Emergency Olis 2

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Disusun oleh:

Akmalia hardini

Pembimbing : dr, Beny Atmadja Wirjomartani Sp.bs

Name : Olis Setiawan
Sex : Male
Age : 19 years old
Address : Rancah, Ciamis
Religion : Moslem
Status : Not Married
Medical Rec No. : 1644318
Time of arrival : 05.09 PM
Phone Number : 082217859946
Working Time : 2 hours
PS : Bleeding from mouth
A 19 y.o male patient with bleeding from mouth and nose.
± 12 hours prior to admission, when the patients was riding
a motorcycle with medium speed at Garut area, suddenly
came a truck from opposite direction hit the patient, caused
him lose his balance and fell down with unknown
mechanism. History of using Helmet (+) half face, history
of unconsciousness (+) ± 10 minute , nausea and vomiting
(-), bleeding from mouth and nose (+), bleeding from ear (-
). Then he was brought to general hospital at Garut area and
was performed suturing at left eyelid, head x-ray and
received infusion of electrolyte, injection of ATS-TT. Then
the patient was referred to Hasan Sadikin Hospital
Emergency Department.
Primary survey
A : Clear
B : Symmetrical shape and movement, VBS R=L , R :18x/min
C : BP: 110/70 mmHg P : 86 x/min,
D : GCS 15 (E4M6V5) Pupils round equal ODS Ø 3 mm
light reflex (+/+), Parese -/-, motoric +/+

Secondary Survey
Within normal limit
General status :

Skin : Turgor (+)

Head : Asymmetrical face, edema and hematome at right
Eye : Non anemic conjunctiva, non icteric sclera.
Neck : JVP not increased, submandible lymphe node not
palpable, no pain
Thorax : Symmetrical shape and movement
Pulmo : VBS R=L, Rh -/-, Wh -/-
Cor : Regular pure heart sounds
Abdomen : Soft and flat, bowel sound (+) N
Hepar/Lien: not palpable
Extremity : Warm, cyanosis -/-, edema -/-, CRT < 2”
Local status :
Extra Oral :
• Asymmetrical face, edema and hematome at right periorbita
• Edema at upper and lower lip
• Abrassive wound at right eyelid 1x0,5 cm in size
• Post suturing at left eyebrow 2x1 cm in size
Intra Oral :
• Lips : Lacerated wound at lower lip with 1.5 x0,5x0,5cm
in size, irregular edge, muscle based , Edema and
abrassive wound at upper and lower lip.
• Gingiva : Lacerated wound at gingiva of teeth 11-21 and 41
with 1,5x0,5x0,5 and 0,5x0,5x0,5 cm in size,
irregular edge, bone based.
• Palate : Lacerated wound at palatum with 3x0,5x0,3cm
in size, irregular edge, bone based
Laboratory Findings:
1. Hematology
 PT : 17.3 11-15 second
 INR : 1.30 0.8-1.2 second
 APTT : 35.10 21-41 second
 Hb : 11.3 M(13,5-17,5) g/dL
 Ht : 35.4 M(40-52) %
 WBC : 14.170 (4,400-11,300) /mm3
 RBC : 5,95 M(4,50-6,50) milion/uL
 Platelet : 211.000 (150,000-450,000)/mm3

2. Chemical Blood Component

 SGOT : 47 M(15-37) U/L 37O C
 SGPT : 41 M(16-63) U/L 37O C
 Ureum : 42 15-50 mg/dL
 Creatinin : 1,06 0,7-1,2 mg/dL
 Timely blood glucose : 93 <140 mg/dL
 Alfa Amilase : 498 25-115 U/L
 Lipase : 105 73-393 U/L
 Sodium : 150 135-145 mEq/L
 Potassium : 1.8 3.6-5.5 mEq/L
• No sign of costae, scapulae,clavicle fracture
• No sign of cardiomegaly

Impression :
• within normal limit

Impression :
• within normal limit

# #

# #

Impression :
• Discontinuity of right orbital rim inferior aspect #
• Discontinuity of left orbital rim inferior aspect
• Discontinuity of Nasal bone
• Discontinuity of left maxillary bone
• Discontinuity of right body and simphysis of mandible bone

• Mild HI
• Fracture of right orbital rim inferior aspect + Fracture of left orbital
rim inferior aspect + Fracture of nasal bone + Fracture of left
maxillary bone + Fracture of palate type 2 + Incomplete Fracture
of right corpus of mandible + Fracture of simphysis of mandible
• Dentoalveolar fracture of teeth 11-21,41 with avulsion of teeth
21,41 and mobility grade 3 of tooth 11
• Lacerated wound at palatum, lower lip and gingival of teeth 11-
21, 41
P : Treatment

 Skull AP Lateral x-ray

 Wound debridement
 Suturing lacerated wound IO
 Interdental wiring at upper jaw (17-27) and lower jaw (37-47)
Management of Head injury
Grade I Alert and oriented without neurological deficit. May have
headache, nausea, or vomiting
Grade II Impaired conscioussness but able to follow at least a simple
command, or alert with a focal neurological deficit
Grade Unable to follow even a single simple command because of
III impaired consciousness

Grade IV No evidence of brain function

 History: Type and time of accident, loss of consciousness,
amnesia, headache.
 General examination
 Neurological examnation
 Skull radiographs
 Cervical spine and other radiograph
 Blood alcohol level, urine for toxic screen
 CT scan of the head
 History: Type and time of accident, loss of consciousness, amnesia,
 General examination
 Neurological examnation
 Skull readiographs
 Cervical spine and other radiograph
 Blood alcohol level, urine for toxic screen
 Blood sample to the blood bank for typing
 Baseline blood test and EKG
 Anticonvulsants
 CT scan of the head
 Observation
•Drug or alcohol intake
History •Age
•Progression of vital sign, Pat medical history

•Airway intubate early

Cardiopulmonary •Blood pressure normalize with saline or blood
•Catheters nasogatrictube, foley
stabilizIation •Diagnostic film

General examination

• Tracheostomy
Emergency measures for •Chest tube
associated injuries •Neck stabilization
•Abdominal paracentesis

Neurological examination • Pupillary
• Lateralization

Therapeutic Agents

Diagnostic Test •CT Scan

Maxilofacial fracture
Lacerated Fracture of the upper
wound third of the face

Skin Abrasion Fracture of the middle

third of the face:
• Nasal fracture
• Maxillary fracture
Parotid gland • Zygomatic fracture
injuries • Orbital Fracture

Eyelid injury
Fracture of the lower
third of the face

Ear injury

Nasal Injury
(Alveolus Anterior) (Posterolateral) (SAGITAL) (PARASAGITAL)


• Identifying of fracture maxillofacial fracture
• Type Ia :
Erich arch bar segmental or orthodontic bracket without fiksasi

• Type Ib :
Arch bar and ORIF
 Type II, III, IV dan VI
- Palatal rigid internal fixation
(2 plat = anterior dan posterior)
- Aplication of plat at piriformis and
zygomaticomaxillary buttress

 Type V
- acrylic palatal splint

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