20-Point Quiz On Evolution

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20-Point Quiz on

Human Biocultural
and Social Evolution
1 Multiple-Choice

1. Species known as “Upright Man:”

A. Homo Habilis
B. Homo Erectus
C. Homo Heidelbergenesis
D. Homo Sapiens
2 Multiple-Choice

2. They lived between 2.4 million to 1.4

million years ago:
A. Homo Habilis
B. Homo Erectus
C. Homo Heidelbergenesis
D. Homo Sapiens
3 Multiple-Choice

3. Species nicknamed “hobbit:”

A. Homo Rudolfensis
B. Homo Floresiensis
C. Homo Sapiens
D. Homo Erectus
4 Multiple-Choice

4. They were the first to practice burial of the

A. Homo Sapiens Sapiens
B. Homo Floresiensis
C. Homo Sapiens Neandarthalensis
D. Homo Erectus
5 Multiple-Choice

5. Which of these species did not live in cold

A. Homo Sapiens Sapiens
B. Homo Sapiens Neandarthalensis
C. Homo Heidelbergenesis
D. Homo Rudolfensis
6 Multiple-Choice

6. First to hunt large animals on a routine

A. Homo Heidelbergenesis
B. Homo Sapiens Sapiens
C. Homo Habilis
D. Homo Floresiensis
7 Multiple-Choice

7. Discovered the use of fire?

A. Homo Heidelbergenesis
B. Homo Erectus
C. Homo Habilis
D. Homo Sapiens
8 Multiple-Choice

8. Species known as “Handy man:”

A. Homo Sapiens Neandarthalensis
B. Homo Heidelbergenesis
C. Homo Erectus
D. Homo Habilis
9 Multiple-Choice

9. First to produce art in cave painting?

A. Homo Sapiens Sapiens
B. Homo Habilis
C. Homo Floresiensis
D. Homo Sapiens Neandarthalensis
10 Multiple-Choice

10. First to use stone tools?

A. Homo Erectus
B. Homo Rudolfensis
C. Homo Habilis
D. Homo Sapiens
11 True or False

11. Paleolithic Period came before Neolithic

12 True or False

12. There were more technological

development during the Paleolithic Period
than during the Neolithic Period.
13 True or False

13. The use of fire was discovered during the

Neolithic Period.
14 True or False

14. Neolithic Period is known as the “Food-

Producing Culture.”
15 True or False

15. Stone tools were already polished and

more sophisticated during the paleolithic
16 True or False

16. Pastoral societies have nomadic way of

17 True or False

17. The earliest form of society is agricultural.

18 True or False

18. Horticultural societies use plow and

irrigation system
19 True or False

19. Post-industrial societies rely heavily on

machines, computers and robots for mass
20 True or False

20. Democracy originated around 500 BCE in

the Roman Empire.

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