What Makes A Leader

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What Makes a Leader?

By Daniel Goleman
Daniel Goleman
Born in March 1946 in California,
Lecturer, psychologist, researcher,
reporter, visiting faculty member
at Harvard.
First Author to work on Emotional
Wrote Emotional Intelligence in
1995 and continued writing.
IQ versus EI
Intelligence Quotient:

A measure of Intellectual Intelligence, indication of better

cognitive abilities, ability to learn and understand.

Emotional Intelligence:

A measure of an individuals abilities to recognize and

manage their emotions, and the emotions of other people.
Daniels Work on EI

His Research of 200 large companies

Resulted 5 Factors: on
Awareness Motivation

Social Empa
skill thy
Most Effective Leaders are alike
score high on EI.

Threshold Capability

Sine Qua Non of Leadership

Evaluating Emotional Intelligence

Competency Models to identify, train, promote

likely Star Leaders.
Competency models of 188 large companies like
British Airways.
3 categories of Capabilities:

Technical Skills
Cognitive Abilities
Emotional Intelligence
Results of Research

Intellect was driver of better Performance

Cognitive skills were used for big picture
thinking and vision creation.
Emotional intelligence was twice as important
as others.

David McClelland Research (1996, Food and

Beverage Industry)
Self Awareness
Know thyself

Understanding of Your
Emotions and its

Self Assessment
Self knowledge
Self Deprecation
Self Confidence
Self Regulation

Manage Your Emotions

Self Regulation frees

us from being Prisoners
of our own Feelings.

Change management
A passion to work for reasons that go beyond money or, status
A propensity to pursue goals with energy and persistence

The key word here to achieve:

Most of the people are motivated by

external factors such as big salary, status
But the leaders are motivated by deeply
embedded desire to achieve for the sake of
For a leader empathy does not mean to please every
body that would be nightmare.
It means considering employees feelings along with
other factors in the process of making intelligence

Empathy is important today for three reasons

1. The increasing use of teams
2. The rapid pace of globalization
3. The growing need to retain talent
Social skill:

Social skill means friendliness with

people for a purpose to move them in
the direction you desire

Motivation contributes to social skill

Social skill is the most important because
leaders task is to get work done through other
people that is difficult if he is unable to
communicate properly.

Social skill allows leader to put their emotional

intelligence to work
Can Emotional
Intelligence be Learned?
1. Genetic Component
2. Maturity Component

Training Component

Training the Limbic
Keys to learning Techniques

Self Motivation Practice scenarios

Recognition Enlist a coach
Practice Tape yourself
Continuous feedback Mimic others
Time and focus Go overseas?
Breaking habits
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