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Islamic Civilization

Islamic Studies
The Definition of Civilization

Linguistically, "civilization" means "to dwell in an

urban place."
Technically, it means "human innovation in the
various fields of human activity that is conducive
to man's progress on this earth. Civilization is the
product of man's intellect and effort in a specific
place and at a particular time”.

Islamic Studies Islamic Studies

The element of establishing
• 1 Strategic location,
– Egypt Civilization is located near to Nil Valley.
– India - Gangers river and China – Whang Ho Valley
• 2 Religious inspiration
– Mesopotamia ( Anu, Enki and Enlil)
– Egypt ( Dewa Ra, Osiris and Isis)
• 3 Highly motivation in adapting value and ethic.
• 4 Suffering from the past
• 5 Economic factors
• 6 Interaction between the civilizations

Islamic Studies
Islamic Civilization
Pre- Islamic civilization:
- Islamic Civilization like all others did not arise in
a vacuum. Rather, it was preceded by other deep
rooted civilization in the same region.
- The first attempt to create a unified state
comprising Europe, Asia and Africa was
undertaken in the 4th century B.C by Alexandra of
Macedonia (356-323 B.C)
- His objective was to enable the local inhabitants
and Greeks to mix, to yield a new culture.
Islamic Studies Islamic Studies
- To set a good example He Married the Persian,
Roxana and instruct his leaders to follows him.
- Alexandra’s Empire having a library and scientific
school that was a mixture with a former

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- The second attempt was made by Ashoka, king of
north India in the third century B.C.
- He tried to make Buddhism an International
religion and to create a universal unity.
- Although a large numbers of Greeks embraced
Buddhism, His attempt did not last and remained
confined to India and East Asia.
- This attempt by Ashoka was preceded much more
earlier by Pharaoh Akhnaton in the 14th century
B.C. He tried to create an international spiritual
unity, that linked various parts of his kingdom
Islamic Studies Islamic Studies
- The third was applied by Persian civilization, it
was in the 7th century B.C, they claimed
themselves as Zoroaster and they believed that a
cosmic war between good and evil or light and
- And since light comes from the Sun which in turn
to fire, therefor Fire play a vital role in this
doctrine and was worshipped
- Because of its rigidity Zoroaster was countered by
other religious movement .

Islamic Studies Islamic Studies

Islamic Civilization
- When Islam came as a way of life that marks the path
and illuminates ways of guidance it provide a
practical and permanent solutions to the problems of
humanity which was suffering from a religious,
intellectual, politic and culture vacuum.
- By the revelation of Islam the life became clearly
distinguished, by divinity, humanity achieved justice,
equality, dignity and freedom
- Allah alone is worshipped The Muslim is led and
submits to the orders of Allah alone, Allah is owners
of everything.
Islamic Studies Islamic Studies
- On the outer edge of the Latin world, in Span, Sicily,
North Africa, surrounding Byzantine in Egypt,
Palestine and Syria was the world of Islam.
- Islam was both threat and the source of new ideas to
the Greeks and Latin west between the 7th and 12th
- Fundamental to Islam was its religion, The agent of
Islamic civilization was Muhammad (pbuh)(570-632)
- He was born at Mecca and raised be family of modest
means. His father had died in the year of his birth and
his mother died when he was 6 years old.

Islamic Studies Islamic Studies

- At the times of Mohammed's birth, Mecca was still
tied to the traditional and social and religious life.
- As a youth Mohammad worked as a Merchant’s
assistant, traveling the major trade routes of the
- At the age of 40, he receive his first revelation to
became a messenger of God and began to preach.
- Nabi Muhammad left to Madinah in 622 the journey
to Madinah is called Hijrah, Hijrah marks the
beginning of the Islamic Calendar.
- Prophet Muhammad died in 632 and he left the
worthy legacy of civilization.
Islamic Studies Islamic Studies
Islamic Civilization
An overview
- Turning over the pages of the history we would find the
messengers of God had tried to build the Islamic civilization for
long times ago but most of them are unsuccessful.
- For example, as explicated by Al-Quran,The Noah Pbuh), but
the people of Noah rejected the message of Prophet Noah and
the institutions of Prophethood.
- Prophet Hud (pbuh) People of ‘Ad , they was also ignorance and
tried to react with ridicule, outrage to what ever Nabi Hud said.
- The same responding of rejection from people to other
messengers of God.

Islamic StudiesIslamic Studies

- Islam was destined to become a world religion and
to create a civilization which stretched from one
end of the globe to other.
- Starting with Arabian Caliphate then the Persian
and later the Turk set a classical Islamic
- In the 13th century, both Africa and India became
great centers of Islamic civilization, and soon
thereafter Muslim kingdoms were established in
the Malay-Indonesia.

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- Islam is the religion for all people from whatever
race and background they might be.
- That why Islamic civilization is based on unity
which stand completely against any racial of ethnic
- Islam was not opposed to learn from earlier
civilizations as long as they did not oppose the
principles of Islam.
- The global civilization thus created by Islam
permitted people of diverse ethnic background to
work together in cultivating various arts and science.

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- As the result the nomadic Arabs became torch-
bearers of science and learning.
- The religion of Islam was itself responsible not
only for the creation of world civilization in which
people of many different ethnic background
participated, but it played a central role in
developing intellectual and culture life on a scale
not seen before.
- For some eight hundred years Arabic remained the
major Intellectual and scientific language of the

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• Islam in India
• The history of the early stage of Islam in

Islamic Studies
• Why the Islamic Civilization has become
weak and disability to confront with
western Civilization?
• How to reconstruct the unity among
Muslim people?

Islamic Studies
Islamic Civilization

Islamic Studies
Islamic Civilization
An overview
- Upon the death of the prophet, Abu Bakar the friend
of the prophet and the first of adult to embrace Islam
became caliph.
- Abu Bakar rules for two years to be succeeded by
Umar who was caliph for a decade and during his rule
Islam spread extensively east and west conquering the
Persian Empire,Umar who marched on his foot into
- Umar also established the first public treasury and a
sophisticated financial administration. He established
many of the basic practices of Islamic government.
Islamic StudiesIslamic Studies
- Umar was succeeded by Uthman who ruled for
some twelve years during which time Islamic
expansion continued.
- Uthman, who had the definitive text of The Noble
Quran copied and sent to the four corners of the
Islamic world. (Syam, Kufah, Baghdad and
- He was succeeded by Ali who is known to this day
as for his eloquent sermons and letters and also for
his bravery.

Islamic Studies
Islamic Studies
- The Ummayyad Caliphate was established in 661,
Damascus (Damsyik) became the capital of an
Islamic world which stretched from the western
borders of china to southern France.
- The Abbasids who succeeded the Umayyad shifted
the capital to Baghdad, which soon developed into
an incomparable center of learning and culture.
- They ruled for over 500 years, started from750-
1258. The Abbasid caliphate was finally abolished
when Hulagu, the Mongol ruler captured Baghdad
in 1258.

Islamic Studies Islamic Studies

- The Abbasid state forge them into an Islamic
culture, this unification underlie the striking
scientific progress extending from the beginning
of the Abbasid state to the end of the fourth Hijri
- The Islamic scholars copied, translated, and
Arabized this ancient legacy ( from Greeks,
Persia, even India and China).
- They continued with their own innovation and
development to give contributions to the world
that is known as Arab-Islamic civilization.
Islamic Studies Islamic Studies
- The scientist are unanimous sepakat in their
assertion of the high position of Islamic civilization
among major human in History.
- This advance began in Iraq after the caliph Abu
Jaafar al-Mansur built the city in Baghdad (771-775
A.D) and he made headquarters of Abbasid caliphate
with legal authority over all Islamic country.
- The city was the cosmopolitan city with individuals
from all races, religions, dwelling in it.
- The works of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle were
translated into Arabic.

Islamic Studies Islamic Studies

- During the rule of al-Mansur (772-784 A.D) some works
of Alexandrian scientist, Claudius Ptolemy were
- The Greek’s book :Emegal Mathematike” is an
encyclopedia of astronomy and Mathematics. Muslim
Scientist made use of it, correct some of its information
and added to it.
- Numerous works were translated from India language
including the famous book on Astronomy and
Mathematics entitled : Siddhanta,
- The complete translation appeared during Al-mansur’s
reign under the title Al-Sind Hind.
Islamic Studies Islamic Studies
- As a result the Arab science of Mathematics had
- The Muslim added the Cipher zero system and the use of
zero in mathematics which are found in the book of
“miftah al-Hisab” by Jamshid ibn Mahmud.
- And this discovery was the prelude membuka to the
detailed mathematics studies.
- At the same time, The scientist Ibrahim al-Farazi who
supervised the translation of this book include an
astronomical, mathematical table that shows the location
of the Stars and their motion.
Islamic Studies Islamic Studies
- Ibrahim al-Farazi was the first Muslim to make the
- The famous book Kalila wa dimna (the famous book
in Astronomy) was translated by Abdullah al-Muqaffa
into Arabic during the al-Mansur’s reign.
- During the reign of al-Mahdi ibn al-Mansur (784 A,D)
an Arab chemist called Jaber bin Hayyan was active.
His books dealt with the latest development of
Chemistry. Such as chemical compound like
crystalline silver nitrate.

Islamic Studies Islamic Studies

- During Harun al-Rashid’s Reign (813-833 A.D) he
founded the bait al-Hikmah (House of Wisdom) for
translation which prospered during the rule of his
son, Abdullah al-Makmun.
- Major Greek works were translated, observatories
were built, Geographical maps were drawn.
- The famous Islamic scientist like al-Khawarizmi
(846 A.D) who was writing a book on al-Gebra.
Which was the foundation of modern al-Gebra.
- Al-Gebra originated in al-Khawarizmi was
translated into Latin in (1135 A.D) by Robert of
Chester. Islamic Studies Islamic Studies
- The Abbasids built a large numbers of Hospitals and
Pharmacies mainly in Baghdad. Including the Hospital
built by Al-Rashid on the western side of Baghdad by
Physician Gibrael bin Bakhtihu.
- Al-Saed Hospital built by al-Muktadir in (918 A.D).
- The State regulated a medical practices during the time of
al-Makmum and al-Muktasim.
- Caliph al-Muktadir banned medical professional from
practice except after examination.
- Each medical practitioner takes the Muslim doctor’s oath
which underlines the confidentiality of the patient to
preserve melindungi the honour of the professional.
Islamic Studies Islamic Studies
- during the day of Muktasim the physician
Yuhanna Masawah best known in the west Mesue
Major, He wrote Daghal al Ayn (disorder of the
- Which is the first treatise in Arabic on
- The Mesue’s Student was Hunayn bin Ishak
continue his study in Rome and he wrote a book
al-Asyr al-Maqalat fi al-Ayn.

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- In additional of scientific and experimental,
Baghdad also became famous for Islamic science
related to the glorious Quran and Hadith.
- caliph Abu Jaafar for instance, urged to Ulama
from Madinah to come to Baghdad and received a
proper status.
- Ibn Ishak compiled a history book known as al-
Maghazi, the history covered from Adam to Ibn
Ishak’s day.
- The same applied to Jurisprudence which dealt
with research on religious matters
Islamic Studies Islamic Studies
- As a consequence, Baghdad became the center of
knowledge and center for excellence

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