Specs, Loads, & Methods of Design

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Chapter 2- Specification- Loads, Methods of Design

u Design Procedures
u Compliance w/ building code is essential
u Planning
u Mitigate litigation
u Preliminary design
u Uniformity in the thought process
u Loads
u Historical perspectives.
u Analysis
u Preliminary member selection
u Code Bodies
u Checks u AISC- American Institute of Steel Construction
u ICBO- International Conference of Building
u AASHTO- American Association of State
Highway Transportation Officials.
Design Philosophy

u Structural analysis approaches are based on a linear elastic approach which

may not consider the strength or failure mechanisms.
u The design phase must consider the failure scenarios, so decide how the
structure should behave and fail under the normal or unlikely circumstances.
u Consider load redistributions, redundancies.
u Provide adequate warning to users prior to failure.
u Avoid structural collapse at all costs.
u Cost of a human life?
Design Procedures- Analysis and Checks

u Analysis u Checks
u Choose the analytical model u Strength and serviceability conditions
u Determination of loads satisfied?
u Perform analysis using section u Redesign if necessary
sizes from the preliminary stages u Final design check
u Check if trial member sizes meet the u Connections
design codes u Check drawings with fabrication shop
u Resize the members for compliance
u Evaluate u Design of Support structures
u Falsework, walls, floors, HVAC
Idealized Material Properties
Steel Types
Sections and their properties
Idealized Analytical Models
u Reduction of the 3-D structure to 2 or 1-D idealizations.
u Trusses- Two or three dimensional structure consisting of members carrying axial forces only
u Plane frame- Structural system of members in one plane. Able to carry axial and flexural
u Plane Grid- Structural system of members in one plane. Able to carry axial, flexural, and
torque loads.
u Hinge
u Roller
u Fixed support
u Translational spring
u Rotational spring
Interior connections
u Shear connection
u Just transfer the shear forces, and no flexural stresses. Idealizes as a hinge in
calculations, (M=0)
u Moment connection
u Rigid connection-remember moment distribution coefficients
u Semi-rigid connection
u deformation at the hinge due to the transfer of the moment may not be

2 Angles
Shear Connection
Stiffened Seated Connection Semi-rigid

4" Stabilizer


Clip Position

Seat Plate
Trim Lines

Advantages: Few Parts, Few Bolts

Disadvantages: Requires Stability Angle, and introduces a Column Web Limit State
Comment: Commonly used to connect to the web of a column.
Beam Length Tolerance +/- 1/4 in.
To accommodate:
Setbacks in calculations are usually 1/2 in.
End edge distances are taken 1/4 in. less than detailed.
Effective Weld Length
When a weld terminates in the air, the dimensioned weld length is reduced by the weld size for calculations.

minus 1/4"


1/2" setback Leff = Lw 2 tw

Shear End-Plate

Concentrated Load Dead load

idealized as point force, i.e. crane, air Independent of time, i.e. weight of Floor, roof
conditioner on roof, column force on components. Estimated with a small margin of
foundation. error. See Table 2.1
Distributed load Live load
Line load- narrow strip of load on a Vary in magnitude as a function of time and
structure, partition wall heights, position. Slow moving vehicles, cranes, traffic
Surface load-weight of a floor slab, vehicles in a parking garage. Library, office
snow load building. See Table 2.2 and 2.3

Seismic Load Occupancy loads for buildings

Minimum level specified by code for a specific
Wind Load building, office building, library, public buildings,
exit corridors of structures. Table 2.2
Traffic loads for bridges
Specified by AASHTO, depends on traffic
volume, truck size, tandem.
Roof Load
Dead load of components
Live load
Roof live load, air conditioner service tech.
Snow load based on historical 50 year snowfall, 1snow =0.5 psf
normally about 20 to 40 psf. Depends on the slope of the roof.
Rain load
Ponding, ice buildup. Results in about 50% of failure and insurance
Wind Load- Seismic Load
Creates pressure on one side and suction on the other side of a building.
Function of wind speed, air density, height of the building, stand-alone
building vs. a city block.
Seismic load- lateral forces due to ground acceleration, and the
combination of mass, and rigidness of the structure.

Wind Loads
r = mass density of air
V = wind velocity q = rV 2

Ce= exposure Factor, 2

1.0 for 0-40 ft
2.0 740-1200 ft q = 0.002558 V 2
Cg= Gust Facror 2

2.0 Structural member
2.5 Cladding
p = qCe Cg C p
Cp= Shape Factor
0.8 high pressure side
0.5 suction side
78 mph wind caused p=0.002558(1.3)(78)2=20 psf
Load & Resistance Factor Design
Structure is designed stronger than the loads applied to it.
A probability based model
Based of the failure strength of the structure.
Calibrated against ASD (allowable stress design method )
and the past experience
working or service loads: Qi
Factor of safety for each load =li
Factored loads = li Qi
Loads for LRFD Design
1.4 DL
1.2 D + 1.6 L + 0.5(Lr or S or R)
1.2 D + 1.6 (Lr or S or R) + (0.5L or 0.8 W)
1.2 D + 1.3 W+0.5L +0.5 (Lr or S or R)
1.2D + 1.0E + 0.5L +0.2 S
0.9 D + (1.3W or 1.0E)
Resistance Factor, f
fc = 0.85 for axial compression
f represents the uncertainty in the
material, workmanship, construction fs = 0.90 for shear
procedures, etc. fb = 0.90 for flexure
Pn = Nominal strength (resistance, fty = 0.90 for yielding in a tension
capacity) member
Pu = Required strength
ftu = 0.75 for fracture in tension
Design such that: member

f Pn > Pu
Capacity > Demand

Theoretical strength, Rn
resistance over-capacity factor, fn
Structural resistance = fn Rn
All applied loads < Capacity or resistance of the member
li Q i < fn Rn
Probability based model
Frequency R Frequency

failure failure ln(Q/R)
VR= Coefficient of variation of R b, number of
VQ= Coefficient of variation of Q standard deviations
Guide to the AISC Manual, Volume I

The AISC Manual for Steel Construction is a comprehensive set of tables, charts,
diagrams, and design rules used in professional practice. In one introductory
course, it is possible only to cover a small, but most important, portion of the
AISC Manual.
Dimensions and Properties
Essentials of LRFD
Tension design
Column Design
Beam and Girder Design
Combined Loading
Specifications and Codes
Miscellaneous Data and Mathematical Information
Load & Resistance Factor Design

Specification Set of design rules used in professional practice

Appendix Supplementary design rules
Numerical Values Tables to help make the design easier
Commentary Explanations of design rules plus a few extra rules

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