
Ms. 1757, French encouraged Siraj-ud-Daulah to attack EIC base at Calcutta. Captured city but
couldn’t keep hold of it, Clive arrived with EIC soldiers and bribed Jafar, one of Siraj’s key men.
Made him Nawab of Bengal as a reward for turning against Siraj who was defeated by Clive. Body
found in a river after battle. As a result of battle, EIC controlled trade in Bengal, Clive made
Governor of Bengal.
Mughal king, supported by nawab of Oudh and Nawab of Bengal, attacked British in 1764,
defeated, treaty of Allah Abad
Treaties with local rulers, payments for protection, military dependence, role in expansion of British
Used against local rulers, divide among Deccan, Mysore, Karnatic, role in expansion of British Power
Ms. Son of Haider Ali of Mysore, both of whom resisted British rule. Tipu received support from the
French and the British were concerned about this. He was known as the Tiger of Mysore and ruled
there from 1782 to 1799. He won important victories against the British in the Second Anglo-
Mysore War, and negotiated the 1784 Treaty of Mangalore with them after his father died the
previous year. His treatment of his conquered non-Muslim subjects and British prisoners of war is
controversial. He remained an enemy of the British, bringing them into renewed conflict with an
attack on Travancore in 1789. In the Third Anglo-Mysore War, Tipu was forced into a humiliating
treaty, losing a number of previously conquered territories, including Malabar and Mangalore. In
the Fourth Anglo-Mysore War, the combined forces of the British and the Nizam of Hyderabad
defeated Tipu and he was killed on 4 May 1799, while defending his fort of Sringapatam.
Ms. Ranjit Singh annexed Punjab, Kashmir and most of Afghanistan. In Sindh he signed a treaty with
Great Britain in 1809. Great Britain worried about Russian expansion into Afghanistan, agreed with
Ranjit Singh, ruler of Punjab, that A should be independent. Wanted a pro Great Britain ruler there.
Ranjit Singh didn’t support Great Britain and they went ahead anyway but in 1841 Great Britain
troops were killed in Afghanistan. Great Britain decided to annex Sindh and later Punjab.
British defeat in Afghanistan, fear of expansion of Punjab, Charles Napier’s tactic, annexation in
Policy of Dalhousie, absence of natural heir caused annexation of the area by British, Sitara, Jhansi,
Nagpur etc. affected, role in the war of Independence
[7] Marks Questions
Q. How did the successors of Aurangzeb contribute to the downfall of the Mughal Empire?
Ms. Aurangzeb’s successors became lazy, weak and corrupt and left the administration to their
ministers who often put their own interests first. As a result the Empire was badly ruled. There was
no law of succession. Instead there was usually a struggle for succession which ended in war.
Succession often depended upon the ability of the candidates and the support they could get. As a
result the Empire suffered. Fighting wars became expensive and the military was stretched and
suffered much inefficiency especially as the successors were very extravagant and so suffered from
financial inefficiencies which affected their ability to defend the Empire.
Q. Why did the British build railways in India during the nineteenth century?
Ms. e.g. • Railways transported raw materials easily/cheaply to the ports for export/ manufactured
goods to be sold throughout India, increasing British profits. • Railways carried troops swiftly
around India (helping the British to maintain law and order and extend power). Note: not for First
War of Independence. • British could travel the country and spread their ideas / culture, gaining
support / to govern effectively. • In times of famine food could be transported quickly to affected
areas. • To win support of Indians who found them useful for travel as families were able to travel
to visit relatives in other parts of India.
Q. Why were the British able to replace the Mughals as the dominant force in the Sub-Continent
by 1850?
Ms. The British were already becoming well established in the Sub-Continent and had gained much
territory and so were well placed to take over from the Mughals. Due to the Industrial Revolution
Britain had been able to stockpile weapons which were of superior quality to any of those which
the Indians had. Also the troops were better disciplined, trained and organized and were able to
establish their superiority without much opposition.
Ms. • Clive commanded the British army to victory at the battle of Plessey in 1757 and established
relations with Mir Jafar. • The battle increased Clive’s reputation and his importance to the East
India Company (EIC) because he became the foremost commander of British forces in India. • The
battle was also a success for the EIC because they now controlled the profitable trade in Bengal. •
As a reward for being considered responsible for the EIC amassing immense fortunes, especially in
Bengal • Clive’s reputation and importance was further enhanced by his success at the battle of
Buxar in 1764 which increased British control of eastern India.
Q. Why was Britain so successful in expanding its control of the sub-continent between 1750 and
1850? (2059_w16)
Ms. • the battles of Plessey and Buxar gave the British the riches of Bengal and favorable trading
rights with the local nawabs • this provided massive new resources, which the British could use to
consolidate control • The British also introduced governor-generals into the provinces who
administered them on British lines and provided yet more control. • The British army using its vast
local resources and modern weapons and military skill were taking control of even more land.
Q. Explain the appeal of India to the East India Company during the early seventeenth century.
Reasons: Tussle with other European Nations (East Indies), profitable trade, strategic importance
Ms. Traders reported evidence of immense wealth in the subcontinent. This led to the East India
Company establishing a trading base there since they saw a profitable future. It also wanted to
establish its influence in the subcontinent and to oust the Dutch and Portuguese. The East India
Company also wanted to establish a strategic port in the subcontinent that would protect its
trading interests there.
Q. Why did the British Government take control of the affairs of the East India Company in the
early nineteenth century?
Reasons: Growing importance of India, Fear of Russian Expansion, British Reputation, (Complaints
against EIC)
Ms. The volume of trade became so significant that the British government felt it was too valuable
an asset to leave in the hands of a private company even though the EIC was now holding its
possessions in trust for them. Also the fear of Russian expansion in Central Asia worried the
government and so Britain decided to shape its foreign policy by further expansion towards
Afghanistan to counter this threat. As Britain was becoming more involved prestige began to be at
stake and further expansion became inevitable especially after the defeat by the Afghans at Kabul.
Q. Why was Aurangzeb considered responsible for the decline of the Mughal Empire?
[14] Marks Questions
Q. Was the in-fighting between Aurangzeb’s successors the most important reason for the break-
up of the Mughal Empire? Explain your answer.
Ms. In-fighting • The absence of a definite line of succession led to in-fighting, instability and the
downfall of the Mughal Empire. • Led to inefficiencies and a lack of interest in the running of the
Mughal Empire. Other reasons • As the Mughal Empire started to decline it became at risk from
invasion. • After Aurangzeb’s death, Mughal emperors were renowned for living an extravagant
lifestyle and spending money without considering the effect on the economy of the Empire. • The
Afghans under the leadership of Ahmad Shah Abdali defeated the Marathas at Panipat. The
Afghans had been in control of much of the Empire for some time but were unable to make the
most of their victory and returned to Kabul. However they did invade the Empire a number of times
during the 18th Century. • The Persians under Nadir Shah captured much of the Empire’s wealth
and returned home with gold, jewels and the Peacock throne from Delhi. • Aurangzeb often
showed intolerance to non-Muslims. He introduced a tax on non-Muslims called the Jizya. During
Aurangzeb’s reign, some Hindu temples were destroyed and some limits were placed on Hindu
practices. Taxation was high as because of the costs of military campaigns such as the Deccan Wars
and building luxurious palaces. Because of these he became an unpopular ruler. • Maratha guerrilla
fighters defeated a Mughal army in 1737 and took control of Delhi and eastwards towards Bengal.
By 1760 they were the most powerful group in India and the Mughals were unable to limit their
expansion. • The British expansion into the subcontinent was rapid, overwhelming the Mughal
forces and equipment.
Q. Were the invasions by the Persians and Afghans the main reason for the decline of the Mughal
Empire? Explain your answer (2059_w15)
Ms. There were a number of reasons for the Empire’s decline. As the Empire started to decline; it
found itself at risk from invasion. The Afghans under the leadership of Ahmad Shah Abdali defeated
the Marathas at Panipat. They had been in control of much of the Empire for some time. The
Afghans however were unable to make the most of their victory and returned to Kabul. However
they were able to invade the Empire a number of times during the 18th Century. The Persians
under Nadir Shah captured much of the Empire’s wealth and returned home with gold, jewels and
the Peacock throne from Delhi. However there were other reasons for the decline. Aurangzeb had
an intolerant attitude to non-Muslims. He introduced a tax on non-Muslims called the Jizya. He
destroyed Hindu temples and tried to ban Hindu practices. Taxation was high as he had to pay for
the cost of military campaigns such as the Deccan Wars and he spent highly on luxurious palaces.
Because of these he became an unpopular rule. After his death Mughal Emperors were renowned
for living an extravagant lifestyle and spending money with little thought to the effect it had on the
economy of the Empire. This led to inefficiencies and a lack of interest in the running of the Empire.
The absence of a definite line of succession led to a significant amount of in-fighting amongst his
successors which, also led to instability and the downfall of the Empire. The Marathas were skilful
Hindu guerrilla fighters who defeated a Mughal army in 1737 and took control of Delhi and
eastwards towards Bengal. By 1760 they were the most powerful people in India and nothing could
the Mughals do to stop it. The British expansion into the sub-continent was rapid and their forces
and equipment was no match for the Mughals who fell into rapid decline as a result.
Q. Was the work of the Christian missionaries the most important reason why the Indians
opposed British attempts to westernize them between 1750 and 1850? Explain your answer.
Ms. Christian missionaries came to India to convert the local population as well as to set up schools.
In these schools the missionaries taught Christianity and expected local religions to be given up
which was resented by Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs alike. However, there were other reasons why
the Indians opposed the British attempts to westernize them. The replacement of Persian and
Sanskrit by English as the official language in the 1830s deeply upset both the Muslims and Hindus.
This had the potential to threaten their languages. A number of social reforms had been imposed
by the British without consultation or care for local feeling which caused much unrest. Indians had
to send their children to co-educational schools which was hated since it appeared to impose the
British system on the Indians without due regard to their religious and cultural feelings. Thomas
Macaulay believed that European ideas of education were vastly superior to anything coming out of
India and, as a result, the British imposed a system of education that promoted western values on a
people who resented this interference. They were also forced to abandon purdha which had been
an Indian custom for centuries. In 1795 the killing of baby daughters was declared to be murder,
but the British found difficulty in enforcing this as it was again a tradition practiced in many parts of
India. Suttee, the ritual burning of Indian women on the funeral pyres of their husbands was also
banned by the British, first in Bengal and then in the rest of the country. Although the British had
been reluctant to get involved in banning this practice, there was little opposition to the outlawing
of it.
Q. Was the Industrial Revolution in Britain the most important reason why the British were able
to take control of India between 1750 and 1850? Explain your answer.
Ms. The Industrial Revolution provided vast wealth ad profit but depended upon the import of raw
materials. Raw cotton was imported from India and no imports of finished cotton goods were
allowed. This had a terrible effect on the cotton industry in India and as a result it collapsed. Britain
now controlled the cotton trade making vast profits but none was invested in India. A network of
roads and later railways served to reinforce Britain’s control of India which was essential to assist
trade and control the land. In order to further reinforce its control, Britain established an
administrative system that took over all duties and responsibilities of the East India Company and
imposed government control through an efficient administrative system, that featured such
personalities as Lord Wellesley, Robert Clive and Warren Hastings as Governors Generals, who
through their administrative skills were further able to exert greater control of India. The conquest
of large areas of India further strengthened British control of India. India was not a united nation
and the British army did not meet much resistance. The manufacture of weapons in Britain aided
this control. Candidates may also consider such factors as education, religious and social reforms
during this time, the Doctrine of Lapse etc. However any of these factors must relate to the notion
of control as in the question, in order to reach level 3 or 4
Q. How successful were the British attempts to take control of lands in the sub-continent
between 1750 and 1856?
Ms. Successes: Strength of British Army. Eventual failure of Tipu Sultan and Ranjit Singh. Identifies
successful conquests of British against weaker opposition. Annexation of Oudh under the Doctrine
of Lapse. Failures: Power of local Nawabs. Early successes of Tipu Sultan. Ranjit Singh. Afghanistan
Q.) How successful was Indian resistance to British attempts to take control of lands in the sub-
continent between 1750 and 1850? Explain your answer.
Ms. Successes: power of local Nawabs early successes of Tipu Sultan Ranjit Singh Failures: strength
of British army eventual failure of Tipu Sultan and Ranjit Singh conquests of British against weaker
Q. Did educational reforms have a more important effect on the Indians than the social, religious
and economic ones introduced by the British during the years 1773 to 1856? Explain your answer.
Ms. Macaulay introduced schools across the country to teach Western ideas using the English
language. He believed that British ideas were far better than anything that came from India and
that it would impose Western values and help the British to govern India more effectively. Although
a common language would help to unite India, imposing a European culture on the Indians would
alienate many of them. Indians had to send their children to coeducational schools, which was
unpopular, since it appeared to impose the British system on the Indians without due regard to
their religious and cultural feelings. Christian missionaries came to India to convert the local
population as well as to set up schools. In these schools the missionaries taught Christianity and
expected local religions to be given up, which was resented by Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs alike. The
replacement of Persian and Sanskrit by English as the official language in the 1830s deeply upset
both the Muslims and Hindus. A number of social reforms had been imposed by the British without
consultation or care for local feeling, which caused much unrest. The banning of female infanticide
and suttee, whilst seen by the British as inappropriate, did go against many traditional feelings
Hindus especially held. They were also forced to abandon purdha, which had been an Indian
custom for centuries. In 1852, the ‘Doctrine of Lapse’ was introduced and this caused great unrest
because any local kingdom not having a direct male heir was taken over by the British. The
introduction of the railway in India revolutionized communication and transformed the country. For
Britain, it meant that there was another means of extending their power and helped industry to
profit by transporting raw materials to the ports. For the Indians, there were many advantages,
especially in times of famine when food could be transported more easily.
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