Normal Labor: Ms. Mayuri Patel Sandra Shroff Rofel College of Nursing, Vapi
Normal Labor: Ms. Mayuri Patel Sandra Shroff Rofel College of Nursing, Vapi
Normal Labor: Ms. Mayuri Patel Sandra Shroff Rofel College of Nursing, Vapi
Uterine distension:-
Stretching effect on the myometrium by the growing fetus and liquor
cervical mucus
plug mixed with
blood is called
Formation of “Bag of waters”
A to C: Sequence of development of the active and passive segments of the uterus. (A) Uterus at term;
(B) In early labor; (C) Late second stage
The second stage begins with the complete dilatation of the cervix and
ends with the expulsion of the fetus.
This stage is concerned with the descent and delivery of the fetus
through the birth canal.
Second stage has two phases:
1. Propulsive—from full dilatation until head touches the pelvic floor.
2. Expulsive—since the time mother has irresistible desire to “bear
down” and push until the baby is delivered.
Propulsive phase
With the full dilatation of cervix, usually membrane ll ruptured so liquor will escape
& volume of uterine cavity is reduced.
simultaneously uterine contraction & retraction become stronger & anteroposterior
and transverse diameters are reduced.
Delivery of the fetus is accomplished by the downward thrust offered by uterine
contractions supplemented by voluntary contraction of abdominal muscles
The resistance offered by bony and soft tissues of the birth canal.
This is effectively counterbalanced by the power of retraction. Thus, with increasing
contraction and retraction, the upper segment becomes more and more thicker with
corresponding thinning of lower segment.
Expulsive Phase
In normal labor, pains are usually felt shortly after the
uterine contractions begin and pass off before complete
relaxation of the uterus.
Clinically pains are said to be good if they come at intervals
of 3–5 minutes and at the height of contraction the uterine
wall cannot be indented by the fingers.