The Effectiveness of 3-2-1 Strategy in Teaching Reading Comprehension On Narrative Text
The Effectiveness of 3-2-1 Strategy in Teaching Reading Comprehension On Narrative Text
The Effectiveness of 3-2-1 Strategy in Teaching Reading Comprehension On Narrative Text
Abstract: The aim of this research was to find out the effectiveness of 3-2-1
strategy in teaching reading comprehension on narrative text to the tenth grade
students of SMA Santo Fransiskus Asisi Pontianak in academic year 2014/2015.
The research method was a pre-experimental research with one group of pre test
and post test design and the sample was clas X B which consists of 30 students.
The research found that 3-2-1 strategy was effective in teaching reading
comprehension on narrative text to the tenth grade students of SMASanto
Fransiskus Asisi Pontianak. It is based on the data calculation that the degree of
the effectiveness was 1, 01 and it was categorized as high. In conclusion, the
effectiveness of 3-2-1 strategy in teaching reading comprehension on narrative
text to the tenth grade students of SMA Santo fransiskus Asisi pontianak in
academic year 2014/2015 can be categorized as high.
R eading is a skill that must be acquired by students because it help them to find
many useful information. Reading skill was learn by the students since junior
high school. In reading, the students learn how to comprehend the text and
identify the main idea, supporting details, pronoun references and vocabulary of
the text ( Chesla: 2000). But in fact, most of students at senior high school still
confused how to comprehend the text and identify the text by answer the
questions easily.
Teaching reading requires various kinds of techniques. One of the
technique that can be applied in teaching reading comprehension was 3-2-1
strategy. Zygouris-Coe, Wiggins and Smith (2004), stated that 3-2-1 reading
strategy was a reading strategy that requires students to participate in
summarizing ideas from the text and encourages them to think independently and
invite them to engage with the text. In using 3-2-1 strategy to teach reading
comprehension, the students were asked to fill out the 3-2-1 strategy chart printed
out. 3-2-1 chart printed out was a chart which consisted of 3 guidelines, they are
list 3 discoveries things, list 2 general things and provide 1 question. The purpose
of the 3-2-1 chart printed out was to help students comprehend the text easily by
provide some guidelines. The process of using 3-2-1 chart printed out were First,
students should find the generic structure of the text. Second, the students are
allowed to express and share their understandings three (3) things of the text by
writing or explaining meaning in their own words. Third, students share insights
about what aspects of passages are most interesting or intriguing to them. It
means, the students are asked to read and find two (2) things they regard as the
most interesting thing. Finally, students are given opportunities to ask one (1)
question about the text. This question arise students when they find conceptual
gaps, misunderstood events, or unclear explanations in text.
The function of 3-2-1 chart printed out was to help students easily
comprehend the text because they are provided with 3 guideliness when
comprehend the text. The 3-2-1 chart printed out can be seen inthe picture below:
Asisi Pontianak. the 3-2-1 strategy has answered the reserach questions which
stated that (1) Is the use of 3-2-1 strategy effective in teaching reading
comprehension on narrative text to the tenth grade students of SMA Santo
Fransiskus Asisi Pontianak? (2) How effective is the use of 3-2-1 strategy in
teaching reading comprehension on narrative text to the tenth grade students of
SMA Santo Fransiskus Asisi Pontianak?, and the result was the 3-2-1 strategy was
effective in teaching reading comprehension on narrative text to the tenth grade
students of SMA Santo Fransiskus Asisi Pontianak and the effectiveness was 1,01
categorized as highly effective.
The teaching learning process by using strategy can help student in
improving their knowledge and motivation. This statement supported by the
previous research, they are Hashem Ahmed Alsamadani (2011) and Yakobus
Lohan (2012) which stated that 3-2-1 reading strategy was effective in teaching
students’ reading comprehension.
Based on explanation above, the researcher was interested in doing the
researh by using 3-2-1 strategy in eaching reading comprehension on narrative
text. The effectiveness of the strategy will be showed in data calculation by using
effect size.
In this research, the researcher used an experimental study and focus on pre-
experimental research one-group pretest-posttest. According to Ary et al (2010 :
303), pre-experimental one-group pretest-posttest design involves three steps (1)
administering a pretest measuring the dependent variable; (2) applying the
experimental treatment X to the subjects; and (3) administering a posttest. In line
with the statement above, the researcher choosed this design to find the
effectiveness of 3-2-1 strategy in teaching reading comprehension on narrative
text by comparing the result of students’ achievement from the students’ pretest
and posttest.
The design of pre-experimental one-group pretest-posttest design is
described as follows:
Table 1
The Design of Pre Experimental Research One-Group Pretest
Pre-test Independent Post-test
Y1 X Y2
condition before the treatment. Second, posttest to collect the data after treatment
is given. The tools of data collecting was written test in form of multiple choice
questions. The instruments was 30 questions with 5 alternatives (A, B, C, D and
E). The instrument has tested the validity and reliability by give the try out to the
students from class XC and it was found that the instrument was valid and reliable
with the coeeficiency 0,98 categorized as very high.
The result of pre-test and post-test was calculated with the formula of
effect size:
d= Xt – Xc
Taken from (Cohen: 1992)
d = Cohen ‘d effect size
Xt = Mean score of pre-test
Xc = Mean score of post-test
Spooled = standard deviation
The procedure in conducting this research consisted of 3 stages, they are
preparation stage, implementation stage and final stage.
Preparation stage
Preparation stage includes:
1. Observb the students by doing a pre-research to the tenth grade students of
SMA Santo fransikus asisi pontianak.
2. Prepare the lesson plan and 3-2-1 chart printed out.
3. Prepare the test, answer key and scoring rubric.
4. Testing the validity and reliability of the test.
5. Giving the pre-test to the students of class XC
Implementation stage
Implementation stages includes:
1. Determine the sample
2. Implement the teaching learning process by applying the 3-2-1 stategy in
teaching reading comprehension on narrative text.
Therefore, the implementations in teaching learning process by applying 3-2-1
strategy in teaching reading comprehension on narrative text are:
1. Pre-activity ( 5 minutes)
a. Apperception (3 minutes)
1) Teacher greetings students
2) Teacher asks students’ condition
3) Teacher checks students’ attendance
b. Motivation (2 minutes)
1) Teacher explains teaching learning goal
2) Teacher explains how important the study’s material
2. Whilst- activity ( 70 minutes)
a. Exploration ( 5 minutes)
Students are asked by teacher to answer some questions that
related to the reading theme:
1) Do you like reading/hearing a fable story?
2) Have you ever heard the story of Story of Rabbit and Bear?
3) What do you know about that?
4) How do you know about that?
b. Elaboration (50 minutes)
1) Teacher explains the definition, generic structure, language
features and example of narrative text.
2) Teacher explains the definition and stages how to use 3-2-1
chart in reading comprehension on narrative text.
3) Teacher shares 3-2-1 chart printed out
Student’s Name:
a) Describe 3 discoveries of the text. The 3 discoveries can be
find in part complication and resolution.
b) List 2 general things of the text. 2 general things can be
found on part orientation.
c) Provide 1 question that they still confused.
8). After teacher and students has discussed the text, the students
are asked by the teacher to work the test.
c. Confirmation( 15 minutes)
1). Students answer the test and collect it to the teacher
2). Teacher give the oppurtunity for students to ask question.
3. Post-activity ( 5 minutes)
a. Teacher asks the difficulty that students face during teaching
learning process.
b. Teacher and students make a summary of the lesson that they have
c. Teacher closes the meeting
Final Stage
1. Analyze the data of pre-test and post-test
2. Describe the result of data analysis and give the conclusion by answer the
research questions
3. Set the result of the research
Numerical Summary of Data Analysis on Students’ Score in
Experimental Group
Description Score
Based on the effect size above, it shown that the effectsize of the use of 3-2-
1 strategy in teaching reading comprehension on narrative text categorized as
In hypothesis testing, the calculation of the effectiveness of the treatment,
the result shown that the effect size was 1.01.According to Cohen’s d criteria,
1.01 > 0.80, therefore the result was categorized as high. It means that teaching
reading comprehension of narrative text by using 3-2-1 strategy is effective.
Therefore, the null hypothesis (Ho) which says “3-2-1 strategy is not effective in
teaching reading comprehension” is rejected. Moreover, the alternative hypothesis
(Ha) which says “3-2-1 strategy is effective in teaching reading comprehension”
is accepted. According to the data, it indicates that generally the 3-2-1 strategy is a
helpful technique that can foster students in reading comprehension on narrative
After getting the result of the research, the researcher has to discuss the
result of the research. The application of 3-2-1 Strategy was categorized as
effective to be used to teach reading comprehension on narrative text due to the
higher result of students’ post test compared to students’ pre test. The result was
gathered through reading test in form of multiple choice questions which was
done before the treatment (Pre-test) and after the treatment (Post-test).
Pre test was administered on 20th 2015 in purpose to know the students’
prior knowledge in comprehending reading texts. The students were asked to
comprehend reading texts by answer 30 multiple choice questions. The result of
pre test was calculated to find the mean score of pre test. The mean score of pre
test was 67.80. Based on the analysis of students’ pre test, the students were read
the text not organized, they just re-read the text countinously and it wasted much
Next meeting on May 25th 2015 the researcher applied the first treatment
by using 3-2-1 Strategy in teaching learning process. The researcher started the
class with the explanation about narrative text include the generic structure of the
text, example of narrative text and an example how to use 3-2-1 strategy on text
“The Story of Toba Lake”. The text of the first treatment was “The Story of the
Rabbit and the Bear”. In the treatment, the students use 3-2-1 narrative text chart
that has prepared by the teacher. The students worked individually and the
researcher helped to guide them in comprehending the text. In the beginning,
some students cannot put their own ideas to the chart, they still put the original
ideas of the text and some students got confused how to put their own ideas on the
chart provided. In part “list 3 discoveries”, they can find 3 discoveries of the text
but they cannot write the text with their own sentences, they just write the
sentences which stated on the text. In part “list 2 general things”, the students can
find the general things of the text because they were provided with two
guideliness when identify the text. In part “provide 1 questions that you still
confused about the text”, the students were confused what should they write in
this part. So, the researcher explained in detail what should they do in each part
and see their progress by walking around them. After that, the researcher asked
them to answer 10 multiple choice questions.
Next meeting on may 27th 2015, The researcher still started the class with
the explanation about narrative text include the generic structure of the text,
example of narrative text and an example how to use 3-2-1 strategy on text “The
Story of Toba Lake”. In the second treatment, the researcher applied the 3-2-1
strategy with the text “Snow White”. In this treatment, the students still work
individually. In part “list 3 discoveries”, they can find 3 discoveries of the text
with their own sentence. In part “list 2 general things”, the students can find the
general things of the text because they were provided with two guideliness when
identify the general things of the text. In part “provide 1 questions that you still
confused about the text”, the students can provide one question that they still
confused. In conclusion, in the second treatment the students have understand
how to put their own ideas to the 3-2-1 narrative chart but the researcher still
guided them by walking around them to see their process in comprehend the
narrative text. After, they have comprehended the text, they are asked by the
researcher to answer 10 multiple choice questions.
After conducting the 3-2-1 strategy in teaching reading comprehension on
narrative text to the students, the researcher administered post test. Post test was
administered on 29th 2015 to know students’ achievement after giving the
treatment and compared it with pre test. Based on the result, students’ mean score
of post test was 79, 76. The result shown that students’ mean score of post test
was higher than students’ mean score of pre test. So, it means that the 3-2-1
strategy students can help the students to comprehend the main idea, supporting
details, pronoun references and vocabulary of the text and the 3-2-1 chart was
helpful for students to comprehend the text because this chart has some clues
which make students easy to comprehend the narrative text.
At last, the researcher computed all data to know the degree of
effectiveness of the treatment. From the computation, the result was 1.01. Based
on Cohen’s d criteria, the result 1.01 > 0.80, so it was categorized as high. It can
be concluded that the use of 3-2-1 strategy was effective in teaching reading
comprehension on narrative text to the tenth grade students of SMA Santo
Fransiskus Asisi Pontianak in academic year 2014/2015.
Based on the data analysis can be concluded that, (1) 3-2-1 strategy is
recommended for teaching reading comprehension on narrative text because this
strategy has some advantages, they were; this strategy was easy to apply because
the students were provided with some clues in 3-2-1 narrative text chart, the
strategy could make students think independently and critically by write their own
ideas in 3-2-1 narrative text chart, this strategy could make students be active
reader because they also asked to make a question of the text and this strategy
help students to answer the questions from the text because in this activity they
were asked by the teacher to summaryze the text by using 3-2-1 narrative text
chart.(2) 3-2-1 strategy can increase students’ reading comprehension on narrative
text. It is showed by the students’ score of posttest in experimental group which is
better than the pretest. The students’ mean score of pretest in experimental group
is 67, 80 and the students’ mean score of posttest is 79, 76. It means that the
students’ achievement after the treatment is better than that before the treatment
was given. (3) 3-2-1 teaching strategy is effective in teaching students’ reading
comprehension on narrative text to the tenth grade students of SMA Santo
Fransiskus Asisi Pontianak in academic year 2014/2015. It is shown by the effect
size value is 1, 01 qualified as high.
After analyzing the data and concluding the research findings, the
researcher would like to give some suggestions as follows, (1) In applying the 3-
2-1 strategy, the teacher should be active in monitoring the students in fulfill the
3-2-1 chart because the students often got confused in fulfill the 3-2-1 chart
especially in part “provide 1 questions”. So, the teacher should monitor each
students in fulfilling the 3-2-1chart by walking around them to see their progress.
(2) The resarcher recommends the English teacher to find supporting material and
text from other sources such as from the internet and magazine, not only focus on
the material and text froom the text book and LKS. (3) The 3-2-1 strategy also can
be used for students in learning at home because it helps them to comprehend the
narrative text and answer the questions of the text.
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