Stimulated Emission Devices Lasers-P Rinciples and Applications
Stimulated Emission Devices Lasers-P Rinciples and Applications
Stimulated Emission Devices Lasers-P Rinciples and Applications
Teng Shao-Yun
Albert Einstein
Arthur Schawlow
Ali Javan
Charles Townes
Theodore Maiman
Stimulated Emission
Mathematical model
If the atom is in the excited state, it may decay into the lower state
by the process of spontaneous emission, releasing the difference i
n energies between the two states as a photon. The photon will ha
ve frequency and energy h, given by:
if the excited-state atom is perturbed by an electric field of frequency, it m
ay emit an additional photon of the same frequency and in phase, thus au
gmenting the external field, leaving the atom in the lower energy state. Thi
s process is known asstimulated emission. In a group of such atoms, if t
he number of atoms in the excited state is given by N2 . At the same time, t
here will be a process of atomic absorption whichremovesenergy from th
e field while raising electrons from the lower state to the upper state. We c
an get two equcation:
Thus absorption and stimulated emission are reverse processes proceedin
g at somewhat different rates. Another way of viewing this is to look at the
netstimulated emission or absorption viewing it as a single process. The n
et rate of transitions from E2to E1due to this combined process can be fou
nd by adding their respective rates, given above:
Thus a net power is released into the electric field equal to the pho
ton energyh times this net transition rate. In order for this to be
a positive number, indicating net stimulated emission, there must
be more atoms in the excited state than in the lower level:
Otherwise there is net absorption and the power of the wave is red
uced during passage through the medium. The special condition
is known as a population inversion, a rather unusual co
ndition that must be effected in the gain medium of a laser.
The notable characteristic of stimulated emission compared to eve
ryday light sources (which depend on spontaneous emission) is tha
t the emitted photons have the same frequency, phase, polarizatio
n, and direction of propagation as the incident photons. The photo
ns involved are thus mutually coherent. When a population inversi
on (\Delta N > 0 ) is present, therefore, optical amplification of inci
dent radiation will take place.
Population Inversion
Three-level lasers
Four-level lasers
Laser pumping
Plottingg1againstg2as shown.
Areas bounded by the
lineg1g2= 1 and the axes are
stable. Cavities at points
exactly on the line are
marginally stable; small
variations in cavity length can
cause the resonator to become
unstable, and so lasers using
these cavities are in practice
often operated just inside the
stability line.
Temporal coherence
Spatial coherence
Applications in Science
Applications in Military
Pulsed Energy Projectile : Pulsed Energy Projectile or
PEP systems emit an infrared laser pulse which creates
rapidly expanding plasma at the target. The resulting
sound, shock and electromagnetic waves stun the target
and cause pain and temporary paralysis. The weapon is
under development and is intended as a non-lethal
weapon in crowd control.
Electrolaser : An electrolaser lets ionization occur, and
then sends a powerful electric current down the
conducting ionized track of plasma so formed, somewhat
like lightning. It functions as a giant high energy longdistance version of the Taser or stun gun.
Applications in Medical
Cosmetic surgery : removing tattoos, scars, stretch marks,
sunspots, wrinkles, birthmarks, and hairs.
Laser scalpel : General surgery, gynecological, urology,