Kent Vilandka: 405140001 Kelompok 15 Pemicu 2
Kent Vilandka: 405140001 Kelompok 15 Pemicu 2
Kent Vilandka: 405140001 Kelompok 15 Pemicu 2
Kelompok 15
Pemicu 2
Fisio Melahirkan
Changes during late gestation
prepare for parturition
• Parturition (labor, delivery, or birth) requires (1)
dilation of the cervical canal to accommodate
passage of the fetus from the uterus through the
vagina and to the outside and (2) contractions of
the uterine myometrium that are sufficiently strong
to expel the fetus.
• During the last trimester, however, the uterus
becomes progressively more excitable, so mild
contractions (Braxton–Hicks contractions) are
experienced with increasing strength and
• As parturition approaches, the cervix begins to
soften (or “ripen”) as a result of the dissociation of
its tough connective tissue (collagen) fibers.
• This cervical softening is caused largely by relaxin, a
peptide hormone produced by the CL of pregnancy
and by the placenta. Relaxin also “relaxes” the birth
canal by loosening the connective tissue between
pelvic bones.
Scientist are closing in on the
factors that trigger the onset of
• Rhythmic, coordinated contractions, usually
painless at first, begin at the onset of labor. As
labor progresses, the contractions increase in
frequency, intensity, and discomfort. These strong,
rhythmic contractions force the fetus against the
cervix, dilating the cervix
Role of high estrogen levels
• soaring levels of estrogen bring about changes in
the uterus and cervix to prepare them for labor and
• First, high levels of estrogen promote synthesis of
connexons within the uterine smooth muscle cells.
• The newly manufactured connexons are inserted in
the myometrial plasma membranes to form gap
junctions that electrically link together the uterine
smooth muscle cells so that they become able to
contract as a coordinated unit
• Simultaneously, high levels of estrogen dramatically
and progressively increase the concentration of
myometrial receptors for oxytocin
• In addition to preparing the uterus for labor, the
increasing estrogen levels promote production of
local prostaglandins that contribute to cervical
ripening by stimulating cervical enzymes that
degrade local collagen fibers. These prostaglandins
also increase uterine responsiveness to oxytocin.
Role of oxytocin
• Oxytocin is a peptide hormone produced by the
hypothalamus, stored in the posterior pituitary, and
released into the blood from the posterior pituitary
on nervous stimulation by the hypothalamus (see
p. 647). Oxytocin exerts its effects via the
IP3/Ca21/DAG pathway. A powerful uterine muscle
• labor begins when myometrial responsiveness to
oxytocin reaches a critical threshold that permits
onset of strong, coordinated contractions in
response to ordinary levels of circulating oxytocin.
Role of corticotropin releasing
• cortisol stimulates synthesis of pulmonary
surfactant, which facilitates lung expansion and
reduces the work of breathing
• The bumped-up rate of DHEA secretion by the
adrenal cortex in response to placental CRH leads
to the rising levels of placental estrogen secretion
because the placenta converts DHEA from the fetal
adrenal gland into estrogen, which enters the
maternal bloodstream
• Thus, pregnancy duration and delivery timing are
determined largely by the placenta’s rate of CRH
production. a “placental clock”
Role of inflammation
• activation of nuclear factor kB (NF-kB) in the
uterus. NF-kB boosts production of inflammatory
cytokines such as interleukin 8 (IL-8) (see p. 411)
and prostaglandins that increase the sensitivity of
the uterus to contraction-inducing chemical
messengers and help soften the cervix
• These include stretching of the uterine muscle and
the presence of a specific pulmonary surfactant
protein SP-A (stimulated by the action of CRH on
the fetal lungs) in the amniotic fluid from the fetus.
• SP-A promotes migration of fetal macrophages (see
p. 393) to the uterus. These macrophages, in turn,
produce the inflammatory cytokine interleukin 1b
(IL-1b) that activates NF-kB.
Parturition is accomplished by a
positive feedback cycle
• myometrial contractions progressively increase in
frequency, strength, and duration throughout labor
until they expel the uterine contents.
• At the beginning of labor, contractions lasting 30
seconds or less occur about every 25 to 30
minutes; by the end, they last 60 to 90 seconds and
occur every 2 to 3 minutes.
• As labor progresses, a positive-feedback cycle
involving oxytocin and prostaglandin ensues,
incessantly increasing myometrial contractions
• Each uterine contraction begins at the top of the
uterus and sweeps downward, forcing the fetus
toward the cervix.
• Pressure of the fetus against the cervix does two
• First, the fetal head pushing against the softened
cervix wedges open the cervical canal.
• Second, stimulation of receptors in the cervix in
response to fetal pressure sends a neural signal up
the spinal cord to the hypothalamus, which in turn
triggers oxytocin release from the posterior
• This additional oxytocin promotes more powerful
uterine contractions.
• As a result, the fetus is pushed more forcefully
against the cervix, stimulating the release of even
more oxytocin, and so on.
• This cycle is reinforced as oxytocin stimulates
prostaglandin production by the decidua
• As a powerful myometrial stimulant, prostaglandin
further enhances uterine contractions.
• Oxytocin secretion, prostaglandin production, and
uterine contractions continue to increase in
positive-feedback fashion throughout labor until
delivery relieves the pressure on the cervix.
Stage of labor
• (1) cervical dilation, (2) delivery of the baby, and (3)
delivery of the placenta
• At the onset of labor or sometime during the first
stage, the amniotic sac, or “bag of waters,”
ruptures. As amniotic fluid escapes out of the
vagina, it helps lubricate the birth canal.
• 1. During the first stage, the cervix is forced to
dilate to accommodate the diameter of the baby’s
head, usually to a maximum of 10 cm. This stage is
the longest, lasting from several hours to as long as
24 hours in a first pregnancy.
• 2. The second stage of labor, the actual birth of the
baby, begins once cervical dilation is complete.
• When the infant begins to move through the cervix
and vagina, stretch receptors in the vagina activate
a neural reflex that triggers contractions of the
abdominal wall in synchrony with the uterine
• These abdominal contractions greatly increase the
force pushing the baby through the birth canal.
• The mother can help deliver the infant by
voluntarily contracting the abdominal muscles at
this time in unison with each uterine contraction
(that is, by “pushing” with each “labor pain”).
• Stage 2 is usually shorter than the first stage,
lasting 30 to 90 minutes.
• 3. Shortly after delivery of the baby, a second series
of uterine contractions separates the placenta from
the myometrium and expels it through the vagina.
• Delivery of the placenta, or afterbirth, constitutes
the third stage of labor, typically the shortest stage,
being completed within 15 to 30 minutes after the
baby is born.
• After the placenta is expelled, continued
contractions of the myometrium constrict the
uterine blood vessels supplying the site of placental
attachment to prevent hemorrhage.
Uterine involution
• Uterus shrinks to its pregestational size
involution takes 4 to 6 weeks to complete.
• During involution, the remaining endometrial tissue
not expelled with the placenta gradually
disintegrates and sloughs off, producing a vaginal
discharge called lochia that continues for 3 to 6
weeks following parturition.
• Involution occurs largely because of the precipitous
fall in circulating estrogen and progesterone
• Oxytocin is released in response to suckling. In
addition to playing an important role in lactation,
this periodic nursing-induced release of oxytocin
promotes myometrial contractions that help
maintain uterine muscle tone, enhancing
involution. Involution is usually complete in about 4
weeks in nursing mothers but takes about 6 weeks
in those who do not breast-feed.
Suatu proses pengeluaran hasil konsepsi yang dapat hidup, dari dalam
uterus melalui vagina atau jalan lain ke dunia luar
• Ciri : bloody show, adanya his,
serviks membuka sampai terjadi
pembukaan 10 cm, dijumpai pd
primigravida (± 13 jam); multipara
(± 7 jam)
• 2 fase :
Laten 8 jam, sangat lambat s.d.
KALA III / URI D = 3 cm
PLASENTA Aktif 3 fase
Akselerasi : 3 4 cm (2 jam)
Dilatasi max : 4 9 cm (2 jam)
KALA IV / Deselerasi : 9 10 cm (2 jam)
Penilaian persalinan
• Frekuensi
• Lamanya
• Kekuatan
Kontrol ½ jam sekali pd fase aktif
Pemeriksaan vagina:
• Pembukaan serviks
• Penipisan serviks
• Penurunan bag. Terendah
• Molding/molase
Kontrol setiap 4 jam
Pemeriksaan abdomen/luar:
• Penurunan kepala
Kontrol setiap 2 jam slm fase aktif
• Leopold I: menentukan
tinggi fundus uteri umur
kehamilan, dan bagian janin
yang terletak di fundus
• Leopold II: menentukan
letak punggung janin
• Leopold III: menentukan
bagian apa yang terletak di
sebelah bawah
• Leopold IV: bagian janin
mana yang terletak di
sebelah bawah & berapa
bagian kepala yang telah
memasuki PAP
• Dibentuk pd • Sejajar dgn Hodge • Sjajar dgn Hodge I • Sejajr dgn Hodge
lingkaran PAP dgn I tletak stinggi bag & II tletak stinggi I, II, & III tletak
bag atas simfisis bawah simfisis spina ischiadica stinggi os coccygis
& promontorium dekstra & sinistra
Sifat Kontraksi Aktif Pasif
Sifat kekencangan Kencang atau keras Kurang kencang atau lunak
• Akan mgalami retraksi (tgt • Akan bkembang menjadi jalan
b(-) volume isi uterus, t.u. lahir yg bdinding jauh lebih
Awal psalinan & mdorong tipis drpd SAU
janin keluar (respons pd • Analog dgn ishtmus uteri yg
gaya dorong kontraksi mlebar & mnipis pd wanita yg
segmen atas) # hamil
• Mjadi lunak saat bdilatasi
saluran muskuler &
fibromuskuler yg tipis janin
dpt mnonjol ke liuar
Kategori Deskripsi
Kehamilan dengan • Persalinan spontan melalui vagina pd bayi
janin normal tunggal tunggal, cukup bulan
Bayi normal • Tdk ada tanda-tanda kesulitan pernafasan
• APGAR > 7 pd menit ke-5
• Tanda-tanda vital stabil
•Berat badan > 2,5kg
Bayi dengan penyulit Cth : berat badan kurang, asfiksia, Apgar
rendah, cacat lahir
Terjadi akibat penyusutan ukuran uterus + p(-)an bidang tempat
implantasi plasenta
Plasenta mpbesar ktebalan dgn elastisitas↓ plasenta menekuk
+ tegangan lap desidua yg tlemah (lap spongiosa) makin mlonggar
Plasenta tlepas & ukuran tempat plasenta m<
tekanan dinding uterus
Ekstrusi plasenta (mekanisme Schultze darah tempat plasenta megisi
ke dlm kantong yg inversi & Duncan darah tkumpul di antara
membran dinding uterus & keluar dr plasenta)
• Hindmilk :
• Kaya lemak dan nutrisi
• Membuat bayi lebih cepat kenyang
Pengaruh Hormonal
1. Estrogen & Progesteron
• Estrogen : mempengaruhi pertumbuhan & ukuran alveoli
• Progesteron : stimulasi pembesaran sistem saluran ASI
• Postpartum kadar↓ stimulasi produksi ASI
2. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
3. Luteinizing hormone (LH)
4. Prolaktin pembesaran alveoil selama kehamilan
5. Oksitosin
• Kontraksi uterus pada saat melahirkan
• Mengencangkan mioepitel di sekitar alveoli
• Let-down/ milk ejection reflex
6. Human placental lactogen (HPL)
• Pertumbuhan payudara, puting, dan areola
Langkah menyusui yang benar :
• Cuci tangan dengan air bersih yang mengalir
• Perah sedikit ASI, oleskan ke puting dan areola sekitarnya
untuk desinfektan dan menjaga kelembaban puting susu
• Ibu duduk dengan santai, kaki tidak boleh menggantung
• Posisikan bayi dengan benar :
– Pegang bayi dengan 1 lengan. Kepala bayi diletakkan di lengkungan siku
ibu dan bokong bayi ditahan dengan telapak tangan
– Perut bayi menempel ke tubuh ibu
– Mulut bayi berada di depan puting ibu
– Lengan yang dibawah merangkul tubuh ibu, lengan yang atas boleh
dipegang ibu atau di letakkan di dada ibu
– Telinga dan lengan yang diatas berada dalam 1 garis lurus
• Bibir bayi dirangsang dengan puting mulut bayi terbuka lebar
kepala bayi akan mendekat ke payudara ibu bayi memasukkan puting
ke dalam mulutnya
• Cek apakah perlekatan sudah benar?
– Dagu menempel ke payudara ibu
– Mulut terbuka lebar
– Sebagian areola (bagian bawah) masuk ke dalam mulut bayi
– Bibir bayi terlipat keluar
– Pipi bayi tidak boleh kempot
– Tidak boleh terdengar bunyi decak, hanya boleh terdengar suara
– Ibu tidak kesakitan
– Bayi tenang
Cara meletakan bayi Cara memegang payudara
Cara merangsang
mulut bayi
5. Rangsang taktil
4. Keringkan
Perawatan neonatus dini
Deteksi neonatus dini
Cara : di ikat pada jarak 2-3cm dari kulit bayi, di potong pada 1 cm di
distal tempat pengikatan dengan instrumen yang tajam. Instrumen
yang tumpul resiko infeksi karena terjadi trauma yang lebih
banyak pada jaringan
• Jelly wharton membentuk jaringan
nekrotikberkolonisasi dengan organisme
patogenmenyebar dan menyebabkan infeksi kulit
dan infeksi sitemik pada bayi
• Antiseptik, alkohol dan antimikroba tidak
dianjurkan rutin untuk digunakan
• Label nama bayi atau nama ibu harus dilakukan pada pergelangan tangan
atau kaki sejak di ruang bersalin. Pemasangan dilakukan dengan sesuai agar
tidak terlalu ketat ataupun longgarmudah lepas
• Ibu yang menderita gonorea atau klamidia Konjungtivitis pada bayi,
muncul 2 minggu setelah lahir
• Profilaksis: salep mata eritromisin, dan salep mata tetrasiklin
• Defisiensi vitamin KPDVKperdarahan hemoragik, kecacatan
neurologik meninggal
• Pemberian vit. K secara IM maupun oral terbukti menurunkan insiden PDVK
• Oral, 3x @ 2mg, diberikan pd waktu BBL, umur 3-7hari & 1-2 bln.
Lactational Amenorrhoea Method (6,7)
Breastfeeding is an important method of family planning, because it is available to women who are unable for social or
other reasons to obtain or use modern contraceptives, and it is under their control.
Hormones produced when a baby suckles prevent ovulation, and so delay the return of menstruation and fertility after
childbirth (see Session 2.5). This is called the Lactation Amenorrhoea Method (LAM), and all mothers of infants and
young children should know about it. They also need to know the limitations of LAM, including when they are not
protected against pregnancy, even if they are breastfeeding.
LAM is effective under the following three conditions
(see Box 18):
The mother must be amenorrhoeic – that is, she must not be menstruating. If she menstruates, it is a sign that her fertility
has returned, and she can become pregnant again.
The baby must breastfeed exclusively,1 and feed frequently during both day and night. If the baby has any artificial feeds, or
complementary food, then he or she suckles less, and the mother may ovulate. If there is a gap of 6 hours or more
between breastfeeds, ovulation may occur.
The baby must be less than 6 months old. After 6 months, a woman is more likely to be fertile, even if she has not started to
menstruate. After this age, babies should have complementary food, and they suckle less often. If these three conditions
are met, then a woman’s risk of becoming pregnant is less than 2%, which is as reliable as other family planning
methods. It is not necessary to use another method for contraception. Even after 6 months, if she has not menstruated
and the baby is still breastfeeding frequently, she is partially protected. This can be useful if she cannot use another
method. However, if she menstruates at any time,v then she is not protected at all. If she wishes to avoid pregnancy she
should start another method immediately. A few women do start to menstruate 2 or 3 months after delivery, even
though they are breastfeeding Exclusively. Women should use another family planning method from 6 months if they
want to be sure that they do not conceive. It is also recommended that a woman use another method if she does not
want to rely on exclusive breastfeeding – for example, if she has to go back to work and cannot breastfeed her baby
while she is away from home. If she is not exclusively breastfeeding, she should start another method of family planning
no later than 6 weeks after delivery, at her final postnatal check.
Fisiologi Laktasi
Pengaruh Hormonal
1. Estrogen & Progesteron
• Estrogen : mempengaruhi pertumbuhan & ukuran alveoli
• Progesteron : stimulasi pembesaran sistem saluran ASI
• Postpartum kadar↓ stimulasi produksi ASI
2. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
3. Luteinizing hormone (LH)
4. Prolaktin pembesaran alveoil selama kehamilan
5. Oksitosin
• Kontraksi uterus pada saat melahirkan
• Mengencangkan mioepitel di sekitar alveoli
• Let-down/ milk ejection reflex
6. Human placental lactogen (HPL)
• Pertumbuhan payudara, puting, dan areola
Proses Pembentukan Laktogen
• Laktogenesis I
• Fase penambahan dan pembesaran lobulus- alveolus
• Terjadi pada akhir kehamilan
• Payudara memproduksi kolostrum
• Laktogenesis II
• 30-40 jam post-partum (saat payudara terasa penuh)
• Pengeluaran plasenta progesteron, esterogen, HPL ↓
• Prolaktin tetap tinggi produksi ASI besar-besaran
• Bila payudara dirangsang prolaktin ↑ stimulasi sel di
dalam alveoli untuk produksi ASI
• Laktogenesis III
• Sistem kontrol hormon endokrin mengatur produksi
ASI selama kehamilan & beberapa hari pertama setelah
• Sistem kontrol autokrin dimulai saat produksi ASI
mulai stabil
• ASI banyak dikeluarkan payudara akan memproduksi banyak ASI
• Jadi produksi ASI sangat dipengaruhi :
Seberapa sering bayi menghisap
Seberapa baik bayi menghisap
Seberapa sering payudara dikosongkan
Refleks Pada Proses Laktasi
• Refleks prolaktin
• Hisapan bayi merangsang puting susu rangsangan
dilanjutkan ke hipotalamus menekan faktor penghambat
sekresi prolaktin (estrogen – progesteron) dan merangsang
faktor pemacu sekresi prolaktin rangsang hipofise anterior
keluarkan prolaktin rangsang sel-sel alveoli untuk
membuat air susu
• Refleks Aliran (Let Down Refleks)
• Rangsangan dari isapan bayi dilanjutkan ke hipofise
posterior (neurohipofise) oksitosin dikeluarkan
kontraksi sel-sel mioepitel di sekitar alveoli (efek memeras
ASI) ASI keluar dari alveoli, masuk ke sistem duktus, dan
mengalir melalui duktus lactiferus
• Yang meningkatkan
• Melihat bayi
• Mendengarkan suara bayi
• Mencium bayi
• Memikirkan untuk menyusui bayi
• Yang menghambat
• Stress (bingung/ pikiran kacau, takut, cemas)
Refleks Dalam Mekanisme Hisapan Bayi
• Aspek psikologis
Tercipta hubungan / ikatan batin antara ibu dan bayi
“ Cara Benar Memposisikan Bayi “
Telinga dan lengan
yang di atas berada
dalam 1 garis lurus
Kepala bayi diletakkan dekat
lengkungan siku ibu
Bayi dipegang
dengan 1 lengan
“ Tidak boleh terdengar bunyi decak, hanya boleh terdengar bunyi menelan ”
Dapat mencegah kematian neonatal
• Membantu mempercepat pengeluaran ASI dan memastikan
kelangsungan pengeluaran ASI