The Plants: by Javier Serrano

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By Javier Serrano

The plants are one of the biggest groups of

living things on Earth. Plants grow almost
everywhere, at rocky mountains, others in
depth of the ocean. Some plants grow in
humid and shady places, others prefer a dry
and sunny environment
To survive in such conditions the plants have developed
specific characteristics that help them to satisfy their basic

The Plants

Living things
Characteristics Flora

Cant move Produce their

Green Multicellular own food Interact with their
from place to

cacti, sunflower, carnivorous plant
Plant of origin mainly of
America. The most
important feature is the
areola, from where
spines arise, new shoots
in many occasions,
Its spines are sharp to
prevent all animals from
eating plants.
They live in areas of
extreme heat, tolerate
drought. Excessive watering
and poor drainage can
lead to the appearance of
fungi and the death of the
The gas exchange is done
at night, the consumption of
carbon dioxide, in reverse
of the rest of the plants.
Cactus can live up to 200
years. Adult cactus
measures 12-18 meters.
The sunflower
The sunflower is of North American and Central
American origin. It can reach 3 meters.
The most important part is the chapter, forming as the
plant grows.
The plant hormones allow greater growth control all
the functions of plants: growth, flowering, fruit ripening,
phototropism, etc.
The fruits of the sunflower
are the well-known pipes,
and like the sunflower oil,
they are very healthy. From
the sunflower you get oil,
which has a lot of vitamin E.
The stems have fiber, can be
used to make paper, and
the leaves serve to feed the
livestock One of the
properties of the sunflower is
its use against diseases such
as catarrh, headache,
rheumatism, in some
wounds, etc.
Carnivorous plants

Most carnivorous plants originate in cold regions,

although there are some that grow in tropical
The carnivora plant obtains most of its nutrients
through the capture and consumption of animals
and protozoa, usually insects. They grow in places
like marshy acid lands and rocky cliffs.
There are several
types of plants
depending on the
type of catch: tongs
(Venus flytrap), sticky
hairs (Drosera,
Pinguicula), drop traps
(odre plants),
mechanical traps
(Utricularia), lobster-
pot traps (Genlisea)
Traps (Drosera
Carnivorous plants need sunlight, substrate
mix or moisture. Most require rainwater, running
water contains minerals that would
accumulate to kill the plant.
Plants grown abroad obtain more than
enough insects to feed themselves. Human
maltreatment, insect plague and gray mold
can be a major threat to carnivorous plants.

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