Hospital Continuum Presentation

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Continuum of Care in

Fall Management
/Med Surg Home Care

Assisted &
Center of Independent

Discharges Therapy
Discharge Planners

Creating a “Culture of Safety” Paradigm in a

local community
 Introductions  Continuum Overview
 Falls  Continuum Flow Chart
 Statistics  Center of Excellence
 Etiology Model
 Dizziness  Assisted & Independent
 Etiology of Dizziness Living Communities
 Systems Controlling
 Discussion
 Traditional Therapy
 Action Plan
Falls: Relevant Statistics
 Falls are not a normal part of aging
 Balance related falls are the leading cause of
deaths in elderly
 Annual fall rates:
 30% of those > 65
 50% of those > 80

 25% of patients > 50 who fx a hip die within

12 months, and 40% within 24 months
Etiology of Falls
 Dizziness is the #1 reason for falls
 Loss of protective sensation is #2
 50% of falls in elderly can be attributed to
vestibular dysfunction
 Lightheadedness: feeling faint
 Vertigo: Perception of movement, either self
or surroundings
 Oscillopsia: Experience of objects that are
known to stationary appear to be moving
 Disequilibrium: Unsteadiness, imbalance
Etiology of Dizziness
 Otologic: 50% (vestibular)
 CNS: 22% (TBI, CVA, Migraine, etc)
 Psychogenic: 15% anxiety, panic, depression)
 Medication: 5%
 Other
Systems Controlling Balance
 Vestibular
 Somatosensory
 Visual
 Musculo-Skeletal
 Cognitive

 70% of our balance is vestibular when our

head and body are in motion
Traditional Therapy Programs
 Historically reactive vs. proactive
 Research shows traditional therapy programs
have little to no effect on fall risk
 Strengthening and increasing functional endurance
does not impact balance systems
Continuum Model
 Screening of all Geriatric Patients
 Physician Marketplace
 Home Care Marketplace (as part of Oasis)

 Community Screening Programs

 Residents in Assisted Living and Independent

Living Facilities
 Geriatric Patients prior to D/C from acute care
 With a positive screen, patient enters continuum
Hospital Is Ideal Platform
 Has a large discharge geriatric population who can be
screened by hospitalist prior to D/C for potential for falls
 Also may have home care agency who can screen all
traditional home care patients for falls
 Secondary opportunity for extended care marketplace
 If hospital has captured medical practices, then they can screen
all geriatric patients for fall risks
 Secondary opportunity to develop a Center of Excellence
 All home care and outpatient therapists are trained in high
level evaluative, treatment and education in falls
Continuum Flow Chart
Center of Excellence In Fall
 Continuum of Care Philosophy:
 A screening, diagnostic and treatment center “with
and without walls”
 It has a physical location, however, is a true continuum.
It, therefore, can address the needs of patients who are:
 Ambulatory
 Home bound
 Facility based
 Assisted Living Facilities

 Independent Living Facilities

Center Offerings
 Continuum of consultative services for Primary
Physician to assess fall risk for their patients including
a screening tool that can be implemented in the
primary’s office
 Full diagnostic testing including:
 Neurology
 Podiatry
 Diagnostic services including VNG, Posturography
 Specialized therapeutic evaluative and treatment
services on an ambulatory, home care and extended
care facility basis
Center Structure
Potential Team Members


Physiatrist, Neurologist

Center of

Home Care

Client Populations


Assisted &&
End Users
End Users Center ofof
Center Independent
(Ambulatory) Excellence
Excellence Living

End Users
End Users
Primary Physician Middle User
 Program is marketed “physician to physician” as a
diagnostic and treatment center that acts as an
extension of the primary physician
 Primary physician is given a screening tool to identify
population of his patients who are at high risk of falls
 Advised of the specialized capabilities of, and
prudency of referring all home care patients because
of screening process and specialized training
 Advised of specialized capabilities of part B therapy
provider vs. generic therapy
Assisted/Independent Living
 Primary concern is “opening the front door
and closing the back door”
 Marketed via the proactive foundation of
program, and that it is activated by the DON,
not outside consultants who will have a
tendency to over utilize.
 Cross marketing (viral) of all services to the
general and professional community
Outpatient Part B Opportunity
 There will be significant referrals to part A &
B outpatient therapy from the Center
 Part B therapy centers can be developed in
selected Assisted Living and Independent
Living Facilities which increases Hospitals
outpatient network and is a perceived benefit
from the perspective of the AL/IL
 Falls are an inevitable risk to aging populations
 Historic medical and therapeutic model are
reactive vs. proactive
 A seamless continuum of care model can be
successful instituted in any community which has
a foundation of a “Culture of Safety” and extends
from the hospital to the ambulatory marketplace,
home care marketplace and extended care

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