Differentiated Instruction 551-2
Differentiated Instruction 551-2
Differentiated Instruction 551-2
Michaela G. Schnetzer
EDU 551
January 13, 2017
What is Differentiated Instruction?
In the simplest terms, differentiation is a teachers response to
each students needs in order to create diverse learning
opportunities and increase academic achievement for all
Personal inventories
Multiple intelligence surveys
Standardized tests (NWEA, AIMS,
Examples of Differentiation:
Varied delivery methods (i.e. interactive lecture, audio, film, personal
investigation, etc.)
Chunking of information
Implementation of prior knowledge, funds of knowledge, student
Whole group, small group, partner, and individual learning opportunities
Learning Stations
(McCarthy, 2015)
Examples of Differentiation:
GRASPS/RAFT Activities (Choice)
Partner Talk/Think Pair Share
Graphic Organizers
Exit Cards
Visualizing vs. Written Response
The GRASPS framework can be used as RAFTS are similar to GRASPS because
a performance of understanding, also they allow choice and require students to
known as formative assessment (McTighe apply knowledge in a novel way.
& Wiggins, 2012).
Quote: Theres never a right time to do the wrong thing. Theres never a wrong time to do the right
Written responses
Plans for projects
Task cards for group discussions
Allows For:
Instant feedback from instructor
Differentiation is not meant to limit students within their comfort
zones, but to assist students in reaching goals and achieving
academic success. This is only possible through high-quality
feedback of process and product (assessment).
Word Walls
Anchor Charts
Learning Stations
Common Areas
Independent/Quiet Time Seating
Technology Hubs
Personal/Cultural Items
A Library
Many secondary classrooms set desks up in the traditional row, which
decreases communication amongst students and the educator. To increase
engagement, desk arrangements such as the semi circle or pods are
(Smith, 2014)
Putting Technology in to Practice
Project-Based Approach Tool-Based Approach
Students within a sophomore Students use QClick clickers
level Native American studies or the Plickers app to answer
course are assigned an questions during an
indigenous nation to research interactive lecture. This
and present. The presentation technology allows for instant
must be technology based. feed back and the review of
Options for students include: data by not only the educator,
but the students as well.
Differentiation and Culturally
Responsive Teaching
Aligning curriculum to the needs of students, creating an atmosphere of openness and trust, and
providing students with the tools necessary to reach all their academic goals, are the hallmarks of
not only differentiated instruction, but culturally responsive teaching as well.
Differentiated Instruction: Maximizing the Learning of All Students. (2016). Reading. Retrieved January 13, 2017,
from http://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/module/di/cresource/q1/p02/di_definition_learning_profile/
Doubet, K. J., & Hockett, J. A. (2015). Differentiation in middle & high school: strategies to engage all learners.
Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Johnson, B. (2009, March 2). Differentiated Instruction Allows Students to Succeed. Retrieved January 14, 2017,
from https://www.edutopia.org/blog/differentiated-instruction-student-success
McCarthy, J. (2015, August 28). 3 Ways to Plan for Diverse Learners: What Teachers Do. Retrieved January 13,
2017, from https://www.edutopia.org/blog/differentiated-instruction-ways-to-plan- john-mccarthy
Phillips, M. (2014, August 5). A Place for Learning: The Physical Environment of Classrooms. Retrieved January 14,
2017, from https://www.edutopia.org/blog/the-physical-environment-of-classrooms-mark- phillips
Smith, R. (2014). Crossing the digital divide: A middle years teacher's reflective journey. Literacy Learning: The
Middle Years, 22(1), 41-47.
Tomlinson, C. A., & Demirsky Allan, S. (2000). Chapter 1. Understanding Differentiated Instruction: Building a
Foundation for Leadership. In Leadership for Differentiating Schools & Classrooms. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Tomlinson, C. A., & McTighe, J. (2006). Integrating Differentiated Instruction and Understanding by Design.
Alexandria, VA: ASCD.