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Emotional Intelligence At Work
Emotional Intelligence At Work
Emotional Intelligence At Work
Ebook35 pages32 minutes

Emotional Intelligence At Work

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About this ebook

You feel that everything is wrong at work? Are you frustrated by your job? Is your working environment conflictual? Is it difficult to work with your colleagues? Do you feel like skipping work today?

If your answer is yes, the solution is simple: work on your emotional intelligence and everything will change. Take a short course with high impact.

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  1. understand the impact of workplace emotions,

  2. communicate with empathy,

  3. apply key emotional intelligence skills in a confrontation scenario, and

  4. help others to develop self-awareness and empathy.

So, ff you want to better understand, develop and use your emotional intelligence skills, you will greatly benefit from this course.

This is high intensity training for your career success!

Release dateDec 12, 2017
Emotional Intelligence At Work

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    Book preview

    Emotional Intelligence At Work - Miku Kui

    what is conflict

    What are your first thoughts when you hear or see the word conflict? Struggle or contest between people with opposing needs, ideas, goals or values.

    For many thoughts associated with conflict are negative and frightening, they bring to mind images of anger and tension.

    At work with picture meetings where there are;

      personal attacks

      non-productivity

      disengagement

      alienation.

    Groups of people coming together to discuss difficult issues to try to solve problems or to plan for the future. Through the conflict in these groups comes creative solutions to challenges greater understanding of all aspects of an issue and a strong sense of group cohesion.

    Working with conflict is a key element to building and supporting a high functioning workplace. Is particularly relevant for effective team work, conflict impacts us all as individuals in powerful ways so it has a greater impact on worker productivity and on the workplace climate.

    Workplaces need to figure out ways that they're going to handle conflict and use the power that comes from creative conflict. Leaders or managers have an important role in shaping this process.

    There are two types

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