Part 13 Emachines EEP 3243

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Cdr Ong Khye Liat RMN


 Mhe induction machine was invented by NIKOLA M LA in
 Mhe induction machine is an AC electromechanical energy
conversion device.
 Mhere are machines available to operate from three phase or
single phase electrical input. ingle phase machines are
restricted to small power levels.

 Mhe operation of a 3 phase induction motor is based
upon the application of Faraday's Law and the
Lorentz force on a conductor.
 A permanent magnet placed above this conducting
ladder, moves rapidly to the right at a speed.

 A voltage lv is induced in each conductor while it is
being cut by the flux (Faraday's Law).
 Mhe induced voltage immediately produces a current,
which flows down the conductor underneath the pole-face,
though the end bars and back through the other

 ecause the current-carrying conductor lies in the
magnetic field of the permanent magnet, it experiences a
mechanical force (Lorentz force).
 Mhe force always acts in a direction to drag the conductor
along with the magnetic field.

 In an induction motor the ladder is closed to form a
squirrel-cage and the moving magnet is replaced by a
rotating field.

 Mhe principle of operation of the induction machine is
based on the generation of a rotating magnetic field.
 Consider a cosine wave from 0o to 360o . Mhis sine wave is
plotted with unit amplitude.
 Now allow the amplitude of the sine wave to vary with
respect to time in a sinusoidal fashion with a frequency of
50Hz.Let the maximum value of the amplitude is, say, 10
units. Mhis waveform is a pulsating sine wave.

 Now consider a second sine wave, which is displaced by 120o
from the first (lagging). and allow its amplitude to vary in a
similar manner, but with a 120o time lag.

 imilarly consider a third sine wave, which is at 240o lag and

allow its amplitude to change as well with a 240o time lag. Now
we have three pulsating sine waves.

 if we sum up the values of these three sine waves at every
angle we will get a constant amplitude travelling sine wave!
 In a three phase induction machine, there are three sets
of windings ² phase A winding, phase  and phase C
 Mhese are excited by a balanced three-phase voltage
supply. Mhis would result in a balanced three phase
current. Note that they have a 120 time lag between

 Further, in an induction machine, the windings are not all
located in the same place. Mhey are distributed in the machine
120 away from each other.
 When currents flow through the coils, they generate mmfs.
ince mmf is proportional to current, these waveforms also
represent the mmf generated by the coils and the total mmf.
 Further, due to magnetic material in the machine (iron), these
mmfs generate magnetic flux, which is proportional to the mmf

 Mhus the waveforms seen above would also
represent the flux generated within the machine.
 Mhe net result as we have seen is a travelling flux
wave. Mhe x-axis would represent the space angle
in the machine as one travels around the air gap.

 Mhis may be better visualized in a polar plot. Mhe angles
of the polar plot represent the space angle in the
machine, i.e., angle as one travels around the stator
bore of the machine.

 Mhis plot shows the pulsating wave at the zero degree axes. Mhe
amplitude is maximum at zero degree axes and is zero at 90 axis.
Positive parts of the waveform are shown in red while negative in blue.
Note that the waveform is pulsating at the 0í180 axis and red and blue
alternate in any given side. Mhis corresponds to the sine wave current
changing polarity. Note that the maximum amplitude of the sine wave is
reached only along the 0í180 axis. At all other angles, the amplitude
does not reach a maximum of this value. It however reaches a maximum
value which is less than that of the peak occurring at the 0 í 180 axis.
More exactly, the maximum reached at any space angle ș would be equal
to cos ș times the peak at the 0 í 180 axis. Further, at any space angle ș,
the time variation is sinusoidal with the frequency and phase lag being that
of the excitation, and amplitude being that corresponding to the space

 Mhis plot shows the pulsating waveforms of all three
cosines. Note that the first is pulsating about the 0 í 180
axis, the second about the120í 300axis and the third
at 240 í 360axis.
 Mhis plot shows the travelling wave in a circular
trajectory. Note that while individual pulsating waves
have maximum amplitude of 10, the resultant has
amplitude of 15.

 If f1 is the amplitude of the flux waveform in each
phase, the travelling wave can then be represented

 As time goes by, the instantaneous value and direction of
the current in each winding and thereby establish the
successive flux patterns.



 Mhe speed of a rotating field depends therefore upon the
frequency of the source and the number of the poles on the stator.

 Mhis equation shows that the synchronous speed increase with

frequency and decreases with the number of poles.

 Mhe slip of an induction motor is the difference between the
synchronous speed and the rotor speed, expressed as a percent
or per-unit of synchronous speed.

 Mhe slip is practically zero at no-load and is equal to 1 (100%)

when the rotor is locked.

 Mhe voltage and frequency induced in the rotor both
depend upon the slip. Mhey are given by the following


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§$  % %
 Active power Pe flows from the line into the 3-phase stator.
 Due to the stator copper losses, a portion Pjs is dissipated
as heat in the windings.
 Another portion Pf is dissipated as heat in the stator core,
owing to the iron losses.

 Mhe remaining active power Pr is carried across the air
gap and transferred to the rotor by electromagnetic
 Due to the I2R losses in the rotor, a third portion Pjr is
dissipated as heat, and the remainder is finally available
in the form of mechanical power Pm.

 y subtracting a fourth portion Pv, representing windage
and bearing-friction losses, we finally obtain PL, the
mechanical power available at the shaft.

 Mhe power flow diagram enables us to indentify and to
calculate 3 important properties of the induction motor.
1. fficiency:

I2R Losses in the rotor. Mhe rotor I2R losses Pjr are related to
the rotor input power Pr by the equation

2. Mechanical Power Pm developed by the motor is equal to
the power transmitted to the rotor minus its I2R losses.

3. Motor Morque Mm developed by the motor at any speed
is given by,


 Wound rotor induction machines may have the
stator and rotor connected to separate AC sources
having different frequencies.
 Mhe speed is varies by applying a fixed frequency to
the stator and a variable frequency to the rotor.

 Doubly-Fed motor can used to drive variable speed
 Doubly-Fed generator can used as variable-speed
generators driven by wind turbines.

 In practice, this machine has known issues of instability, high
maintenance and inefficiency of an integral multiphase slip-
ring assembly, and discontinuity about synchronous speed
where induction ceases to exist.
 Mhe wound-rotor doubly-fed induction electric machine has
been forced into antiquity, except in large installations where
efficiency and cost are critical over a limited speed range,
such as wind turbines.
 Mhis may change with recent rushless Wound-Rotor Doubly-
Fed lectric Machine technology development.



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