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Decay Rates and Half Lives

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Decay rates and half lives

If there is a large number of radioactive

nuclei of the same kind, there is a definite
statistical probability that a certain
fraction will decay in certain time.
The rater of decay is a function only of
the number of nuclei present at that time.
Decay rate does not depend on the
pressure, temperature, state (gas, liquid
or solid) of the radioisotopes

Half life 1/2

The time during which one-half of the
number of radioisotope nuclei decay
or one-half of their Activity ceases

Neutron Energies
Neutron kinetic energy is given as

In fission reaction, neutrons are born

The newly born neutron have energies ranging from .
075 MeV to 17 MeV
When neutrons travel through matter they give
up/loose some energy due to collision with lighter
nuclei and slow down. This process is called scattering
According to their energies neutrons are classified into
three groups
1. Fast (> 105 eV)
2. Intermediate
3. Slow (< 1 eV)
Nuclear reactors are classified according to the
speed/energy of neutrons used for fission reaction
4. Fast reactor (utilize fast neutrons)
5. Thermal Reactors utilize slow/Thermal neutrons

Thermal neutrons
Moderators are used to slow down neutrons born
from fission reactions
Moderators have small nuclei with low neutron
absorption ability and high neutron scattering
Hydrogen and Deuterium (in H 2O or D2O),
C (Graphite) and Be or BeO are used as
Thermal neutrons reach the lowest energies that
put them in Thermal equilibrium with moderator

Fission reactor types

In fission reaction one neutron is absorbed and two
or three fast neutrons are produced
Number of new neutrons are represented by
U238 (more than 99 %) is fissionable to fast
neutrons only
U235 is fissionable to all energies neutrons
After fission the neutrons have different energies
(may be fast or slow)
Sustained nuclear reaction is impossible with
Natural (mostly U238 ) uranium
Fuel enrichment is done (enrich natural uranium to
U235 )

The percent composition of uranium-235 has been

increased through the process of
isotope separation
Centrifuge technique is used for U235 enrichment
Uranium is enriched in the form of gas compound
(235UF6 ) uranium hexafluoride
The gas centrifuge process uses a large number
of rotating cylinders in series and parallel
Each cylinder's rotation creates a strong
centrifugal force so that the heavier gas
molecules containing 238U move toward the
outside of the cylinder and the lighter gas
molecules rich in 235U collect closer to the center.

Heterogeneous reactor Core

The fuel is separated by moderator
Nuclear reactor core is shown

Control rods are used for maintaining

the desired state of fission reactions
within a nuclear reactor.
functionality of a control rod depends
on its ability to absorb neutrons from
the fission chain reaction
control Rods are generally made of
Boron, Boron Carbide and Cadmium.

Thermal Reactor Power

Use Thermal Reactors, in which
thermal neutrons are used for fission
Moderator is used to thermalize the
neutron and also act as coolant
Light or heavy water is used as both
moderator and coolant

Types of Thermal reactor Power

Pressurize water reactor (PWR) Power
Boiling Water reactor Power Plants
Gas cooled Reactors (GCR) Power
Heavy Water Reactor Power Plant

Pressurize water reactor (PWR) Power Plants

Coolant pressure is higher than saturation pressure

corresponding to maximum coolant temperature in the
No coolant boiling takes place inside the reactor
There are two loops in PWR,
1. primary coolant loop inside the reactor (takes the reactor
2. Water steam or working fluid loop to be used in the Rankine
. The Pressurizer keeps the coolant in the reactor at a pressure
greater than the saturation pressure corresponding to the
maximum coolant temperature inside the reactor
. This avoids the coolant boiling
. Liquids are incompressible

Types of Pressurizer
1. Vapor Pressurizer use in PWR (more compact because
coolant can be vaporized)
2. Gas Pressurizer used in liquid metal fast breeder reactors

Boiling Water Reactor Power

The coolant
is boiled
directly in
the core
work as
coolant and

Gas Cooled Reactor (GCR)

CO2 as coolant
Graphite as moderator
Gases are safe, cheaper and easy to
May operate at high temperature
without high pressurization
Disadvantage is lower heat transfer

Heavy Water Reactor

Fast Breeder Reactors (FBR) and

Power Plants
In fast reactors neutrons are not
slowed down
A breeder reactor is one where more
fissionable fuel is produced than
Conversion ratio greater than one
In FBR U238 is converted into Pu239,
Some Pu239 is burned, but some

Overview of Fast Breeder

Produce more fissile material than is
Technology first developed in the 1950s
Utilize uranium 60 times as efficienctly as
Cooled by liquid metal

Fast Breeder Reactors vs. Pressurized Water

Fuel is enriched to
Moderator: none
Heat transfer by
liquid metal or
metal alloys
Typically sodium

Reactor under low

~1.2 fissile atoms
produced per fission

Fuel is enriched to
Moderator: water
Heat transfer by
Reactor under high
Fissile material is
only consumed

Liquid Metal Coolant

Typical metal used is sodium
Some reactors use lead, lead-bismuth alloy, or
sodium fluoride salt

Advantages of sodium

Low melting temperature (98C)

High boiling temperature (892C)
High heat capacity
System can run at low pressure

Risks of sodium
Burns when it comes in contact with air or
Poisonous fumes

Future of Fast Breeders

Next generation may use noble
gases such as helium or argon
instead of sodium
Increase in the breeding ratio
Believed that a ratio of 1.3 will be

Smaller reactors
Lower maintenance and repair costs

Higher reactor temperatures

Can be used for thermochemical

LMFBR arrangements
Due to high
loops are used

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