CASE REPORT (23.00) : No. CM Name Age/Sex Diagnose Therapy Inpatient/Outpatient

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CM Name Age/Sex Diagnose Therapy Inpatient/Outpatient

1. 397347 Ahmad tafsir 50 y.o/ Mild Head Injury (GCS : Head up 30ᵒ Inpatient
M E4M6V5 -15)
Oxigenation 4 lpm (nasal
multiple laceration canule)
wound (regio occipital et
Inf RL 20 dpm
dorsum pedis dextra)
sutured Inj Ceftriaxone 1g/24h i/v
Clinical skull base Inj Ketorolac 30mg/12h
fracture on right medial
fossa Inj Ranitidin 50mg/12h

Et causa traffic light Inj Ondansetron 4mg/8 jam

accident 4 hours ago Observation


50 years old male came to ER post road accident 4 hours ago


Airway & C-spine control

Voices loud and clear Airway patent

 Cervical Collar


RR : 20x/minute

Thorax :

I : Static : right hemithorax = left hemithorax

Dinamic : right hemithorax = left hemithorax

P : Tactile fremitus right = left

P : Sonor all around area

A : Vesikuler basic sound, additional sound (-)

Circulation & Control haemorrage

HR : 98 bpm

BP : 140/90 mmHg

Ear bleeding


GCS E4M6V5 : 15

Pupil isocor 3mm . Light Reflex (+/+)


Wound on thorax (-)

Wound on abdomen (-)

• Chief complain : Pain in the head

• ± 2 hours prior to hospital admission, patient involved in a road accident. He was riding
motorcycle , and crashed with another motorcycle from another side of the road. Patient fell
backwards with his head hitting the road. Patent were still conscious, there was no vomitting
nor blurry vision. Got s

• Patient complained about pain in the head. The pain is persisting and feel worse when the
head is touched or given pressure. Patient got hospitalized in Puskesmas. Patient received
several sutures in the back of the head and left foot. Patient vomitted twice, consist of food
and blood. Patient bwas told that he suffered from Mild Head Injury and being refffered to
RSUD Batang for further observations.

PE :

General Condition :

Moderately ill

VS :

RR : 22x/mnts

HR : 98x/mnts

BP : 140/90 mmHg

t : 36,5 ºC (A)

Pain : 4 VAS

BW : 60 kilograms

Consciousness : composmentis, GCS E4M6V5=15

Head/Neck : - Equal pupil Ø 3 mm, LR +/+

- Conj. palp wasn’t anemic

- Right ear : bleed (+) halo sign (-)

Chest :

Heart :

I : IC cannot be seen

P : IC palpable on SIC IV, ± 2 cm medial LMCS

P : Configuration wnl
A : Basic sound wnl

Lungs :

I : Static : right hemithorax = left hemithorax

Dinamic : right hemithorax = left hemithorax

P : Tactile fremitus right = left

P : Sonor all around area

A : Vesikuler basic sound, additional sound (-)

• Abdomen :

I : Distended, bowel pattern/movement (-)

P: Tenderness (-), DM (-)

P: Tympanic, liver dullness (+), flank dullness (+) N, shifting dullness (-)

A: Bowel sound (+) increased, metallic sound (-)

• Extremity Sup Inf

Cold acral -/- -/-

Motoric 555/555 555/555

Sensoric +/+ +/+

Local state


I : wound (+) sutured and bandaged, seepage of blood (+)

P: tenderness (+)

Local state

I : wound (+) sutured and bandaged,swelling (-) seepage of blood (-)

P: tenderness (+) , step of deformity (-)

Local state


I : wound (+), swelling(-), redness(-)

P: tenderness (+) , Step of deformity (-)

Working Diagnose :
• Mild Head Injury (GCS : E4M6V5 -15)

• Multiple vulnus laceration (regio occipital et dorsum pedis dextra) sutured

• Clinical skull base fracture on right medial fossa

• Et causa traffic light accident 4 hours ago

Initial Management :

- IpDx :

S : Complain of nausea, Pain

O : Scale of Consciousess (GCS)

IpTx :

Head up 30ᵒ

Oxigenation 4 lpm (nasal canule)

Inf RL 20 dpm

Inj Ceftriaxone 1g/24h i/v

Inj Ketorolac 30mg/12h

Inj Ranitidin 50mg/12h

Inj Ondansetron 4mg/8 jam


- IpMx :

Complaint, Consciousness, Vital signs

- IpEx :

– Informed consent :

• To explain the patient that there might be fracture t the back of the skull

• To explain the patient and the family to mmediately tell doctors or nurses if
patient feels worse

• To explain the patients and the family to tell the doctors if patients start to
rumble and being disoriented
Friday, 28th
September 2018

Presented by :
 Yanuarius Alvin Pratama Budianto
 Adzzahra Dzakiyah

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