Gastroschisis DNY

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Management of

gastroschisis using
standard urobag as
Rajesh Gupta1*, Aradhana Singh2

Presented by :
Donny Artya Kesuma
O Gastroschisis (GS)  most common
abdominal wall defect among newborns
O Incidence  4–5/10,000 newborns.
O Once considered a fatal condition, the
survival rate is now close to 90% in overall
cases due to various types of silo usage for
staged reduction of the intestines into the
peritoneal cavity.
O The management of gastroschisis still
remains a challenge  prolonged hospital
O Primary closure is feasible only in very small
number of cases, and staged repair with the
use of silo is a mainstay of treatment.
Case reports
Case 1
O A 1.8 kg male neonate of Day 2, born preterm (GA 32
weeks) at a peripheral center via normal vaginal
delivery, was referred to us.
O Vitals were normal
O Transferred with the intestines packed in a plastic
bag, brought by the attendants themselves in a fairly
reasonable condition without an IV line.
O There was herniation of the gut through an
approximately 4-cm defect in the anterior abdominal
wall, lateral and to the right of umbilicus.
O No other anomaly.
O Bowel loops were thick and matted together
with a scaphoid abdomen.
O Initial resuscitation was done with normal
saline bolus and nasogastric suction.
Temperature was maintained in the infant
O Gentle saline wash of the bowel loops was
done just before starting the IV antibiotics.
O Bowel loops were temporarily packed into a
sterile urobag.
O 24 h after stabilization, the baby was
brought to the operation theater.
O A midline incision was carried out above and
below the defect to suitably enlarge it.
O The abdominal cavity was very small with
virtually no space to reinsert the bowel.
O The abdominal wall was manually stretched,
and after trimming it to an appropriate size,
a urobag was stitched to the fascial margins
of the defect using Vicryl 3/0 suture which
finally enclosed the bowel loops inside
(Figure 1).
O No post-operative (post-op) ventilation was
O The urobag was hanged overhead the
warmer to facilitate gradual bowel reduction.
O Manual reduction started on day 3 by
applying a gauze tape from the top.
O On the 8th post-operative day, complete
reduction was achieved (Figure 2).
O TPN was provided to maintain the baby’s
O A couple of bowel movements took place
during this period.
O On the 9th postoperative day, the baby was returned to
the operation theater for formal closure of the
abdomen, which was achieved with much difficulty
(Figure 3).
Case 2
O A preterm female neonate born at 29 weeks,
weighing 1.6 kg
O Normal vaginal delivery at home, was
brought to us on the same day in a poor
condition with eviscerated intestines
wrapped in cotton clothes.
O The baby cried immediately after birth.
O IV access was established
O Normal saline bolus was given along with
10% dextrose.
O The bowel loops were eviscerated through a
3-cm defect to the right of the umbilicus,
matted together and meconium-stained.
O O2 saturation = 100%, HR = 145 beats/min.
O No other congenital anomalies.
O Final surgical management was done on
similar lines by stitching a urobag after
enlarging the defect around the fascia.
O Reduction of contents started on day 3 and
final reduction was achieved by day 9.
O Fascial closure  post-op day 11.
O The baby started oral feeds on day 16 (five
days after fascial closure) and was
discharged on day 25.
O The child had a few episodes of diarrhea,
needing one hospitalization admission for
dehydration treatment, and was managed
O She is also under monthly follow-ups and is
doing well.
Case 3
O A 2 kg male neonate with gastroschisis
O 33 weeks via normal vaginal delivery at a
peripheral center
O Referred to us with the details of the
conditions at birth unavailable.
O Cried immediately after his birth.
O The baby was on IV fluids and antibiotics
O The baby’s bowels were wrapped in a
polythene bag after delivery, and he was
referred to us on day 3 of his life.
O The baby was grossly septicemic and was
dehydrated on arrival.
O O2 saturation = 84%, HR = 160 beats/min.
O On day 5, after resuscitation and primary
management, the baby was taken to the
operation theater and a urobag was stitched
to the fascial defect under GA.
O An almost complete reduction of the bowel
was achieved after 10 days of treatment
and a fascial closure was done.
O Abdominal capacity was less than expected
and closure was done with some tension.
O The child was put in a ventilator on
synchronized intermittent mandatory
ventilation (SIMV) mode in the NICU but
developed progressive abdominal distension
and septicemia, finally succumbing to it
seven days later.
Materials and methods
O Standard operative techniques and routine
sterile urobags were used as silos, and the
final fascial closures were done via
interrupted Vicryl 3/0 sutures.
O We treated three preterm babies with
gastroschisis at a level 3 NICU, who were
referred to us from peripheral centers.
O Since the babies were small and primary
closures were not possible, we used urobags
as silos to enclose the intestines in it.
O Successful reduction was achieved in all
three babies within 7–9 days, and we were
able to close the abdomen in all three
O We lost one baby due to sepsis but were
able to save the other two.
O Gastroschisis is a congenital abdominal wall
defect typically located to the right of the
umbilicus with herniation of the midgut.
O It was first described by Calder in 1733.
O It is mostly an isolated anomaly and surgical
management for repositioning of the bowel
into the abdomen is either primary closure if
the abdominal capacity allows it, or more
commonly a staged surgery.
O The anomalies associated are malrotation of
the midgut and atresia of the bowel in about
10% of these cases, but none of our
patients had atresia of the intestines.
O The incidence  1:4,000 in live births
O The main cause of morbidity and mortality is
the damage to the intestines as a result of
prolonged exposure to amniotic fluid,
resulting in the thickening and matting
together of the bowel, leading to poor
peristalsis and intestinal mucosal
O Also, faulty management after delivery 
poor outcome.
O A better method that can be applied is that
the intestines are enclosed in a sterile
urobag immediately after birth and the outer
surface of the urobag is applied with sterile
O This will prevent bacterial contamination as
well as fluid loss from the intestines.
O A majority of the neonates referred to us had
their intestines wrapped in gauze or cotton
O This caused soaking of the peritoneal fluids
and exudates, leading to bacterial
O The use of bedside spring-loaded silos,
parenteral nutrition and improved NICU care
and ventilation has led to the survival of
nearly 90% of affected neonates over the
last two decades.
O We had a survival rate of 66% in our short
case series.
O The management of gastroschisis is
controversial, with options ranging from
operative fascial closure at birth to staged
closure using bedside spring-loaded silo
applications, to construction of silos in the
operation theater and gradual staged
O Primary fascial closure is not possible in a
majority of the cases due to small
abdominal cavities and edematous bowels.
O The best option is to use a springloaded silo
and its application in the NICU itself, but
spring-loaded silo is expensive and is not
available in developing countries.
O Custom silos have been fashioned from a
wide variety of materials such as silicone,
gortex, blood collection bags and urobags,
which are sutured to the fascial defect and
used for progressive reduction of the bowel
before final fascial closure.
O The degree of the visceroabdominal
disproportion and the condition of the
herniated viscera play important roles in
making surgical decisions.
O We used sterile urobags to enclose the
herniated bowel loops.
O The urobag has proven to be a very cheap
and effective alternative to the expensive
silos made from silicone.
O The disadvantage of the urobag is that it
needs to be sutured to the fascia under GA
as compared to springloaded silos which
can be applied at bedside.
O However, we believe that it is an acceptable
alternative in developing countries like ours
where cost is a major constraint for
O Gastroschisis is a very challenging surgical
emergency requiring immediate intervention
in neonates.
O The condition is mostly accompanied by
preterm and low birth weight (LBW) babies
 small abdominal cavities  primary
closure is not possible.
O Less than 10% of the babies can be
managed by primary closure.
O Average duration of hospital stay was
around 25 days for these neonates.
O Survival rates after surgery according to
worldwide data are 87–100%.
O Poor healing of the abdominal wound may
result in a ventral hernia which requires
secondary surgical repair.
O The use of urobag for staged reduction of the
intestines in gastroschisis in preterm neonates
can be effective.
O It is not only cheaper but easily adaptable and
can be used even in smaller centers where cost
is limited.
O We obtained encouraging results in our small
series of cases and hoped that this would
encourage fellow pediatric surgeons to try this
technique to know the effectiveness of this

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