Crammer Powerpoint c2
Crammer Powerpoint c2
Crammer Powerpoint c2
Key knowledge
What is the smallest part of an element?
An atom
What is a mole?
The relative atomic mass or formula mass in grams.
What is a catalyst?
A substance that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction
but is not used up or changed so it can be used over again.
What is an alkali?
A soluble base, often a hydroxide.
So the ions are free to move.
Why cant aluminium be extracted by reduction using
It is too reactive.
What is aluminium used for?
Pans, over head power lines aeroplanes cans car bodies.
What do we extract aluminium from?
Bauxite ore (aluminium oxide).
What happens to the ore first?
It is separated from impurities like iron oxide.
How is it melted?
By mixing it with molten cryolite at 850C using electrical
What happens at the two electrodes?
At the negative electrode each aluminium ion gains three
electrons to form aluminium metal.
At the positive electrode each oxygen ions loses two
electrons to form oxygen atoms. They then pair up.
What is brine?
Concentrated sodium chloride solution.
What are the three useful products of brine electrolysis?
Hydrogen gas at the negative electrode
Chlorine gas at the positive electrode
Sodium hydroxide solution.
What happens at the positive electrode?
Chloride ions are oxidised and lose an electron each to
form chlorine atoms and bond in pairs to form chlorine gas.
What happens at the negative electrode?
Hydrogen ions from the water are less reactive than
sodium ions so they are discharged as hydrogen gas when
they gain electrons (are reduced).
How can the remaining solution be tested?
By adding indicator than shows it is alkaline as it contains
OH- ions from the water.
(H) What are the half equations?