Amit Kumar Mishra Ece, Iit G
Amit Kumar Mishra Ece, Iit G
Amit Kumar Mishra Ece, Iit G
R A(s)β
Av (s) = 2
R1 1+ A(s)β
AoωB R Aβ
β 2 o
R s + ωB R 1+ Ao β
∴Av (s) = 2 = 1
R1 1+ Ao ωB β s
s + ωB ( 1+ Ao β)ωB
Av (s) = ... vN 2
s s s
1+ 1+ 1+
ωH1 ωH2 ωHN ωH = ωH1 21/ N 1
Frequency Response of Cascaded
Amplifiers: Example
1.25 105
Problem: Calculate gain and Av (jωj =
bandwidth of a 2-stage ω2 ω2
1+ 2
amplifier with 250 2000 4000 2
Av2 =
500 s
Av1 = 1+
s 4000
2000 wH is defined by
Amid Av ( 0 ) 1.25 105
Approach: A v= A v1 A v2 . Find A(jωH ) = = =
2 2 2
Av(0), apply definition of
ω2 ω2
bandwidth to find fH. 1+ 1+
= 2
2000 4000
125,000 ∴ f H = 267Hz
Av (s) =
s s
1+ 1+
2000 4000 Bandwidth of cascaded amplifier is
Av ( 0 ) = ( 500 )( 250 ) = 125,000 = 102dB lesser than that of individual stages.
Large Signal Limitations: Slew Rate and
Full-Power Bandwidth
Slew rate: Maximum rate of change vo = VM sinωt
of voltage at output of op amp. dvo
|max = VM cosωt |max = VM ω
Typical values range from 0.1V/ms dt
to 10V/ms.
For no signal distortion,
Full-power bandwidth (varies
with signal amplitude) is
highest frequency at which a
For given frequency, slew rate limits full-scale signal can be
maximum signal amplitude that can developed. SR
be amplified without distortion. 2πVFS
Review of limitations:
Non-infinite stuffs!
Finite gain
Finite i/p R
Finite o/p R
Common mode
DC errors
Offset voltage
Bias currents
Offset currents
Large signal
Slew rate
Full power bandwidth
Many Thanks