DC Sweep
DC Sweep
DC Sweep
In PSpice
DC Sweep in PSpice
A simulation that results in a plot of
Circuit from Design a Night Light
Perform a DC Sweep
of the voltage on the
positive input
terminal of the op
amp to show how the
output voltage
changes as the value
of Vref increases
from 0V to a value
larger than the
voltage on the
negative input
terminal, which is
equal to the voltage
DC Sweep
To set up a DC sweep,
Name: Vref
Sweep Type: Linear
Start Value: 0V
End Value: 9V
Increment: Should be
sufficiently small to show
a sharp transition
Selection of Increment
0.5V increment
1mV increment
These are two plots of the DC Sweep of Vref in the example circuit,
where the only difference is the value used as the increment. Ideally,
there should be a sharp transition as the output of the voltage
comparator switches from one output level to the other . However,
when the increment of 0.5V was used, PSpice interpolated between
the calculated values for the output voltage of the op amp when Vref =
5V and Vref = 5.5V. As a result, the sharp transition looks like a
gradual transition an artifact of improper settings used during the
A plot will be automatically generated for the node
Voltage and current
Voltage/Level or
Current into Pin
or by using the
shortcut on the
Rescaling Current
Once you have a plot with
Voltage and (rescaled) Current