Important Questions Transmission Lines and Waveguides

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1. Derive the general voltage and current solutions of transmission line? (16) – 4 times
2. Derive the equations for alpha and beta and obtain condition for distortion less line? (16)
3. Derive the two useful forms of equations of voltage and current at any point on transmission
line and write their physical significance?
4. Derive the expressions for the input impedance of dissipation less lines. Deduce the input
impedance of open and short circuited dissipation-less lines?
5. From the T section network, derive the expression for the propagation constant which helps
you to predict the filter performance? (8)


1. Derive the length of a short circuited single stub matching? (16)

2. Explain briefly on double stub matching? (8)
3. Explain impedance matching techniques (16)
4. A lossless transmission line of length 0.434λ and R0 = 100 Ω is terminated in an impedance
of 260+j 180 Ω. Find, (a) Voltage reflection coefficient (b) VSWR (c) input impedance (d)
location of the voltage maxima on the line. Use Smith chart
5. A 50 Ω transmission line is connected to a load impedance ZL =35-j 47.5 Ω. Find the
position and length of a short circuited stub required to match the line. Use Smith chart


1. Derive the expression for the attenuation constant of TE waves in parallel plate guiding
systems (16)
2. Derive expressions for field components of TM waves between parallel plane system (16)
3. Explain the propagation characteristics of TEM waves in infinitely long parallel plate guiding
mechanism. Also derive the field equations (16)
4. Define wave impedance? Obtain the expressions for the wave impedance for TE, TM and TEM
waves in two parallel pate guiding mechanism (16)
5. Parallel perfectly conducting plates are separated by 10cm and filled with paper whose
dielectric constant is 7. This arrangement need to support TE10 mode. Find
a. Cut-off frequency
b. Velocity of propagation
c. Guide wavelength


1. Derive field equation for TE waves in rectangular waveguide? (16)

2. Derive the expressions for wave impedance for TE, TM and Tem waves in rectangular
3. Explain the propagation characteristics of TE and TM waves in rectangular waveguides? (16)
4. Derive the expressions for wave impedance for TE, TM and Tem waves in rectangular
waveguide? (16) (4 Times)
5. Design a rectangular waveguide with filling by a dielectric of er = 4, so that the cut-off
frequency of the dominant mode is 14GHz and the cut-off frequency of the TM11 mode is
30GHz? (16)

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