Medical Form Pak Qatar Takaful

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Pak-Qatar Family Takaful Limited

Head Office: Suite No. 102-105, Business Arcade, P.E.C.H.S., Block -6,
Main Sharea Faisal, Karachi-75400, Pakistan
Scheme No Cert. No. R&B Limit
Tel No. (92-21) 34380357-61. Fax No.: (92-21) 34386451

Family Health Questionnaire

 To be completed by the eligible Employee only.
 Please be informed that complete medical history should be disclosed in this form. Please note that if a pre-existing medical condition(s) not disclosed, PQFT will always
reserve the right to decline the claim directly or indirectly relating to it.
 Group Health Takaful Coverage for each proposed Individual Covered shall only be effective on written notification from Pak-Qatar Family Takaful Limited after receipt of this

Title of Participant (Company

Name of Employee: Employee No:

CNIC Number Date of Birth Gender Male Female

Date of Joining Company Date of Confirmation Marital Status Single Married

Exact Daily Duties Designation

Residential Address

Residence Phone Residence Phone Mobile Number

Please provide details of eligible dependent (Spouse, Son & Daughter), proposed for Health Takaful coverage, Attach addition sheet, if required.

Name Date of Birth Gender CNIC Number Relationship Marital In Good Health?
(In CAPITAL LETTERS) (dd-mm-yyyy) (M/F) (#####-######-#) With Employee Status







1) Have you or any proposed member of your family currently or at any time prior to applying for Takaful coverage;
a. Suffered from any medical condition(s), disease(s), illness (es) or injury (ies)? Yes No

b. Aware of any medical condition, disease, illness or injury (whether consulted with doctor or not)? Yes No

c. Received diagnosis from a Doctor or Hakeem or Homeopath (even in no treatment was provided)? Yes No
d. Suffered from any physical or mental disability? Yes No
2) Have you or any proposed member of your family ever suffered from high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, shortness of
breath, cancer, tumor or growth, jaundice, fits or convulsions, pain in chest, paralysis, lung or kidney disorders, nervous or psychiatric Yes No

3) Have you or any proposed member of your family contemplate any surgery/operation or suffering from any other illness or
disabilities that may require treatment and have not already been disclosed or mentioned above? Yes No

4) Do you or any member of your family currently taking medication of any kind to control of any medical condition or ailment? Yes No

5) Is your spouse (or yourself, if you are a female) pregnant? If “YES”, how many months ______________)? Yes No
If “Yes” to any questions 1-5 above, please provide details in following space. Use a separate sheet if necessary.

Name of the Person whom Please describe medical condition and its duration, treatment received, investigations Attending/Treating Doctor
“Yes” answer has been given undertaken and results. Is any further test of treatment suggested or required? (Doctor’s Name, Hospital Name, Address, Phone No.)


I hereby certify that all answers to questions appearing on this form are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am also aware that subject to the terms of
acceptance of my coverage, this declaration & authorization together with the master Participant Membership Document (PMD) shall form the contract between participant and
Takaful service provider. I authorize any doctor , hospital,, clinic, or medical service provider, takaful/insurance company, or any other institution, or any person, who has any
information or record about me and/or any of my dependents to provide Pak-Qatar Family Takaful Limited with the complete information including copies of their records with
reference to any sickness, accident, disability, any treatment, examination, medical investigation, advice of healthcare provider,. Photocopy of this authorization shall be valid as the

Date of Statement Signature of Employee for Self &on behalf of family members being covered

To Be Filled
Takaful Plan/Category Start Date of Individual Coverage*
(Please refer PMD for details) (Risk Assessment date or date of Statement, whichever is later)
EmployerBasis of Membership Non-Contributory (Employer donating Contribution) Contributory (Employer and Employee both Contributing)

Verification by Participant/Employer
I/We hereby certify that all answers to questions appearing on this form are true and complete to the best of my/our knowledge and belief.
We understand and agree that the above statement shall form the basis for Takaful coverage.

Date of Verification Signature & Stamp of the Participant/Employer

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