Horse Care
Horse Care
Horse Care
Basic Management
Photo: EQUUS
Teeth—Whole Tooth Schematic
Photo: EQUUS
Teeth & Aging
Age horses by the incisors teeth:
Type, for younger horses
Wear, for more mature horses
Photos: EQUUS
Normal Tooth Care
Horse teeth need to be checked yearly, every
six months is even better
Top jaw is larger than lower jaw, as a result
normal chewing wears teeth unevenly
Sharp points (known as “hooks”) develop
and these need to be filed off, this filing is
known as “floating”
Equine dentists are becoming more and
more popular/accepted, just like farriers
Hoof: Purpose & Physiology
Wall is thickest in the toe, thinnest in the quarter
Absorbs the concussion of the weight of the horse
As foot hits ground, heels are expanded due to frog
action (flattens out….more softness/cushioning)
Digital cushion expands lateral cartilages; compress
blood veins in hoof
Third phalanx descends slightly, sole yields slightly,
and laminae absorb the concussion
Some weight transferred to navicular bone, which is
supported by deep flexor tendon
Proper Angle Of The Hoof
Primary weight carrier
Inside of hoof wall---LAMINAE: sensitive on inside
and insensitive on the surface
WHITE LINE: where laminae connects to hoof wall
Parts Of The Hoof Wall
Photo: EQUUS
Parts Of The Hoof: Side View
Photo: EQUUS
Parts Of The Hoof: Bottom View
Photo: EQUUS
Clean daily, hoof pick from the hoof heel to hoof toe
Positive Purposes:
Protects the hoof against wear, especially when working
Better traction in unfavorable conditions and terrain
Helps to correct defects in stance or gait
Helps to cure hoof diseases and hoof defects
Helps to prevent a multitude of hoof problems
A Good Shoeing Job
The nails are evenly spaced around the hoof
All of the clinches firmly set
The shoe fits foot….it is the right size shoe
The heels of the shoe extend 1/16 of an inch
beyond horse’s heel, this allows for expansion
Corrective Trimming
Summary: Horse Basic Care
Housing that provides safety and comfort
Proper sanitation (removal and disinfecting)
Always provide clean and fresh feed/hay
Always provide only clear and cool water
Proper management
Health---care and maintenance
Teeth---care and maintenance
Hooves---care and maintenance