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Applied Thermal Engineering

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a) Power producing devices
) Boiler

) Internal combustion engine

) Turbines

b) Power absorbing devices

) Pump

) Compressor

) Refrigeration

) Window air conditioner

c) Power plant engineering
Conventional & non-conventional

energy resources
Thermal power plant

Hydro-electric power plant

Nuclear power plant

Wind power plant

Solar power plant

Power producing devices
Internal combustion engine
*FUNCTION It converts
the water in to steam by
application of heat energy.

*The heat energy required

for generation of steam is
produced by burning of
fuel in closed furnace.
Classification of boiler
a) According to relative position
of boiler
1. Fire Tube Boiler
2. Water Tube Boiler
Classification of boiler
B) According to water circulation
1)Natural circulation
2)Forced circulation
C) According to use
1)Stationary boilers
2)Mobile boilers
Classification of boiler
D) According to position of furnace
1)Internally fired
2)Externally fired

E) According to position of
1)Horizontal boiler
2)Vertical boiler
3)Inclined boiler
Classification of boiler

F) According to pressure of steam

1) Low pressure boiler (15-20 bar)
2) Medium pressure boiler (20-80bar)
3) High pressure boiler ( more than 80
4) Super critical boiler (more than 150
Water Tube Boiler
Water is flowing through the tube which
surrounded by hot combustion gases
Examples of Water
Tube Boiler

Stirling & package boilers

Fire Tube Boiler
Hot combustion gases flow through tube
which surrounded by water
Examples of Fire
Tube Boiler


Locomotive & package


1. Floor area available

2. Rate of steam generation
3. Working pressure required
4. Quality of steam required
5. Fuel & water available
6. Repair , operating & maintains
Classification of I.C. engine
a) According to number of stroke
1. Two stroke engine
2. Four stroke engine

b) According to cycle of combustion

3. Otto cycle engine

4. Diesel cycle engine

5. Dual cycle engine

Classification of I.C. engine
c) According to fuel used
1. Petrol engine
2. Gas engine
3. Diesel engine

d) According to method of ignition

4. S.I. engine

5. C.I. engine
Classification of I.C. engine
e) According cooling system

1. Air cooled engine

2.Water cooled engine

Classification of I.C. engine
f) According to speed of engine
1. Low speed engine

2. Medium speed engine

3. High speed engine

Classification of I.C. engine
g) According to arrangement of cylinder
1. Horizontal engine 2. Vertical engine

3. V-type 4. Radial engine

Classification of I.C. engine
h) According to number of cylinder
1. Single cylinder engine

2. Multicylinder engine
Classification of I.C. engine

I) According to their used

1. Stationary engine

2. Marine engine

3. Automobile engine

4. Aero engine
construction of I.C. engine
A. Parts common to both Petrol and Diesel engine:
1.Cylinder, 2.Cylinder head,
3. Piston, 4.Piston rings,
5.Gudgeon pin, 6.Connecting rod,
7.Crankshaft, 8.Crank,
9.Engine bearing, 10.Crank case.
11.Flywheel, 12.Governor,
13. Valves and valve operating mechanism.
B. Parts for Petrol engines only:
1.Spark plug,
2. Carburetor,

C. Parts for Diesel engine only :

1. Fuel pump,
2. Injector.
Parts of I.C. engine


It is heart of the engine, in which the piston
reciprocates (moves to and fro) in order to
develop power. It is made of C.I.

It is reciprocating member of an I.C.
engine. Main function is to transmit the
force exerted by the burning of charge to
the connecting rod. The piston are
generally made of aluminum alloys which
are light in weight.
Parts of I.C. engine

Piston Ring

Piston Ring
Generally, there are two sets of rings
mounted for the piston.
The function of the upper rings is to
provide air tight seal to prevent leakage of
the burnt gases into the lower portion.
Similarly, the function of the lower rings is
to provide effective seal to prevent leakage
of the oil into the engine cylinder

It is fitted on one end of the cylinder, while
other end is open to crank case.
The cylinder head contains inlet and exit
valves for admitting fresh charge and
exhausting the burnt gases
Connecting Rod


Connecting Rod
It is a link between the
piston and crankshaft.
whose main function is
to transmit force from
the piston to the
Moreover, it converts
reciprocating motion of
the piston into circular
motion of the
Gudgeon Pin

Gudgeon Pin

Gudgeon pin is used to connect piston and

connecting rod
Crank & crank shaft

Crank shaft
It is considered as the backbone of an I.C.
The power developed by the engine is
transmitted outside by this shaft.
Valves Inlet valve
Exhaust valve
Valves Inlet valve
Exhaust valve
Inlet Cam Exhaust Cam
& Valve & Valve


Inlet Exhaust
Passage Passage
Two types of valves are
used in I.C engine

1) Inlet valve :- This

valve is used to admit
charge into cylinders.

2) Outlet valve :-
This valve is used to
remove exhaust gases
from the cylinder.

It is a big wheel, mounted on the
It is done by storing excess energy during
power stroke, which is returned during
other stroke.
Parts for Petrol engines only
Main function of carburetor is to supply
limited quantity of fuel to engine
Parts for Petrol engines only
It is provided on
petrol engine.
Main function is
ignite air fuel
mixture by
producing spark
at the end of
Parts for diesel engines only
Fuel Injector

Nozzle tip with

several small holes for
fuel spray
Fuel Injector
It is provided on Diesel
Its function is to inject
diesel at the end of
compression stroke at very
high pressure
Parts for diesel engines only
Fuel pump
It is used in diesel engine
It forces the fuel at high pressure
through fuel injector in to the
cylinder at the end of compression
The inside diameter of the cylinder is called
2. Top dead centre (TDC)
The top most position of piston towards the
cylinder head is called top dead centre.
3. Bottom dead centre (BDC)
The Lowest position of piston towards the
crank case is called bottom dead centre.
The maximum distance travel by the piston
during its motion from TDC to BDC is called
5. Clearance volume
The volume contained in the cylinder above
the top of the piston, when the piston is at top
dead centre, is called the clearance volume.
Four Stroke petrol Engine
(S.I. Engine)
The four strokes of a internal combustion engine are:

Each stroke = 180 of
crankshaft revolution.

Each cycle requires two revolutions

of the crankshaft (720 rotation),
one revolution of the camshaft to
complete (360 rotation).
Intake Stroke
First Stroke
The piston moves down the cylinder
from TDC (Top Dead Center) to BDC
(Bottom Dead Center).

This movement of piston causes low

air pressure in the cylinder (vacuum)

Mixture of Air and Fuel in the ratio

of 14.7 : 1 (air : fuel) is drawn into
the cylinder.
Intake valve stays open and the
Exhaust valve stays closed during
this stroke.
Compression stroke
Second stroke
The piston moves from BDC to TDC

Intake and exhaust valves stay closed

Air and fuel mixture is compressed

8:1 to 12:1

The pressure in the cylinder is raised

Power stroke
Third stroke
At the end of compression stroke
the sparkplug fires, igniting the
air/fuel mixture.

Both the valves stay closed in

this stroke.

The expanding gases from the

combustion in the cylinder
(with no escape) push the piston

The piston travels from TDC to BDC.

Exhaust stroke
Fourth and last stroke
The momentum created by the
Counter-weights on the crankshaft,
move the piston from BDC to TDC.

The exhaust valve opens and

the burned gases escape into the
exhaust system.

Intake valve remains closed.

Four strokes

All four strokes

1. Suction
2. Compression
3. Power
4. Exhaust
Four Stroke Diesel Engine
(C.I. Engine)
The only difference between diesel engine and a
four-stroke gasoline engine is:
No sparkplug on Diesel
Has a higher compression
ratio(14:1 to 25:1)
Better fuel mileage.
Diesel Engine
Intake Stroke:

Piston moves from TDC to

BDC creating vacuum in
the cylinder

Intake valve opens allowing

only air to enter the cylinder
and exhaust valve remains
Diesel Engine
Compression Stroke
Both valves stay closed

Piston moves from BDC to TDC,

compressing air to 22:1

Compressing the air to this extent

increases the temperature inside the
cylinder to above 1000 degree F.
Diesel Engine
Power Stroke
Both valves stay closed

When the piston is at the end of

compression stroke(TDC) the injector
sprays a mist of diesel fuel into the

When hot air mixes with diesel fuel

an explosion takes place in the cylinder.

Expanding gases push the piston

from TDC to BDC
Diesel Engine
Exhaust Stroke
Piston moves from BDC to

Exhaust valve opens and the

exhaust gases escape

Intake valve remains closed

Diesel Engine Operation
Stroke 3
Stroke 1 (power) diesel is
(intake) only injected, high air
air enters temperature
cylinder. ignites diesel.

Stroke 2
(compression) air is
compressed to high
extent, raising its

Stroke 4
(exhaust) burnt
gases are
expelled from the
Diesel Engine
Four Strokes of Diesel Engine
Operation of two-stroke
The two stroke engine employs the crankcase as
well as the cylinder to achieve all the elements
the cycle in only two strokes of the piston.

360 degrees rotation of crankshaft

completes the cycle.
Intake &
Compression stroke
Intake. The fuel/air mixture is first drawn
into the crankcase by the vacuum created
during the upward stroke of the piston
through the reed valve.

Compression. The piston then rises, driven

by flywheel momentum, and compresses the
fuel mixture. (At the same time, another
intake stroke is happening beneath the
Power &
Exhaust/Transfer Stroke
Power. At the top of the stroke the
spark plug ignites the fuel mixture.
The burning fuel expands, driving
the piston downward.

Exhaust/Transfer : Toward the end of the stroke,

the piston exposes the intake port, allowing the
compressed fuel/air mixture in the crankcase to
escape around the piston into the main cylinder.
This expels the exhaust gasses out the exhaust
port, usually located on the opposite side of the
Operation of Two-
stroke engine
Operation of Two-
stroke engine

01 Based on Otto cycle Based on diesel cycle

02 Petrol used as fuel. Diesel used as fuel .

03 For ignition Spark plug Spark plug is not

is required. required.
04 In these engine, air In these engine, only
fuel mixture is sucked air is sucked during
during suction stroke. suction stroke.
05 Compression ratio is low Compression ratio is high
(about 6 to 12) (about 14 to 22)

06 Light in weight. Heavier in weight.

07 Due to light in weight threes Due to heavy in weight
engines can rotate at high threes engines can not
speed. rotate at high speed
08 The operation of these The operation of these
engine is silent engine is noisy.

09 Initial cost is low. Initial cost is high.

10 These engines are used in These engines are used
light duty vehicle like heavy duty vehicle like
motor cycle, scooters, buses, trucks etc.
cars etc.

1 The cycle is completed in The cycle is completed in

two stroke of piston or four stroke of piston or
one revolution of crank two revolution of crank
shaft. shaft.
02 One power stroke is One power stroke is
obtained in each obtained in every two
revolution of crank shaft. revolution of crank shaft

03 2- stroke engine have port 4- stroke engine have valve

mechanism. mechanism.

04 The piston head has The piston head is flat.

crown shape.

Engine is lighter. Engine is heavier.

Construction is Construction is
simple. complicated.
Initial cost is less. Initial cost is high.

Efficiency is low Efficiency is high.
Two-stroke engines have three
important advantages over four-stroke

Two-stroke engines do not have valves, which

simplifies their construction and lowers their
Two-stroke engines fire once every revolution,
while four-stroke engines fire once every other
revolution. This gives two-stroke engines a
significant power boost.
Two-stroke engines can work in any orientation,
which can be important in something like a
chainsaw. A standard four-stroke engine may
have problems with oil flow unless it is upright,
and solving this problem can add complexity to
the engine.
Two Stroke Advantages
These advantages make two-stroke engines lighter,
simpler and less expensive to manufacture.
Two-stroke engines also have the potential to pack
about twice the power into the same space because
there are twice as many power strokes per
The combination of light weight and twice the power
gives two-stroke engines a great power-to-weight
ratio compared to many four-stroke engine designs.
You don't normally see two-stroke engines in cars,
however. That's because two-stroke engines have a
couple of significant disadvantages that will make
more sense once we look at how it operates.
You can see that the piston is really
doing three different things in a two-
stroke engine:

On one side of the piston is the combustion

chamber, where the piston is compressing the
air/fuel mixture and capturing the energy
released by the ignition of the fuel.
On the other side of the piston is the crankcase,
where the piston is creating a vacuum to suck
in air/fuel from the carburetor through the reed
valve and then pressurizing the crankcase so
that air/fuel is forced into the combustion
Meanwhile, the sides of the piston are acting
like valves, covering and uncovering the intake
and exhaust ports drilled into the side of the
cylinder wall.
Oil Requirements
It's really pretty neat to see the piston
doing so many different things! That's
what makes two-stroke engines so
simple and lightweight.
If you have ever used a two-stroke

engine, you know that you have to mix

special two-stroke oil in with the
Now that you understand the two-
stroke cycle you can see why.
In a four-stroke engine, the crankcase is
completely separate from the combustion
chamber, so you can fill the crankcase with
heavy oil to lubricate the crankshaft bearings,
the bearings on either end of the piston's
connecting rod and the cylinder wall.
In a two-stroke engine, on the other hand, the
crankcase is serving as a pressurization
chamber to force air/fuel into the cylinder, so it
can't hold a thick oil. Instead, you mix oil in with
the gas to lubricate the crankshaft, connecting
rod and cylinder walls.
If you forget to mix in the oil, the engine isn't
going to last very long!
Two-Strokes Usage

You can now see that two-stroke

engines have two important
advantages over four-stroke
engines: They are simpler and
lighter, and they produce about
twice as much power. So why do
cars and trucks use four-stroke
There are four main reasons:

1. Two-stroke engines don't last nearly as long as four-stroke

engines. The lack of a dedicated lubrication system means that
the parts of a two-stroke engine wear a lot faster.
2. Two-stroke oil is expensive, and you need about 4 ounces of it
per gallon of gas. You would burn about a gallon of oil every
1,000 miles if you used a two-stroke engine in a car.
3. Two-stroke engines do not use fuel efficiently, so you would
get fewer miles per gallon.
4. Two-stroke engines produce a lot of pollution -- so much, in
fact, that it is likely that you won't see them around too much
longer. The pollution comes from two sources. The first is the
combustion of the oil. The oil makes all two-stroke engines
smoky to some extent, and a badly worn two-stroke engine can
emit huge clouds of oily smoke.

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