Color Models and Color Applications: CMSC 161: Interactive Computer Graphics
Color Models and Color Applications: CMSC 161: Interactive Computer Graphics
Color Models and Color Applications: CMSC 161: Interactive Computer Graphics
CMSC 161: Interactive Computer
Properties of Light
)etina contains rods *for !lac+ and white, and cones *for
1lue !lindness
% Cones missing
% Cones too similar
Standard Primaries
Can !e used to
% Compare and represent color
% Identif complementar colors
% =etermine dominant
wavelength and purit
ntuiti!e Color Concepts
Pea+ sensivit
@ser specifies
% Color
% 4mount of !lac+ and white to achieve
the desired shade" tint and tone
% Cue G.H" -6.HI" saturation G." 1I
and value G." 1I components
HS, Color Model
Color definition:
% Select hue: S 8 1" A 8 1
% 4dd !lac+ pigment: decrease A
% 4dd white pigment: decrease S
HLS Color Model