Design Report - Ashugonj Building Part

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Design Report










Table of Contents
1. Introduction:........................................................................................................................................4
1.1. Common criteria..............................................................................................................................4
2. Design Code:........................................................................................................................................4
3. Material Specifications:........................................................................................................................4
4. Material Property for Design:...............................................................................................................4
5. Design considerations & assumptions:.................................................................................................4
6. Load Definitions:..................................................................................................................................4
6.1 Dead Load (D):..................................................................................................................................4
6.2 Live Load (L):....................................................................................................................................4
6.3 Wind Load (W):................................................................................................................................4
6.4 Seismic Load (E):...............................................................................................................................6
7. Analysis Results:...................................................................................................................................7
7.1 MODEL.............................................................................................................................................7
7.2 Structure Data..................................................................................................................................7
7.3 Load Patterns...................................................................................................................................8
7.4 Auto Seismic Loading.......................................................................................................................9
7.5 Analysis Results..............................................................................................................................15
7.6 Modal Results.................................................................................................................................20
8. Load combination:.............................................................................................................................26
9. Foundation.........................................................................................................................................27
9.1 Pile Capacity and foundation safety...............................................................................................27
9.2 Pile design for Port Administrative Building...................................................................................28
10. Conclusion:.....................................................................................................................................29


We declare that this report has been done based on following mainly BNBC 2006, ACI Code & UBC 94 guideline.

All rights reserved. This report and all other documents related to this project are confidential and may contain
information that is privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure and are only for the intended recipient.

1. Introduction:
1.1. Common criteria
The objective is to perform structural design of BUILDING PART OF INLAND CONTAINER RIVER PORT (ICRP) AT

Information Description
Structural System R.C.C Intermediate moment resisting frame structure
Number of Stories Single to 4 storied
Foundation Type Pile foundation
Floor usage Residential, commercial, office and utility buildings
2. Design Code:
All Steel and R.C.C. member of the Building is designed in accordance with
 Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC): 2006
Housing and Building Research Institute
Darus-Salam, Mirpur, Dhaka 1218, Bangladesh.
 Building code requirements for Structural concrete (ACI 318-99)
American Concrete Institute
38800 Country Club Drive, Farmington Hills, MI 48331
 Details and Detailing of Concrete Reinforcement (ACI 315-99)
American Concrete Institute
38800 Country Club Drive, Farmington Hills, MI 48331

3. Material Specifications:
Sl. no. Item Specifications
1 Reinforcing steel bar BDS 1313:1991, ASTM A615
2 Concrete aggregates BDS 243:1963, ASTM C33
3 Cement BDS 232:1974, ASTM C150, ASTM C595
4 Brick BDS 208:1980, BDS 1250:1989, BDS 1263:1990, ASTM C34, ASTM C56

4. Material Property for Design:

Sl. no. Item
1 Reinforcing steel bar fy 72 ksi
2 Concrete for column fc’ 4000 psi
3 Concrete for Pile, Pile Cap Beam & Slab fc’ 4000 psi
4 Concrete for lintel, false slab fc’ 2500 psi
5 Young’s Modula’s of Concrete Ec 57000√fc’
5. Design considerations & assumptions:
 Structure comprise with building frame system having moment resisting frame in both direction.
 Intermediate Moment Resisting Frame considered for seismic evolution.
 R.C.C. slab act as a rigid diaphragm and distribute the lateral force to the rigid frame according to their

6. Load Definitions:
6.1 Dead Load (D):
Dead loads (D) are those gravity load which remain acting on the structure permanently without any change during
the structures normal service life. These are basically the loads coming from the weight of the different components
of the structure.

Self-wt. of the member auto calculate by the program. Considering unit wt. of concrete 23.6 kN/m 3.

For 250mm brick wall considered 4.8kN/m2 and for 125mm partition wall considered 2.4kN/m 2. This load multiply
by the wall height & input as a line load on beam where brick wall as shown in architectural plan. And floor finish
load consider 1.50kN/m2.
6.2 Live Load (L):
Live load is the gravity load due to non‐permanent objects like machines, furniture, and human. Analysis has been
carried out base on following values of BNBC-2006.

6.3 Wind Load (W):

Bangladesh is typically a storm prone area where due consideration to the thrust due to storm must be given in the
analysis and design of building and structures. Wind load due to storm is typically modeled as lateral thrust force
causing sway or overturning of the building. The present project is located at Banani DOHS, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Detailed specifications on wind loading on buildings are outlined in BNBC (2006) and here force calculated as per

projected area method.Wind speed= 210 km/hr

6.4 Seismic Load (E):

Earthquake are one of nature’s greatest hazards to life on planet. The impact of this phenomenon is sudden with a
little or no warning to make preparations against damages and collapse of buildings/structures. Detailed
specifications on seismic loading on buildings are outlined in BNBC (2006). Dhaka is situated on moderate seismic
zone and bellow parameter considered for assessment.

Site coefficient, S= 1.5
Seismic Zone coefficient, Z=0.15 (Zone-2)
Importance factor, I=1.0
Response modification coefficient, R =8 (Intermediate moment resisting frame); both direction
Seismic weight, W =D+0.25Lf

7. Analysis Results:

7.2 Structure Data

1.1 Story Data

Table 1.1 - Story Data

Height Elevation
Name Master Story Similar To Splice Story
mm mm

PENTHOUSE 3000 19650 No None No

3RD F 3600 16650 No None No

2ND F 3600 13050 No None No

1ST F 3600 9450 No None No

GROUND FLOOR 3750 5850 No None No

GB 2100 2100 No None No

Height Elevation
Name Master Story Similar To Splice Story
mm mm

Base 0 0 No None No

2 Loads

7.3 Load Patterns

Table 2.1 - Load Patterns

Name Type Self Weight Multiplier Auto Load

Dead Dead 1

Live Live 0

EQX Seismic 0 UBC 94

EQY Seismic 0 UBC 94

WX Wind 0 UBC 94

Name Type Self Weight Multiplier Auto Load

W-X Wind 0 UBC 94

WY Wind 0 UBC 94

W-Y Wind 0 UBC 94

SIDL Superimposed Dead 0

WALL Superimposed Dead 0

7.4 Auto Seismic Loading

UBC 94 Auto Seismic Load Calculation

This calculation presents the automatically generated lateral seismic loads for load pattern EQX according to
UBC 94, as calculated by ETABS.

Direction and Eccentricity

Direction = X

Structural Period

Period Calculation Method = Method A

Coefficient, Ct C t=0.03 ft

Structure Height Above Base, hn h n=64.47 ft

Approximate Fundamental Period, T [UBC Eq.

T =C t ¿ ¿ T =0.683 sec

Factors and Coefficients

Factor, Rw [UBC Table 16-N] Rw =8

Importance Factor, I [UBC Table 16-K] I =1

Seismic Zone Factor, Z [UBC Table 16-I] Z=0.15

10 | P a g e
Site Coefficient, S [UBC Table 16-J] S=1.5

Equivalent Lateral Forces

1.25 S
Base Shear Coefficient [UBC Eq. 28-2]
¿ 2

maximum ¿ 2.75

minimum ¿ 0.075

min ≤ V coeff ≤max

Base Shear, V [UBC Eq. 28-1] V= W

Calculated Base Shear

Period Used W V Ft
Direction Vcoeff
(sec) (kN) (kN) (kN)

X 0.683 2.418689 29045.463 1317.2237 0

Applied Story Forces

11 | P a g e
Story Elevation X-Dir Y-Dir

m kN kN

PENTHOUSE 19.65 55.8184 0

3RD F 16.65 379.3217 0

2ND F 13.05 404.1629 0

1ST F 9.45 292.6947 0

GROUND FLOOR 5.85 156.4578 0

GB 2.1 28.7682 0

Base 0 0 0

UBC 94 Auto Seismic Load Calculation

12 | P a g e
This calculation presents the automatically generated lateral seismic loads for load pattern EQY according to
UBC 94, as calculated by ETABS.

Direction and Eccentricity

Direction = Y

Structural Period

Period Calculation Method = Method A

Coefficient, Ct C t=0.03 ft

Structure Height Above Base, hn h n=64.47 ft

Approximate Fundamental Period, T [UBC Eq.

T =C t ¿ ¿ T =0.683 sec

Factors and Coefficients

Factor, Rw [UBC Table 16-N] Rw =8

Importance Factor, I [UBC Table 16-K] I =1

Seismic Zone Factor, Z [UBC Table 16-I] Z=0.15

Site Coefficient, S [UBC Table 16-J] S=1.5

Equivalent Lateral Forces

1.25 S
Base Shear Coefficient [UBC Eq. 28-2]
¿ 2

maximum ¿ 2.75

minimum ¿ 0.075

min ≤ V coeff ≤max

13 | P a g e
Base Shear, V [UBC Eq. 28-1] V= W

Calculated Base Shear

Period Used W V Ft
Direction Vcoeff
(sec) (kN) (kN) (kN)

Y 0.683 2.418689 29045.463 1317.2237 0

Applied Story Forces

14 | P a g e
Story Elevation X-Dir Y-Dir

m kN kN

PENTHOUSE 19.65 0 55.8184

3RD F 16.65 0 379.3217

2ND F 13.05 0 404.1629

1ST F 9.45 0 292.6947

GROUND FLOOR 5.85 0 156.4578

GB 2.1 0 28.7682

Base 0 0 0

7.5 Analysis Results

15 | P a g e
This chapter provides analysis results.

3.1 Structure Results

Table 3.1 - Base Reactions

Load Case/Combo
kN kN kN kN-m kN-m kN-m m

Dead 0 0 15396.2321 201883.8028 0.0355 0

Live 0 0 4944.8498 63610.7974 -80211.5215 0.0238 0

EQX -1317.2237 0 0 -3.2964 -16693.5825 17454.1627 0

EQY 0 -1317.2237 0 16592.9989 4.344 -21322.903 0

WX -668.5785 0 0 -0.1573 -8427.7997 7162.6471 0

W-X 668.5785 0 0 0.1573 8427.7997 -7162.6471 0

WY 0 -1164.6044 0 13728.4798 2.9053 0

W-Y 0 1164.6044 0 -13728.4798 -2.9053 18924.9204 0

RSX Max 1310.2672 308.2663 11.307 3791.5596 16183.3195 18123.6755 0

RXY Max 259.0681 1305.2337 37.8271 15904.9763 3252.3743 21674.1459 0

SIDL 0 0 5043.459 64668.5844 -81793.5605 0.0239 0

WALL 0 0 7507.1209 105127.2899 0.0016 0

Service Load 0 0 32891.6619 435290.4746 0.0849 0

1.4D 0 0 39125.5369 520351.548 -632997.926 0.0854 0

1.4D+1.7L 0 0 47531.7816 628489.9036 0.126 0

.9D+1.3(W OR 1.1E)-1 -869.1521 0 27946.8121 371679.4726 - 9311.5022 0

16 | P a g e
Load Case/Combo
kN kN kN kN-m kN-m kN-m m


.9D+1.3(W OR 1.1E)-2 869.1521 0 27946.8121 371679.8816 -9311.3802 0

- -
.9D+1.3(W OR 1.1E)-3 0 -1513.9857 27946.8121 389526.7009 0
452137.5989 24602.3355

.9D+1.3(W OR 1.1E)-4 0 1513.9857 27946.8121 353832.6533 24602.4576 0

.9D+1.3(W OR 1.1E)-5 -1883.6299 0 27946.8121 371674.9633 24959.5137 0

- -
.9D+1.3(W OR 1.1E)-6 0 -1883.6299 27946.8121 395407.6656 0
452135.1638 30491.6902

- -
.9D+1.3(W OR 1.1E)-9 1883.6299 0 27946.8121 371684.3909 0
428269.5528 24959.3916

.9D+1.3(W OR 1.1E)-10 0 1883.6299 27946.8121 347951.6886 30491.8123 0

.75(1.4D+1.7L+1.7(W OR -
-852.4376 0 35648.8362 471367.2271 9132.4695 0
1.1E))-1 587763.5791

.75(1.4D+1.7L+1.7(W OR -
852.4376 0 35648.8362 471367.6283 -9132.2805 0
1.1E))-2 566272.6898

.75(1.4D+1.7L+1.7(W OR - -
0 -1484.8706 35648.8362 488871.2395 0
1.1E))-3 577014.4302 24129.1791

.75(1.4D+1.7L+1.7(W OR -
0 1484.8706 35648.8362 453863.6159 24129.3681 0
1.1E))-4 577021.8387

.75(1.4D+1.7L+1.7(W OR -
-1847.4063 0 35648.8362 471362.8046 24479.5577 0
1.1E))-5 600430.8839

.75(1.4D+1.7L+1.7(W OR -
0 -1847.4063 35648.8362 494639.1087 -577012.042 0
1.1E))-6 29905.2769

.75(1.4D+1.7L+1.7(W OR 1847.4063 0 35648.8362 471372.0508 -553605.385 - 0

17 | P a g e
Load Case/Combo
kN kN kN kN-m kN-m kN-m m

1.1E))-9 24479.3687

.75(1.4D+1.7L+1.7(W OR -
0 1847.4063 35648.8362 448095.7467 29905.4659 0
1.1E))-10 577024.2269

Table 3.2 - Centers of Mass and Rigidity (Part 1 of 2)

Cumulative Cumulative
Story Diaphragm
kg kg m m m m
kg kg

PENTHOUSE D1 65724.66 65724.66 16.257 17.8097 65724.66 65724.66 16.257 17.8097

3RD F D1 476289.77 476289.77 16.2084 12.3939 542014.43 542014.43 16.2143 13.0506

2ND F D1 674126.92 674126.92 16.2161 12.1506 1216141.35 1216141.35 16.2153 12.5518

1ST F D1 674188.27 674188.27 16.2158 12.151 1890329.62 1890329.62 16.2155 12.4088

GROUND FLOOR D1 572307.96 572307.96 16.2096 13.3992 2462637.58 2462637.58 16.2141 12.639

GB D1 0 0 16.25 11.15 2462637.58 2462637.58 16.2141 12.639

Table 3.2 - Centers of Mass and Rigidity (Part 2 of 2)

Story Diaphragm
m m

PENTHOUSE D1 15.9943 17.5438

3RD F D1 15.6673 15.3076

18 | P a g e
Story Diaphragm
m m

2ND F D1 15.6838 15.4462

1ST F D1 15.7232 15.578

GROUND FLOOR D1 15.8378 15.4852


3.2 Story Results

Table 3.9 - Story Stiffness

Shear X Drift X Stiffness X Shear Y Drift Y Stiffness Y

kN mm kN/m kN mm kN/m

PENTHOUSE EQX 55.8184 0.656 85081.01 0 0.043 0

3RD F EQX 435.1402 1.585 274531.003 0 0.167 0

2ND F EQX 839.303 2.572 326346.968 0 0.381 0

1ST F EQX 1131.9977 4.041 280127.242 0 0.666 0

GROUND FLOOR EQX 1288.4556 4.09 315061.805 0 0.659 0

GB EQX 1317.2237 0.952 1383046.93 0 0.153 0

PENTHOUSE EQY 0 0.035 0 55.8184 0.616 90619.052

3RD F EQY 0 0.092 0 435.1402 1.266 343629.256

19 | P a g e
Shear X Drift X Stiffness X Shear Y Drift Y Stiffness Y
kN mm kN/m kN mm kN/m

2ND F EQY 0 0.125 0 839.303 1.944 431673.77

1ST F EQY 0 0.135 0 1131.9977 2.49 454687.744

GROUND FLOOR EQY 0 0.098 0 1288.4556 2.745 469359.977

GB EQY 0 0.021 0 1317.2237 0.828 1590045.267

PENTHOUSE RSX 45.8562 0.565 81103.55 12.6434 0.161 78520.741

3RD F RSX 392.37 1.654 237166.417 95.2055 0.806 118174.177

2ND F RSX 796.4981 3.035 262445.886 191.1646 1.588 120388.155

1ST F RSX 1113.5638 5.009 222298.693 265.1416 2.393 110785.593

GROUND FLOOR RSX 1287.7212 5.19 248108.439 303.8646 2.731 111259.138

GB RSX 1310.2672 1.086 1206454.814 308.2663 0.665 463425.284

PENTHOUSE RXY 16.6933 0.181 92070 50.2179 0.573 87570.703

3RD F RXY 86.057 0.374 230047.093 403.2017 1.24 325064.518

2ND F RXY 159.2823 0.545 292158.987 805.1839 1.963 410102.444

1ST F RXY 215.8888 0.652 331308.947 1114.8848 2.595 429706.488

GROUND FLOOR RXY 254.0892 0.82 309734.257 1283.336 2.801 458142.495

GB RXY 259.0681 0.213 1216445.277 1305.2337 0.817 1598348.212

7.6 Modal Results

Table 3.10 - Modal Periods and Frequencies

20 | P a g e
Period Frequency Eigenvalue
Case Mode
sec cyc/sec rad²/sec²

MODAL 1 0.935 1.07 6.7218 45.182

MODAL 2 0.762 1.312 8.2452 67.9828

MODAL 3 0.717 1.394 8.7571 76.6862

MODAL 4 0.282 3.547 22.2851 496.6274

MODAL 5 0.24 4.165 26.169 684.8147

MODAL 6 0.224 4.465 28.0545 787.0542

MODAL 7 0.165 6.05 38.0161 1445.2252

MODAL 8 0.138 7.228 45.4174 2062.7407

MODAL 9 0.129 7.732 48.5788 2359.9022

MODAL 10 0.122 8.191 51.4686 2649.017

MODAL 11 0.118 8.502 53.4176 2853.4427

MODAL 12 0.101 9.859 61.9439 3837.05

MODAL 13 0.097 10.285 64.6195 4175.6861

MODAL 14 0.091 11.008 69.1668 4784.0511

MODAL 15 0.08 12.501 78.5439 6169.1374

MODAL 16 0.07 14.369 90.2842 8151.2408

MODAL 17 0.064 15.559 97.763 9557.6086

MODAL 18 0.054 18.475 116.0845 13475.6063

MODAL 19 0.042 23.573 148.1106 21936.7594

21 | P a g e
Period Frequency Eigenvalue
Case Mode
sec cyc/sec rad²/sec²

MODAL 20 0.039 25.325 159.1221 25319.8538

Table 3.11 - Modal Participating Mass Ratios (Part 1 of 2)

Case Mode UX UY UZ Sum UX Sum UY Sum UZ

MODAL 1 0.935 0.6034 0.0005 0 0.6034 0.0005 0

MODAL 2 0.762 0.1704 0.293 3.096E-05 0.7739 0.2935 3.099E-05

MODAL 3 0.717 0.0789 0.5482 0.0001 0.8528 0.8417 0.0001

MODAL 4 0.282 0.0515 2.381E-05 0 0.9042 0.8417 0.0001

MODAL 5 0.24 0.0139 0.0127 0.0001 0.9181 0.8545 0.0003

MODAL 6 0.224 0.0017 0.0606 0.0016 0.9198 0.9151 0.0019

MODAL 7 0.165 0.0144 0.0001 4.405E-05 0.9342 0.9152 0.0019

MODAL 8 0.138 0.0018 0.001 0.0004 0.936 0.9162 0.0022

MODAL 9 0.129 0.0008 0.0157 0.0097 0.9368 0.9319 0.012

MODAL 10 0.122 0.0047 0.0024 0.0253 0.9415 0.9343 0.0373

MODAL 11 0.118 0.0001 0.0016 0.3956 0.9417 0.936 0.4329

MODAL 12 0.101 0.0003 0.0016 0.0084 0.942 0.9376 0.4413

MODAL 13 0.097 0.0015 0.0002 0.0059 0.9434 0.9378 0.4472

MODAL 14 0.091 0.0003 0.0061 0.0001 0.9438 0.9439 0.4472

MODAL 15 0.08 0.0248 0.0002 0.0005 0.9686 0.944 0.4477

22 | P a g e
Case Mode UX UY UZ Sum UX Sum UY Sum UZ

MODAL 16 0.07 0.0207 0.0008 0.0004 0.9893 0.9448 0.4481

MODAL 17 0.064 0.0091 0.0025 3.918E-05 0.9984 0.9473 0.4482

MODAL 18 0.054 0.0001 0.0475 1.345E-05 0.9985 0.9948 0.4482

MODAL 19 0.042 0.0013 0.0013 0.0009 0.9998 0.9961 0.4491

MODAL 20 0.039 0.0002 0.0038 0.0003 1 0.9999 0.4494

Table 3.11 - Modal Participating Mass Ratios (Part 2 of 2)

Case Mode RX RY RZ Sum RX Sum RY Sum RZ

MODAL 1 2.156E-05 0.022 0.2498 2.156E-05 0.022 0.2498

MODAL 2 0.0259 0.0073 0.3696 0.0259 0.0293 0.6194

MODAL 3 0.0435 0.0037 0.2143 0.0694 0.033 0.8337

MODAL 4 1.174E-06 0.103 0.0102 0.0694 0.136 0.8439

MODAL 5 0.0431 0.0256 0.0512 0.1125 0.1616 0.8951

MODAL 6 0.2043 0.0063 0.0106 0.3168 0.168 0.9058

MODAL 7 0.0005 0.0047 0.0032 0.3173 0.1726 0.909

MODAL 8 0.0004 9.367E-07 0.0165 0.3177 0.1726 0.9255

MODAL 9 0.0112 0.0031 0.0003 0.3289 0.1757 0.9258

MODAL 10 0.0006 0.0069 0.0003 0.3295 0.1826 0.926

MODAL 11 0.0189 0.001 0.0001 0.3484 0.1836 0.9262

MODAL 12 0.0138 0.0027 0.0002 0.3622 0.1863 0.9264

23 | P a g e
Case Mode RX RY RZ Sum RX Sum RY Sum RZ

MODAL 13 0.009 0.0001 0.0061 0.3711 0.1863 0.9324

MODAL 14 0.0327 0.003 0.0001 0.4038 0.1894 0.9325

MODAL 15 0.0024 0.0283 0.0013 0.4062 0.2176 0.9338

MODAL 16 0.0017 0.0055 0.0003 0.4079 0.2231 0.9342

MODAL 17 0.0018 0.018 0.0026 0.4097 0.2411 0.9367

MODAL 18 0.0758 0.0011 0.0003 0.4855 0.2422 0.937

MODAL 19 0.0045 0.0017 1.989E-06 0.49 0.2439 0.937

MODAL 20 0.0068 0.0004 0.0001 0.4969 0.2443 0.9371

Table 3.12 - Modal Load Participation Ratios

Static Dynamic
Case Item Type Item
% %

MODAL Acceleration UX 100 100

MODAL Acceleration UY 100 99.99

MODAL Acceleration UZ 63.17 44.94

Table 3.13 - Modal Direction Factors

Case Mode UX UY UZ RZ

MODAL 1 0.935 0.711 0.001 0 0.288

MODAL 2 0.762 0.205 0.351 0 0.444

24 | P a g e
Case Mode UX UY UZ RZ

MODAL 3 0.717 0.096 0.647 0 0.257

MODAL 4 0.282 0.797 0 0 0.203

MODAL 5 0.24 0.182 0.178 0 0.64

MODAL 6 0.224 0.041 0.815 0.002 0.141

MODAL 7 0.165 0.798 0.002 0 0.2

MODAL 8 0.138 0.303 0.057 0.001 0.639

MODAL 9 0.129 0.178 0.779 0.015 0.029

MODAL 10 0.122 0.605 0.109 0.033 0.252

MODAL 11 0.118 0.059 0.12 0.785 0.035

MODAL 12 0.101 0.075 0.612 0.108 0.205

MODAL 13 0.097 0.153 0.03 0.024 0.793

MODAL 14 0.091 0.006 0.981 0.011 0.002

MODAL 15 0.08 0.896 0.03 0.004 0.071

MODAL 16 0.07 0.733 0.149 0.024 0.094

MODAL 17 0.064 0.41 0.387 0.038 0.165

MODAL 18 0.054 0.01 0.976 0.002 0.013

MODAL 19 0.042 0.395 0.436 0.016 0.153

MODAL 20 0.039 0.121 0.817 0.016 0.046

25 | P a g e
8. Load combination:
Following Methods of Load combination are used for design

26 | P a g e
9. Foundation
9.1 Pile Capacity and foundation safety
Dept SPT(N' Cor.SPT Dia Skin End Skin Fric End Bearing Pile Pile
h ) N =15+ (24''=2') Fric Bearin (capacity)to Capacity(ton Capacity capacity
(N-15)/2 (3N/20 g n ) (Ton) Frm ALT
0 tsf) (3N tsf) APP
1.5 3 3 2 0.018 3.6 0.556438891 11.30973355 11.8661 5.92107
7 5
3 4 4 2 0.024 4.8 0.741918521 15.07964474 16.378 9.17005
4.5 7 7 2 0.042 8.4 1.298357412 26.38937829 28.9860 13.1431
9 6
6 9 9 2 0.054 10.8 1.669316672 33.92920066 38.1952 18.9611
3 4
7.5 13 13 2 0.078 15.6 2.411235193 49.0088454 55.6861 23.6618
1 1
9 13 13 2 0.078 15.6 2.411235193 49.0088454 58.0973 28.7147
5 3
10.5 15 15 2 0.09 18 2.782194454 56.54866776 68.4193 36.9417
6 7
12 25 20 2 0.12 24 3.709592605 75.39822369 90.9785 46.308
13.5 26 20.5 2 0.123 24.6 3.80233242 77.28317928 96.6658 54.7148
15 24 19.5 2 0.117 23.4 3.61685279 73.51326809 96.5127 67.9477
4 3
16.5 44 29.5 2 0.177 35.4 5.471649093 111.2123799 139.683 78.2676
5 7
18 35 25 2 0.15 30 4.636990757 94.24777961 127.355 86.8218
9 4
19.5 27 21 2 0.126 25.2 3.895072236 79.16813487 116.171 88.2423
3 1
21 28 21.5 2 0.129 25.8 3.987812051 81.05309046 122.044 92.9047
1 6
22.5 30 22.5 2 0.135 27 4.173291681 84.82300165 129.987 105.467
3 4
24 44 29.5 2 0.177 35.4 5.471649093 111.2123799 153.316 126.088
3 6
25.5 64 39.5 2 0.237 47.4 7.326445396 148.9114918 206.873 150.579
9 2
27 70 42.5 2 0.255 51 7.882884286 160.2212253 226.066 159.407
5 5
28.5 31 23 2 0.138 27.6 4.266031496 86.70795724 156.819 161.967
3 7
30 35 25 2 0.15 30 4.636990757 94.24777961 168.996 161.582
1 8
31.5 38 26.5 2 0.159 31.8 3.276806801 99.90264638 177.927 172.435
7 7
33 40 27.5 2 0.165 33 3.400459888 103.6725576 185.098 181.379
1 8
34.5 36 25.5 2 0.153 30.6 3.153153715 96.1327352 180.711 190.108
4 7
36 39 27 2 0.162 32.4 3.338633345 101.787602 189.704 187.442

27 | P a g e
9 2
37.5 33 24 2 0.144 28.8 2.967674084 90.47786842 180.806 192.043
4 4
39 31 23 2 0.138 27.6 2.844020997 86.70795724 179.138 196.706
6 5
40.5 26 20.5 2 0.123 24.6 2.53488828 77.28317928 170.950 199.519
4 9
42 28 21.5 2 0.129 25.8 2.658541367 81.05309046 175.709 203.270
5 2
43.5 36 25.5 2 0.153 30.6 3.153153715 96.1327352 191.531 208.733
1 8
45 76 45.5 2 0.273 54.6 5.626215451 171.5309589 270.144 223.182
46.5 75 45 2 0.27 54 5.564388908 169.6460033 271.041 239.595
5 8
48 72 43.5 2 0.261 52.2 5.378909278 163.9911365 267.056 256.317

9.2 Pile design for Port Administrative Building

kip kip kip kip-ft kip-ft kip-ft TON NO
7 2.364 4.065 204.327 -20.2673 5.4117 -0.0848 120 1
14 2.249 2.387 325.914 -15.8449 6.6997 -0.1021 120 2
21 2.92 -0.902 183.882 -8.1233 8.0502 -0.047 120 1
28 0.023 3.409 348.06 -19.7504 -0.0532 -0.2182 120 2
35 0.684 2.28 564.037 -14.9661 2.3955 -0.1342 120 3
42 1.216 -0.505 332.988 -6.8061 4.0586 -0.4006 120 2
49 -0.044 0.916 389.703 -7.537 -0.6916 -0.0236 120 2
56 3.419 1.088 583.396 -4.4112 7.5131 -0.8312 120 3
63 -1.363 -6.26 407.469 14.8599 -1.6302 0.6286 120 2
84 0.471 -11.518 366.263 25.1646 1.6717 0.6129 120 2
91 -0.215 3.88 389.224 -17.8492 -0.5909 -0.0618 120 2
98 -3.148 -0.148 563.08 -8.8471 -6.5389 1.0765 120 3
105 1.196 1.055 318.99 -9.3463 3.1004 0.4475 120 2
112 -0.267 3.142 345.906 -17.0605 -1.2149 -0.0517 120 2
119 -0.438 1.76 563.601 -11.7862 -1.5869 -0.1736 120 3
126 -0.19 -0.744 329.241 -4.1906 -0.2671 -0.1264 120 2
133 -2.531 3.492 202.434 -15.3499 -6.514 -0.0773 120 1
140 -2.091 1.531 326.239 -10.3504 -6.1238 -0.0672 120 2
147 -2.288 -1.476 186.628 -3.1965 -5.2372 -0.0967 120 1
154 0.423 -4.575 156.208 12.0221 0.027 0.3012 120 1
161 -0.549 -4.86 168.407 11.0111 -2.1365 0.6682 120 1
168 -1.667 -1.198 119.527 -4.9936 -4.4599 0.7806 120 1
175 0.282 0.745 153.946 -8.0359 0.1849 0.0602 120 1
189 -0.458 2.437 155.344 -14.9984 -1.6351 0.0126 120 1

28 | P a g e
10. Conclusion:

The building has been design following BNBC Code.

From the above design calculations, it is found that, all of the columns, beams, slabs and all other structural
members are sound designed with respect to different loading combinations. And there is no member here found

From the design calculations, it is observed that, members are within permissible deflection limit. RCC floor will acts
as a diaphragm and has a great contribution for transferring lateral load. And the sway of the building due to
earthquake is within limit.

Here load combination of BNBC 2006 has been followed. Design method USD has been followed.

This building is safe as Residential Building operation.

29 | P a g e

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