Introduction To The Internet and Web

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Introduction to the Internet

and Web
• It is the largest network in the world that connects
hundreds of thousands of individual networks all
over the world.
• The popular term for the Internet is the
“information highway”.
• Rather than moving through geographical space, it
moves your ideas and information through
cyberspace – the space of electronic movement of
ideas and information.
• No one owns it
• It has no formal management organization.
• As it was originally developed by the Department
of defense, this lack of centralization made it less
vulnerable to wartime or terrorist attacks.
• To access the Internet, an existing network need to
pay a small registration fee and agree to certain
standards based on the TCP/IP (Transmission
Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) .
The uses of the Internet

• Send e-mail messages.

• Send (upload) or receive (down load) files
between computers.
• Participate in discussion groups, such as
mailing lists and newsgroups.
• Surfing the web.
What is Web?
• The Web (World Wide Web) consists of information
organized into Web pages containing text and graphic
• It contains hypertext links, or highlighted keywords
and images that lead to related information.
• A collection of linked Web pages that has a common
theme or focus is called a Web site.
• The main page that all of the pages on a particular
Web site are organized around and link back to is
called the site’s home page.
How to access the Internet?
• Many schools and businesses have direct
access to the Internet using special high-
speed communication lines and equipment.
• Students and employees can access through
the organization’s local area networks
(LAN) or through their own personal
• Another way to access the Internet is
through Internet Service Provider (ISP).
How to access the Internet?
• To access the Internet, an existing network need to
pay a small registration fee and agree to certain
standards based on the TCP/IP (Transmission
Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) reference
• Each organization pays for its own networks and
its own telephone bills, but those costs usually
exist independent of the internet.
• The regional Internet companies route and forward
all traffic, and the cost is still only that of a local
telephone call.
Internet Service Provider (ISP)

• A commercial organization with permanent

connection to the Internet that sells
temporary connections to subscribers.
• Examples:
• Prodigy, America Online, Microsoft
network, AT&T Networks.
How to access the Web?
• Once you have your Internet connection, then
you need special software called a browser to
access the Web.
• Web browsers are used to connect you to
remote computers, open and transfer files,
display text and images.
• Web browsers are specialized programs.
• Examples of Web browser: Netscape
Navigator (Navigator) and Internet Explorer.
Client/Server Structure of the Web

• Web is a collection of files that reside on computers,

called Web servers, that are located all over the world
and are connected to each other through the Internet.
• When you use your Internet connection to become
part of the Web, your computer becomes a Web client
in a worldwide client/server network.
• A Web browser is the software that you run on your
computer to make it work as a web client.
Hypertext Markup Language
• The public files on the web servers are ordinary
text files, much like the files used by word-
processing software.
• To allow Web browser software to read them,
the text must be formatted according to a
generally accepted standard.
• The standard used on the web is Hypertext
markup language (HTML).
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

• HTML uses codes, or tags, to tell the Web browser

software how to display the text contained in the
• For example, a Web browser reading the following line of
<B> A Review of the Book<I>Wind Instruments of
the 18th Century</I></B>
• recognizes the <B> and </B> tags as instructions to
display the entire line of text in bold and the <I> and </I>
tags as instructions to display the text enclosed by those
tags in italics.
Addresses on the Web:IP Addressing
• Each computer on the internet does have a
unique identification number, called an IP
(Internet Protocol) address.
• The IP addressing system currently in use on
the Internet uses a four-part number.
• Each part of the address is a number ranging
from 0 to 255, and each part is separated from
the previous part by period,
• For example,
IP Addressing
• The combination of the four IP address parts
provides 4.2 billion possible addresses (256 x
256 x 256 x 256).
• This number seemed adequate until 1998.
• Members of various Internet task forces are
working to develop an alternate addressing
system that will accommodate the projected
• However, all of their working solutions require
extensive hardware and software changes
throughout the Internet.
Uniform Resource Locators
• The IP address and the domain name each identify a particular
computer on the Internet.
• However, they do not indicate where a Web page’s HTML
document resides on that computer.
• To identify a Web pages exact location, Web browsers rely on
Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
• URL is a four-part addressing scheme that tells the Web
 What transfer protocol to use for transporting the file
 The domain name of the computer on which the file resides
 The pathname of the folder or directory on the computer on
which the file resides
 The name of the file
Structure of a Uniform Resource Locators


Domain name filename

http => Hypertext Transfer Protocol

• The transfer protocol is the set of rules that the
computers use to move files from one computer to
another on the Internet.
• The most common transfer protocol used on the
Internet is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol
• Two other protocols that you can use on the
Internet are the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and
the Telnet Protocol
How to find information on the Web?
• A number of search tools have been developed and
available to you on certain Web sites that provide
search services to help you find information.
• Examples:
 Yahoo 
 Excite 
 Lycos 
 AltaVista  www/
 MSN WebSearch 
How to find information on the Web?
• You can find information by two basic means.
• Search by Topic and Search by keywords.
• Some search services offer both methods, others only
• Yahoo offers both.
 Search by Topic
You can navigate through topic lists
 Search by keywords
You can navigate by entering a keyword or phase into
a search text box.

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