Pyp Essential Aggrement
Pyp Essential Aggrement
Pyp Essential Aggrement
The following essential agreements are an example provided by a PYP school for inclusion in this publication.
The IB has edited this sample so that only the essential agreements relating to assessment are present. The
school also has essential agreements relating to:
Reviewing its programme of inquiry
Collaborative planning
Classroom displays
Communications with parents
The role of single-subject teachers
Essential agreements
PYP Essential Agreements are reviewed by the faculty during Term 3 for
the following school year. The changes, if any, are by negotiation
Class binders (red) are passed from teacher to teacher and contain
essential records regarding the development of each student.
If children leave, all content goes with them except continua, which are
shredded. If children leave and they have attended Learning Support or
Literacy Support, the contents of their section of the class binder are
passed on to PYP coordinator.
Contents are to be shared with the next grade teacher in orientation week.
PYP coordinator to schedule.
Teachers may choose to store additional documentation in the binder
during the year but must pass it on containing only what is listed in the
Mathematics assessment
Language assessment
Written reports