Life Cycles and Learning Cycles John Heron
Life Cycles and Learning Cycles John Heron
Life Cycles and Learning Cycles John Heron
MEL19 Group 3
Daily experience without intent of learning from it Conscious intent to learn through experience
ego ignores impulses - remains latent / tacit Person functions awarely - participatory
4 psychological modes - moving in a cycle
life cycle: ego is stuck in fullfillment or Learning cycle: change of emotional state
1) feels hungry (affective) 1) practitioner attunes empathetically to the total being of client - aigning
2) looks around the kitchen for something to eat emotional needs and interests (affective)
(imagery) 2) through conversation, explores imagery of spoken and bodily cues (imagery)
3) selectively discriminates amont the items for a 3) at the back of her mind, reflects and formulates a range of
menu (conceptual) possible diagnosis's (conceptual)
4) cooks and eats (practical) 4) selects the primary diagnosis, puts forward a plan of practical therapy