What Have You Learnt From Your Audience Feedback?: Evaluation Question 3
What Have You Learnt From Your Audience Feedback?: Evaluation Question 3
What Have You Learnt From Your Audience Feedback?: Evaluation Question 3
E V A L U AT I O N Q U E S T I O N 3
The questionnaire was online and
easily accessible by respondents.
Respondents could complete the
questionnaire on their phone.
Able to learn demographics age
and city of the respondent.
General trends can be seen.
Some respondents did not take
the questionnaire seriously.
Some responses were too general.
A few respondents skipped
Unable to define terms for the
audience, in example electro.
Respondents were also friends,
answers can be biased.
From this question we can see that the
majority of our respondents were female
as opposed to male. This begins our
demographics for our target audience.
This question is important for later in
seeing what kind of conventions of a
music video draw their attention to watch
and we may be able to draw similarities in
Here I also considered the use of male or
female gaze in my products in order to
attract the audience more. My responses
conclude that there should be female
gaze however this is not possible as I did
not have a male protagonist.
There is a strong result from those aged
16-21, this is valuable information to
condense a mass audience to a niche
audience with similar demographics.
Those with corresponding demographics
gives a higher possibility for the audience
to decode my text with similar hegemonic
Moreover this is an advantage as I too
also fit under this category thus it would
be easier to understand my target
audience and their preferences as I may
agree with them.
Many respondents lived in London in the
UK as opposed to anywhere else. The
purpose of this question is to see if there
are any links between our respondents.
This links to our my product as I aim to
use the mise-en-scene and location, using
famous tourist spots in London. This
provides evidence that our target
audience would be familiar to the location
as they are mostly residents of the UK.
As you can see many respondents favour
r'n'b and unspecified genres that we did
not have. Examples of other genres
according to our respondents are: Korean
Pop, Electro, instrumentals and all types
of genres.
General trends of preferences can be
seen here, this question is important to
learn more about the audience as their
responses may conform to the
conventions of their favourite genre.
This question links back to the previous
question to see what conventions the
respondents expect in their favourite genre.
This helps my music video as I use some
conventions they are familiar with.
As you can see the vast majority use YouTube to access music
videos, this is because this website is solely for videos of any
kind which the media industry is also involved, exhibiting their
products here. As Gauntletts Web 2.0 theory suggests, the
consumers have now become producers who upload their own
content. Thus there has been a decline in music channels and
more on the internet video platforms such as Vimeo and
With this in mind, my target audience would probably expect
my product to be exhibited on YouTube.
Our respondents expect conventions such
as: strobe lighting, a DJ mixing and fast
paced editing. Although my product do not
conform to all of these conventions, I can
see they know some conventions such as
fast-paced editing and strobe lighting that
I have conformed to. My target audiences
understanding of the conventions of
electronic music is important so they may
establish the genre of my product.
To achieve some of these conventions I
used filters in my product to emphasise
more colours that no longer look natural. I
also played with saturation to heighten
colours. This is to conform to Richard
Dyers theory music videos demonstrate
genre characteristics.
The final question allows us to understand the respondent's all time favourite
with a brief reason that explains why. Many respondents enjoy narrative styled
music videos; 'plot twist' and a 'good story line' it seems as if they are
intrigued more to the music videos. Although my product does not have a
complete narrative it would be a linear narrative style music video as there a
sense of enjoyment from our respondents. Moreover my target audience
prefer strong aesthetics with vibrancy, this follows the convention of my
What is your favourite music video of all time and why?
My questionnaire provided fundamental opinions for my product. I first learned
the demographics of my target audience age, location and gender, this is
important to emphasise certain aspects in my music video in terms of the miseen-scene. The mise-en-scene such as location shots of London will therefore be
known to my target audience as my respondents are dominantly from the UK.
There is moreover a preference for narrative based videos with an interesting
storyline for the audience to follow, linking to the uses and gratifications theory,
my audience seem to look for entertainment in music videos which is what I aim
to satisfy. My product will also be exhibited on YouTube as most or all respondents
watch music videos on this platform.
Focus group consisted of ages of
the target audience.
More detailed feedback as they
were able to explain without
restricted word limits.
Producer was with the consumers.
Able to see their initial reaction to
the test product.
Focus group were media students.
Overall my findings from my audience feedback
show my product to be successful, meeting the
needs of the audience through its narrative.
There is general content according to my
feedback and I believe the findings also improved
my final product.