DC Sweep

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DC Sweep

In PSpice

DC Sweep in PSpice
A simulation that results in a plot of

specified voltages and/or currents in

the circuit as a function of a
particular variable.
The variables that can be swept

include the magnitude of a d.c.

voltage or current source,
temperature of the circuit (as most
materials including resistors change
their value as temperature changes),
a model parameter which might be
the open loop gain of an op amp, and
a global parameter, such as the
magnitude of a variable defined
using the PARAM part.
Multiple sweeps can be performed
using the nested sweep option.

Circuit from Design a Night Light
Perform a DC Sweep
of the voltage on the
positive input
terminal of the op
amp to show how the
output voltage
changes as the value
of Vref increases
from 0V to a value
larger than the
voltage on the
negative input
terminal, which is
equal to the voltage

DC Sweep
To set up a DC sweep,

open the Analysis Setup

popup window and select
DC Sweep
Sweep Var. Type: Voltage

Name: Vref
Sweep Type: Linear
Start Value: 0V
End Value: 9V
Increment: Should be
sufficiently small to show
a sharp transition

Selection of Increment
0.5V increment

1mV increment

These are two plots of the DC Sweep of Vref in the example circuit,
where the only difference is the value used as the increment. Ideally,
there should be a sharp transition as the output of the voltage
comparator switches from one output level to the other . However,
when the increment of 0.5V was used, PSpice interpolated between
the calculated values for the output voltage of the op amp when Vref =
5V and Vref = 5.5V. As a result, the sharp transition looks like a
gradual transition an artifact of improper settings used during the

A plot will be automatically generated for the node

voltages as a function of Vref wherever a voltage marker is

placed in the circuit.
Current markers must be placed at the end of a
component the point where the blue of the component
wire meets the green of the wire that you drew to connect
the part to another component.
Two voltage markers, one with a + and one with a are
placed on the schematic when Voltage Differential is
selected from the Marker toolbar. The difference in the
node voltages is displayed on the plot.
Mark Advanced contains a set of options that include
phase angle of the voltage or current at a node.

Voltage and current

markers are placed

in the schematic by
clicking on either:
the Markers/Mark

Voltage/Level or
Current into Pin
or by using the
shortcut on the

Plotting Current and

More than one marker can be put into a

schematic. However only one plot will be

generated automatically.
Only one scale is used per plot. If you plot the

current flowing through the diode on the same

graph as the output voltage of the op amp, the
current flowing out of the op amp will look like it
is always zero because it is a The
of 15
green curve in the plot
mA when the scale is +/- 9V. is the output voltage of the
op amp and the red curve is
the current flowing out of
the op amp into the 1k
resistor, Rlimit, connected to
the output of the op amp.

Rescaling Current
Once you have a plot with

both voltage and current,

click on the key for the
current located on the
bottom left of the graph
in this example, -I(Rlimit)
A popup window called

Modify Trace will open.

In the Trace Expression

box at the bottom, type
*1000 next to the name
of the current that is
already in the box.

Voltage and (rescaled) Current

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