Konsep Dasar Imunologi

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Basic concepts of
the function of immune system
1. Defense
2. Homeostatis
3. supervision

1. defense
If the elements are hiperactive
allergy / hipersensitivitas
If the elements are hipoactive
chance of infection will be increased.
ex: immune deficiency

2. Homeostatis
Dispose the damage cell like
erythrocytes and leukocytes in

3. supervision
Detect abnormal cell in our body.
destruction of cells will be done by
NK cell (natural killer)

immune system
Non specific
-physical defense
-biological defense
-humoral defense
-cellular defense

Non specific immune

1. The first Defence system

The first defense system on innate immunity factors include

physical, chemical and flora.
Which is a physical factor is the skin, tear glands, tongue tear
glands (salivary) gland mucus, cilia, and urine.
The skin is closed is the most powerful defense. leathercovered to protect from the entry of pathogenic microbes.
Tears play a role in protecting the eyes from microbial
pathogens because lysozyme contained in tear which is an
enzyme capable of destroying the walls of the bacteria.
Saliva also has a lysozyme enzyme to destroy the bacteria.
Mucosal role in preventing microbial invasion into
surrounding tissues epithelium and even systemic.

The first defense next factor is the chemical factors.

Which including the Sebum, lysozyme and pH.
Lysozyme described above. Sebum liquid contains
unsaturated fatty acids that can inhibit the growth of
pathogenic bacteria. pH also plays a role in immunity
because most microbes are not resistant to stomach
acid for example acid (pH 1.2 - 3.0).
And Factor normal microbiota. Actually, the human
body there are many microbes that help normal
human physiological function. Examples of E. coli is a
normal microbes in the colon that play a role in the
decay of food waste. The role of microbes normal
(normal flora) in immunity is, in terms of nutrient
competition with pathogenic microbes. Normal flora
will beerkompetisi in the acquisition of nutrients with
pathogenic bacteria. Normal flora metabolite also
secrete substances that can inhibit the growth of
pathogenic microbes.

Specific immune system

1. Humoral
The main role in the humoral specific immune system are B
lymphocytes or B cells, B cells are produced in bone marrow and
maturation also in the bone marrow. When B cells are stimulated by a
foreign object then this will soon be proliferating cells and differentiate
into plasma cells which then plasma cells will produce antibodies.
B cells have a receptor called BCDF (B cell Diferentiation Factor) is
required to differentiate and BCGF (B Cell growt Factor) is required for
proliferating. Sometimes the B cells into plasma cells can not due to
lack of BCGF for proliferating so that cells into plasma cells will
become memory B cells and can live in a long time. One of the
advantages of the immune response specifics because it has a
memory cell that can recognize the antigen directly ever infect the
body with the same structure.

2. cellular
1. Immunity Active
Active immunity is acquired immunity of the body, because the body
makes its own antibodies. This type of immunity can be formed either
naturally or artificially.
Natural Active immunity (naturan immunity)
Active immunity naturally acquired immunity is the body after a person
recovering from an illness attack. Example: people who never attacked
by diseases such as chicken pox, measles, and mumps disease will not
be the same for the second time. Because the body is attacked already
familiar with antigens that attack. Consequently blood forming
antibodies against these antigens.
Active immunity Artificial (induced immunity)
Artificial active immunity, acquired from outside the body, ie, after
the body get vaccinated. Vaccination is the process of incorporating the
vaccine into the body so that the body produces antibodies that are
immune to a disease. Vaccines are germs that have been weakened or
tamed so it is not harmful to the body. The act of giving a vaccine called
vaccination or immunization.

2. Passive Immunity
Passive immunity is not acquired immunity of antibody
that is synthesized in the body, but lived to wear it.
Passive immunity can be divided into two, namely:
Natural passive immunity
Passive immunity is immunity acquired naturally not of
his own body, but from the bodies of others. Eg infants
acquired immunity from the mother at the time in the
womb and breast milk for the first time.
Artificial passive immunity
Artificial passive immunity is immunity gained from the
ready-made antibodies and soluble in serum. For
example, injections of ATS (anti-tetanus serum)

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