Photoelectric Effect Lecture Notes

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The Photoelectric Effect

Photoelectric effect: experiment showing light is also a particle.

Energy comes in particle-like chunks- basics of quantum physics.
(energy of one chunk depends on frequency, wave-like beam of
light has MANY chunks, energy of beam is sum)

Next 2 classes:
I. Understand the P.E. experiment and what results you would
expect if light were a classical wave (like physicists at the
time expected the experiment should give).
II. What experimental results it actually did give.
III. The implications/interpretation of the results.

Important to take notes today

a) record predictions to compare with experiment.
b) record results of experiments. 1
Photoelectric effect experiment apparatus.

Test metal Electrons

Two metal plates in vacuum, adjustable voltage between

them, shine light on one plate. Measure current between plates.
I. Understanding the apparatus and experiment.
Potential difference between A and B = +10 V
Measure of energy an electron gains going
- 10 V + from A to B. 2
Photoelectric effect experiment apparatus.

Potential difference between A and B =

a. 0 V, b. 10 V, c. infinite volts

- 10 V +
Potential difference between A and B = a. 0 V, b. 10 V, c. inf. V
ans. b. 10 V. No electrons can get across gap,
Note: if stuck one in space at plate A, would move to B and
pick up energy equivalent to 10 V.
Electron feels electric field, accelerates to + plate,
picks up energy = q(10V) = 1 electron charge x 10 V = 10 eV
Uniform E-field
between plates E
+ 10V
0V +
A F +
Constant +
force on
electron 
0V 10Volts
Photoelectric effect experiment apparatus.

A B What is current from A to B?

2 ohms a. 0 amps, b. 5 amps, c. 0.2 amps

- 10 V + Answer: a. 0 amps.
No electrons there to move.
Note: different from resistor across 5gap.
A note about units of energy
Joules: good for macroscopic energy conversions
But when talking about energy of single electrons Joules is
inconvenient… (too big)
Define new energy unit (the electron-volt (eV))
= kinetic energy gained by an electron when
accelerate through 1 volt of potential difference

∆ KE = - ∆ U
0V 1V
+ =-q∆ V
F +
= - (- e)*(1V)
E path = + (e)*(1V) = 1.6 x 10-19 J
= 1eV

swimming pool analogy- If no water slops over side of pool, no
flow. Little pump or big pump, still no water current.
If electrons stuck inside metal plate, no current for little or big V.


Put bunch of energy into water, splash some out,

get flow through pump.
Put energy into metal by heating it very hot,
gives electrons energy, some “splash” out. Gives current.
Hot plate.
A few electrons get
enough energy to just
barely “splash” out.

What is the current

vs battery voltage?

0 Voltage
0 Voltage


D 0 Voltage
0 Voltage 8
What’s happening here?
Each electron that pops out is accelerated more so hits
far plate with higher velocity,
BUT # of electrons = constant
So current is constant!


0 Battery Voltage
reverse V, Vacuum tube diode. Works.
no electrons - early electronic device.
flow. 9
Photoelectric effect experiment apparatus.

Test metal Electrons

So if light is classical wave, predict that just puts energy

into plate, heats up, get diode current voltage curve.

Also takes time to heat up. C
•Light on longer, heat more, e’s
out faster = more current. 0 Voltage
•Color light does not matter, only intensity. 10
Have now covered.
I. How apparatus works.

II. What would expect to see if light classical wave as

previous experiments like double slit interference,
heating barrels, etc. had shown.
•Current vs voltage step at zero then flat.
•Color light does not matter, only intensity. 0
•Takes time to heat up ⇒ current low and increases with
•Increase intensity, increase current.
III. Do actual experiment, see if agrees with
Current I vs V. How depends on intensity and color of light?

First experiment- I vs. V high intensity, low intensity
I vs. V two different colors

write down what happens

HIGH intensity


voltage to turn around

most energetic electron I
“stopping potential”

do low I exper.
0 Battery Voltage
Which graph represents low and high intensity curves?


0 Batt. V 0 Batt. V



0 Batt. V
0 Batt. V

0 Batt. V 14
HIGH intensity LOW intensity


Fewer electrons pop off metal
Current decreases.
Current proportional to light intensity.
ans. B

0 Battery Voltage
HIGH intensity LOW intensity


Same KE electrons
popping off metal.
So same “stopping
potential”. I

0 Battery Voltage
look at sim for few different
colors, small forward V

Predict what happens to

the initial KE of the
electrons as the frequency
of light changes? (Light
intensity is constant)

Initial KE
Predict shape
of the graph

0 Frequency of light
Initial KE

Initial KE

0 Frequency 0 Frequency
Initial KE

Initial KE

0 Frequency 0 Frequency

E. something different
Correct answer is D.
do sim showing graph

There is a minimum frequency

below which the light cannot
kick out electrons…
even if wait a long time

As the frequency of light increases
Initial KE

(shorter λ !), the KE of electrons

being popped off increases.
(it is a linear relationship)
what happens if change metal?
do experiment
0 Frequency of light 19
Summary of Photoelectric experiment results.
(play with sim to check and thoroughly understand)

1. Current linearly proportional to intensity.

2. Current appears with no delay.
3. Electrons only emitted if frequency of light exceeds
a threshold. (same as “if wavelength short enough”).
4. Maximum energy that electrons come off with
increases linearly with frequency (=1/wavelength).
(Max. energy = -stopping potential)
5. Threshold frequency depends on type of metal.

how do these compare with classical wave predictions?

Classical wave predictions vs. experimental observations

•Increase intensity, increase current.

experiment matches

•Current vs voltage step at zero then flat.

(flat part matches, but experiment has tail of energetic
electrons, energy of which depends on color)

•Color light does not matter, only intensity.

experiment shows strong dependence on color

•Takes time to heat up ⇒ current low and increases with

experiment: electrons come out immediately, no time delay
to heat up
Summary of what we know so far:
1. If light can kick out electron, then even smallest intensities of that
light will continue to kick out electrons. KE of electrons does not
depend on intensity.
(Light energy must be getting concentrated/focused somehow)
2. At lower frequencies, initial KE decreases & KE changes linearly with
(This concentrated energy is linearly related to frequency)
3. Is minimum frequency below which light won’t kick out
(Need a certain amount of energy to free electron from metal)
(Einstein) Need “photon” picture of light to explain observations:
- Light comes in chunks (“particle-like”) of energy (“photon”)
- a photon interacts only with single electron
- Photon energy depends on frequency of light, …
for lower frequencies, photon energy not enough to free an electron22
questions?, more sim experiments?
show photon view
An analogy with a ball and a pit
Light like a Kicker…
Puts in energy. All concentrated
on one ball/electron. Ball emerges with:
Blue kicker always kicks the same, KE = kick energy - mgh
and harder than red kicker
mgh = energy needed to
always kicks.
make it up hill and out.
mgh for highest electron
analogous to work function.

h Kick energy. Top ones

get out, bottom don’t.
Harder kick (shorter
wavelength light),
metal more get out. 23
show photon view
An analogy with a ball and a pit
Light like a Kicker…
Puts in energy. All concentrated
on one ball/electron. Ball emerges with:
Blue kicker always kicks the same, KE = kick energy - mgh
and harder than red kicker
always kicks. energy needed to get most
energetic electron out of pit
(“work function”)

h h

sodium- easy to kick out

small work function ⇔ shallow pit
platinum, hard to kick out
large work function ⇔ deep pit
If photon has enough energy,
electron emerges with: KE = photon energy – work function
Puts in kick of energy

energy needed to kick

highest electron out of metal.

Each photon has: Energy = Planks constant * Frequency

(Energy in Joules) (Energy in eV)
E=hf=(6.626*10-34 J-s)*(f s-1 ) E=hf= (4.14*10-15 eV-s)*(f s-1 )
E=hc/λ = (1.99*10-25 J-m)/(λ m) E= hc/λ = (1240 eV-nm)/
(λ nm)
Initial KE of electron = Ephoton - energy needed to kick
as it comes out of metal electron out of metal
Depends on type of
Photoelectric effect experiment: Apply Conservation of Energy
Energy in = Energy out
Energy of photon = energy needed to kick + Initial KE of electron
electron out of metal as exits metal

Loosely stuck electron, takes least energy to kick out

Electron Potential

work function (Φ ) = energy needed to kick

highest electron out of metal

Inside Tightly stuck, needs more

metal energy to escape
Apply Conservation of Energy.
Energy in = Energy out
Energy of photon = energy needed to kick + Initial KE of electron
electron out of metal as exits metal
What happens if send in bunch of blue photons?
Electron Potential

work function (Φ )
Photon gives electron

“kick of energy”.
Electrons have equal chance of absorbing photon:
 Max KE of electrons = photon energy - Φ
 Min KE = 0 27
 Some electrons, not enough energy to pop-out, energy into heat.
Electrons over large range of energy have equal
chance of absorbing photons.
Electron potential

You initially have blue light

Ephot shining on metal. If you
work function Φ change the frequency to
violet light (at same # of

photons per second), what

happens to the number of
Inside electrons coming out?
metal a. fewer electrons kicked out
b. same # of electrons
c. more electrons kicked out
d. not enough information

Electrons over large range of energy have equal
chance of absorbing photons.

elect. potential

work function Φ

c. more electrons come out with violet

absorb blue light and have enough energy to leave

absorb blue light, but don’t come out
so the more energy the light has, the more electrons that come
out, until so much energy that every electron comes out. 29
(violet and ultraviolet would not be very different in this case)
Typical energies
Photon Energies:
Each photon has: Energy = Planks constant * Frequency
(Energy in Joules) (Energy in eV)
E=hf=(6.626*10-34 J-s)*(f s-1 ) E=hf= (4.14*10-15 eV-s)*(f s-1 )
E=hc/λ = (1.99*10-25 J-m)/(λ m) E= hc/λ = (1240 eV-nm)/
(λ nm)
Red Photon: 650 nm Ephoton = 1240 eV-nm = 1.91 eV
650 nm
Work functions of metals (in eV):
Aluminum 4.08 eV Cesium 2.1 Lead 4.14 Potassium 2.3
Beryllium 5.0 eV Cobalt 5.0 Magnesium 3.68 Platinum 6.35
Cadmium 4.07 eV Copper 4.7 Mercury 4.5 Selenium 5.11
Calcium 2.9 Gold 5.1 Nickel 5.01 Silver 4.73
Carbon 4.81 Iron 4.5 Niobium 4.3 Sodium 2.28
Uranium 3.6
Zinc 4.3
Photomultiplier tubes- application of photoelectric effect
most sensitive way to detect visible light, see single photons
(eye is incredibly good, can see a few photons)

glass vacuum enclosure

big voltage cq2. what would be the best

electron amplifier, choice of these materials to
gives pulse of make this out of?
current for each a. Platinum Φ = 6.35 eV
photoelectron b. Magnesium = 3.68 eV

c. Nickel = 5.01 eV
d. lead = 4.14 eV
1 2 3 4 5
e. Sodium = 2.28 eV 31
Time (millisec)
Photomultiplier tubes- application of photoelectric effect
most sensitive way to detect light, see single photons
(eye is incredibly good, can see a few photons)

glass vacuum enclosure

what would be the best
big voltage choice of these materials to
electron amplifier, make this out of?
gives pulse of a. Platinum Φ = 6.35
current for each eV
photoelectron b. Magnesium = 3.68 eV
e. sodium. 2.28 eV c. Nickel = 5.01 eV
lower work function means
most visible light (<544 nm) will be d. lead = 4.1432eV
detected. Enough energy to eject electrons.
Clicker question discussion
After decide on answer, don’t stop thinking/discussing!
Think of as many reasons as possible to support your
answer and/or rule out other answers. Other
perspectives, other situations and information that may
have relevance.
“Line on electron energy vs frequency graph must
go to zero before zero frequency, because sunlight hits
stuff but doesn’t make electrons come out of everything.”

Ability to think of multiple ways to test ideas and

conclusions, ability to relate to many different contexts, is
a learned skill of expert scientists and engineers.
Useful in many aspects of life and work, tested for in
interviews. 33

CQ: A photon at 300 nm will kick out an electron with an

amount of kinetic energy, KE300 . If the wavelength is
halved to 150 nm and the photon hits an electron in the
metal with same energy as the previous electron, the
energy of the electron coming out is
a. less than ½ KE300 .
b. ½ KE300
c. = KE300
d. 2 x KE300
e. more than 2 x KE300
(remember hill/kicker analogy, draw pictures to reason out 34
answer, don’t just pick answer without careful reasoning)

CQ: A photon at 300 nm will kick out an electron with an amount of
kinetic energy, KE300 . If the wavelength is halved and it hits an
electron in the metal with same energy as the previous electron, the
energy of the electron coming out is
e. more than 2 x KE300 KE = photon energy-energy to get out
= hf – energy to get out
if λ is ½ then, f twice as big, Ephot =2hf300

New KEnew = 2hf300 - energy to get out

Old KE300 =hf300 - energy to get out
so KEnew is more than twice as big. 35

CQ: Shine in light of 300 nm. The most energetic electrons

come out with kinetic energy, KE300 . A voltage diff of 1.8 V is
required to stop these electrons. What is the work function Φ
for this plate? (e.g. the minimum amount of energy needed to
kick electron out of metal?)

a. 1.2 eV
b. 2.9 eV
c. 6.4 eV
d. 11.3 eV
e. none of the above

CQ: Shine in light of 300 nm, most energetic electrons come out with kinetic energy,
KE300. A voltage diff of 1.8 V is required to stop these electrons. What is the work
function Φ for this plate? (e.g. the minimum amount of energy needed to kick e out of
Energy is conserved so:
a. 1.2 eV
b. 2.9 eV Ephot = energy need to exit (Φ ) + electron’s left over energy
c. 6.4 eV
d. 11.3 eV
so Φ = Ephot – electron’s energy
e. none
When electron stops, all of initial KE has been
converted to electrostatic potential energy:
electron energy = q*∆ V = e x 1.8V = 1.8 eV, and
Ephot = 1240 eV nm/300 nm = 4.1 eV.

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