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Name : Mrs. M
Age : 44 years old
Sex : Female
Address : Petoaha Distric, Nambo City
Admission : May, 19th 2017
DPJP : dr. Tedjo Arianto, Sp.B-KBD
Chief complain :

Anamnesis :
Patient presented to the hospital complaining of Headache that had been
present since 1 hours before admitted to the hospital. The patient comes
with a traffic accident.
Mechanism of trauma : Patients are motorcyclists who drive at speed
40km/h and then suddenly fell down because he could not control the
motorcycle because he drove at cobblestone area. And the patients do not
use a helmet while driving
There was history of nausea. Sncope, vomiting, ear and nose bleeding was
Primary survey
A Clear

RR 20x/min, spontaneous
thoracoabdominal type, symmetrical B
C BP 110/60 mmHg
Pulse = 64x/min, regular, strong

GCS 15 (E4M6V5), pupil isochors,

: 2mm/2mm, light reflex +/+ D
E T = 36.80C (axillary)

Head : There were lacerated wound which was 10 cm in length

and semicircular in shepe at the right frontoparietalis
region with bone exposed, lacerated wound which was 5
cm in length at the right parietalis region, and at the
frontalis region which was 1 cm in length.
Eyes : Normally
Nose : Normally
Mouth : Normally
Ears : Normally
Neck : Normally
Chest : Normally
Abdomen : Normally

Upper: There were excoriated wound at right deltoid region and at

the right and left manus region. ROM right shoulder joint was limited
Lower: Normally
Plan of Diagnostic

counting blood cell

X-ray skull region, AP/Lat view
X-ray Right Shoulder joint AP view

MILD HEAD INJURY GCS 15 + Multiple Lacerated

wound at the right frontoparietalis region
with bone exposed, right parietalis region,
and at the frontalis region + Multiple
excoriated wound at right deltoid region and
at the right and left manus region.
Wound care
Consult to general surgery
Thank You


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