Amit Kumar Mishra Ece, Iit G

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Lecture 26

Amit Kumar Mishra

Common-mode Input Resistance

When a pure common-mode signal vic is applied to amplifier input(vid =0),

total resistance presented to source is 2R ic || 2R ic = Ric . Ric is common-mode
input resistance.
Normally, Ric >> Rid. (> 1GΩ)
For a purely differential-mode input signal, input resistance is Rin = Rid || 4R ic
DC Error Sources: Input-Offset Voltage
With inputs being zero, the
To include effect of offset voltage,
amplifier output rests at
some dc voltage level instead  vic 
of zero. The equivalent dc vo = A vid + + VOS 
input offset voltage is  CMRR 
VOS = o
A Exact magnitude and sign not known
How to measure? Only worst case scenario
< 10mV
The amplifier is connected as
voltage-follower to give
output voltage equal to offset
DC Error Sources: Input-Offset Voltage
Output voltage is given by

VOS   1+ 99kΩ ( 0.003 ) = 0.25V

 1.2kΩ 
Actual sign of VOS is unknown as
only upper bound is given.
Note: Offset voltage of most IC op
Problem: Find quiescent dc voltage amps can be manually adjusted by
at output. adding a potentiometer as shown.

Given data: R1 =1.2 kW, R2 = 99

kΩ, VOS   3mV
Assumptions: Ideal op amp except
for nonzero offset voltage.
DC Error Sources: Input-Bias and Offset
Currents ((possible project))

Bias currents IB1 and IB2 ( base

currents in BJTs or gate currents in
MOSFETs or JFETs) are similar in In inverting amplifier shown, IB1
value with directions depending on shorted out by ground connection.
internal amplifier circuit type. Since, inverting input is at virtual
I OS = I B1 − I B2 ground, amplifier output is forced to
supply IB2 through R2 .
Sign of offset current is unknown
as only upper bound is given. Vo = I B2 R2
DC Error Sources: Input-Bias and Offset
Currents - Errors in Integrator
At t=0, reset switch is opened, circuit
starts integrating its own offset
voltage and bias current. Using
superposition analysis,
vo (t) = VOS + t+ t
Output becomes ramp with slope
At t<0, reset switch is closed, determined by VOS and IB2 and
circuit becomes a voltage- saturates at one of the power
follower, supplies. (What happens without
V o=V OS the reset switch?)
Frequency Response of Op Amps:
General Case
Op amps: Low-pass amplifier with At w >>wB,  A(jω)  Ao ωB = ωT
high gain at dc and a single-pole ω ω
frequency response. ωT
A(s) =
Ao ωB
At w =wT,
 A(jω) = = 1
s + ωB s + ωB ω
Ao ωB Ao ωB ∴ A(jω)ω  ωT
∴ A(jω) = =
ω +ω ω2
B2 1+
ω2 Hence, wT is also called gain-

wB = open loop bandwidth of op amp. bandwidth product.

wT = unity gain frequency or gain
bandwidth product (frequency at
which magnitude of gain is unity
(Derive this)).
Frequency Response of Op Amps:
General Case (Example)
Ao = 1080dB/20dB = 10 4
ωB = 103 rad/s
Ao ωB 10 4103 107
Av (s) = = =
s + ωB s +103 s +103

Frequency values are often

expressed in Hz.
f B= =159 Hz
 Problem: Find transfer 2π
function describing frequency- ωT
f T= =1. 59 MHz
dependent amplifier voltage 2π
Frequency Response of Op Amps:
Noninverting Amplifier
For a closed-loop feedback amplifier:
A(s) Ao ωB
Av (s) = =
1+ A(s)β s + ωB ( 1+ Ao β)
1+ Ao β A (0)
∴Av (s) = = v
s s
+1 +1
( 1+ Ao β)ωB ωH
ωH = ( 1+ Ao β)ωB = T
Av ( 0 )

For Ao β>>1, 1 At low frequencies, gain is set by the

Av ( 0 )  feedback, but at high frequencies, it
follows the gain of the amplifier.
ωH  βωT
Frequency Response of Op Amps:
Noninverting Amplifier (Example)
 Problem: Characterize frequency response of noninverting
 Given data: Ao= 105= 100 dB, fT= 107 Hz, desired Av= 1000= 60
 Assumptions: Amplifier is described by single-pole transfer
function. fT 107 Hz
fB = = 5
= 100Hz
 Analysis: Ao 10
f H = f B ( 1+ Ao β) = 100( 1+105103 ) = 10.1kHz
1 1
β= = = 103 Op amp transfer
Av ( 0 ) 1000 function
Ao ωB 105 ( 2π )( 102 ) 2π 107
Av (s) = = = Noninverting amplifier
s + ωB s + ( 2π )( 102 ) s + 200π transfer function
Ao ωB 2π 107
Av (s) = =
s + ωB ( 1+ Ao β) s + 0.02π 104
Frequency Response of Op Amps:
Inverting Amplifier

 R  A(s)β
Av (s) =   2 
 R1  1+ A(s)β
AoωB  R  Aβ
β   2  o
 R  s + ωB R 1+ Ao β
∴Av (s) =   2  = 1
 R1  1+ Ao ωB β s
s + ωB ( 1+ Ao β)ωB

For Aob >>1,

 R2  Ao β  R2  ωT
      ωH =  βωT
 R1  1+ Ao β  R1  Ao
∴Av (s) =  1+ Ao β
s s
+1 +1
ωH ωH
Frequency Response of Op Amps:
Inverting Amplifier (Example)
 Problem: Characterize frequency response of inverting amplifier.
 Given data: Ao= 2X105, fT= 5X105 Hz, desired Av=- 100= 40 dB
 Assumptions: Amplifier is described by single-pole transfer
 f
Analysis: f B = T = 5  10 5
= 2.5Hz
Ao 2 10 5
1 1
β = =
f = f ( 1+ A β) = 2.5Hz( 1+
2 105
) = 4.95kHz 1+  Av ( 0 ) 101
H B o
Ao ωB ωT 5 105 ( 2π ) 106 π Op amp transfer
Av (s) = = = = function
s + ωB s + ωB s + ( 2π )( 2.5 ) s + 5π
 R2  Ao βωB  9.90 105 π Inverting amplifier
Av (s) =    = transfer function
 1 s + ω B ( 1 + Ao β) s + 9.91  10 3
Frequency Response of Cascaded
∴Av ( 0 ) = Av1( 0 )Av2 ( 0 )... AvN ( 0 )
Bandwidth of the cascade
amplifier is the frequency at
which gain is reduced by -3
Assume that stages do not interact, dB from its low frequency
 Av (jωH ) =  Av1( 0 )Av2 ( 0 )... AvN ( 0 )
VoN (s) Vo1 Vo2 V
Av (s) = = ... oN
Vs (s) Vs Vo1 Vo( N -1 )
= Av1 (s)Av2 (s)... AvN (s)
For identical stages,

Av1 ( 0 ) Av2 ( 0 ) A (0)  Av (jωH ) =

 Av1 ( 0 )

Av (s) = ... vN 2
 s  s   s 
1+  1+  1+ 
 ωH1   ωH2   ωHN  ωH = ωH1 21/ N  1
Frequency Response of Cascaded
Amplifiers: Example
1.25 105
 Problem: Calculate gain and  Av (jωj =
bandwidth of a 2-stage ω2 ω2
1+ 2
amplifier with 250 2000 4000 2
Av2 =
500 s
Av1 = 1+
s 4000
2000 wH is defined by
Amid Av ( 0 ) 1.25 105
 Approach: A v= A v1 A v2 . Find  A(jωH ) = = =
2 2 2
Av(0), apply definition of
 ω2  ω2 
bandwidth to find fH. 1+ 1+
2 
= 2
2 
 2000  4000 
 Analysis:
125,000 ∴ f H = 267Hz
Av (s) =
 s  s 
1+ 1+ 
 2000  4000  Bandwidth of cascaded amplifier is
Av ( 0 ) = ( 500 )( 250 ) = 125,000 = 102dB lesser than that of individual stages.
Large Signal Limitations: Slew Rate and
Full-Power Bandwidth
 Slew rate: Maximum rate of change vo = VM sinωt
of voltage at output of op amp. dvo
|max = VM cosωt |max = VM ω
Typical values range from 0.1V/ms dt
to 10V/ms.
For no signal distortion,
VM ω  SR
∴VM 
Full-power bandwidth (varies
with signal amplitude) is
highest frequency at which a
For given frequency, slew rate limits full-scale signal can be
maximum signal amplitude that can developed. SR
fM 
be amplified without distortion. 2πVFS
Review of limitations:
 Non-infinite stuffs!
 Finite gain
 Finite i/p R
 Finite o/p R
 Common mode
 DC errors
 Offset voltage
 Bias currents
 Offset currents
 Large signal
 Slew rate
 Full power bandwidth
Many Thanks

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