Breast Pathology Review
Breast Pathology Review
Breast Pathology Review
Each breast divided into large segments called lobes, and these further
divided into lobules, inside lobules. Together the lobule & its terminal
duct (draining bit) = terminal duct lobular unit. The TDLU is where most
breast cancers arise from.
Check out this sweet boob. Whats up with it? Can you describe the
Whats the deal with mammograms? How do they work? What can
they see?
Whats the deal with mammograms? How do they work? What can
they see?
-Mammograms are low energy x-rays of the breast. Can pick up
densities (localised) & calcifications (in malignancy usually tiny &
-Sensitivity of the test increases with age because of ^ fat &
decreasing stroma :. Dense areas are more clearly seen
Periductal mastitis
A woman presents to you with a lump in her breast. You perform a FNA, and
this is the result of the histology. Whatchya reckon maayte?
A woman presents to you with a lump in her breast. You perform a FNA, and this is
the result of the histology. Whatchya reckon maayte?
A woman presents to you with a lump in her breast. You perform a FNA, and this is the
result of the histology. Whatchya reckon maayte?
Fibroadenoma is the most common benign tumour (stromal-epithelial neoplasm) of the
female breast.
-Usually <30yrs
-well circumscribed and consist of stroma which compresses glandular spaces.
-Can appear as popcorn calcifications on mammorgram, but as firm, well circumscribed
borders well defined from surrounding tissue
-Fibrosis of stroma & glandular component > ducts becomes slit-like
A woman presents to you with a lump in her breast. You perform a FNA, and this is the
result of the histology. Whatchya reckon maayte?
Pts usually px with blood stained nipple discharge. Under category of proliferative
disease can progress to malignancy.
Can occur in lactiferous ducts = low potential for malignancy, smaller ducts =
higher risk
Malignant shizzle
Classification of breast carcinoma:
-Insitu (non-invasive): Carcinoma in situ occurs when the neoplastic cells are
confined to the ducts and lobules (there is no penetration of the basement
membrane). It is divided into lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) and ductal
carcinoma in situ (DCIS).
-Invasive carcinoma (defined as those which breach the basement
membrane & extend into the underlying stroma).
- Divided into ductal, lobular, medullary, tubular, and mucinous
- Ductal & lobular are most common
- Types are graded using three features: number of mitoses, nuclear
pleomorphism, and tubular formation. Receptor status (ER
esostrogen receptor, PR progesterone receptor and HER2 human
epidermal growth factor receptor 2) plays a role in determining the
Breast profile:
A: ducts
B: lobules
C: dilated section of duct to hold milk
D: nipple
E: fat
F: pectoralis major muscle
G: chest wall/ rib cage
A: normal lobular cells
B: lobular cancer cells
C: basement membrane
Who am I?
I often have a stony hard consistency, with small calcifications. On resection Im
usually chalky white, and poorly circumscribed.
Another clue?
My histology is quite varied. I can have well differentiated glands, or perhaps solid
sheets of cells, with no clear pattern. Thus I am often described as NST no
specific type
Who am I?
Im more common in post-menoupausal women.
I commonly px bilaterally.
I am palpable often as a vague thickened area of the breast rather than stony hard.
My histology is quite typical as neoplastic sheets of cells in single (indian) file
I also have a weird mode of metastasis with a odd fetish for peritoneum, meninges
and ovary!
Pagets disease
- * NOT the pagets
disease of bone
- deep intraductal
adenocarcinomas &
transport via lactiferous
ducts to outer skin
surrounding nipple
- not invasive > travel
along existing
- pagets cells - rounded,
often mucin positive
- px: scaly lesion around
nipple - can be confused
for eczema etc