Color Models and Color Applications: CMSC 161: Interactive Computer Graphics

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Color Models and Color

CMSC 161: Interactive Computer
Properties of Light

Perceived light is a narrow frequenc !and within the

electromagnetic spectrum

Since light is an electromagnetic energ" we can

descri!e the various colors in terms of either the
frequenc f or the wavelength
Properties of Light
Dominant frequency # hue # color of the o!$ect
Brightness % the perceived intensit of the light
Purity or saturation % how washed out or how &pure' the color of light
If two color sources com!ine to produce light" the are referred to as
complementary colors
(he two or three colors used to produce other colors in a color model
are referred to as primary colors
(he range of colors that can !e descri!ed ! com!inations of other
colors is called a color gamut
The Human Eye

)etina contains rods *for !lac+ and white, and cones *for

(he visual pigments in the cones have pea+ sensitivit at

wavelengths of a!out 6-. nm *red," /-. nm *green, and
0/. nm *!lue,
Color Blindness and Tests

)ed # green !lindness

1lue !lindness

% Cones missing
% Cones too similar
Standard Primaries

In 13-1" the International Commission on Illumination


esta!lished an international standard for primar colors
% 4ll other colors can !e descri!ed as weighted sums of the three
% 5ach primar represents an imaginar color

If 4" 1 and C represent the amounts of the standard

primaries needed to match a given color" *normali6ed,
components of the color are represented as
% 7 8 4 # *4 9 1 9 C,
% 8 1 # *4 9 1 9 C,
% 6 8 C # *4 9 1 9 C,
% where 6 is also 1 % *7 9 ,
International Commission on Illumination" referred to as the CI5 *Commission Internationale de l:;clairage,
CE Chromaticity Diagram

Plotting 7 and for all visi!le colors produces a *tongue<

shaped, chromaticit diagram !ased on the wavelengths
in nm
CE Chromaticity Diagram

Can !e used to
% Compare and represent color
% Identif complementar colors
% =etermine dominant
wavelength and purit
ntuiti!e Color Concepts

Starting with the pigment for a &pure color'

% 4rtist adds a !lac+ pigment to produce different shades of that
% 4dd a while pigment to o!tain different tints of the color
% Produce tones ! adding !oth white and !lac+ pigments
% Palettes % define mood or message
"!er!ie# of Color Models

4 color model is a method for e7plaining the properties or

!ehavior of color within some particular conte7t

(he following color models are hardware<oriented *do not

relate to concepts of hue" saturation and !rightness,
% )G1
% CM>
% >I? *and relative >@A,

Color ordering spaces are used to find colors according to

some criterionB user<oriented

Eo single color model can e7plain all aspects of color

$%B Color Model

1ased on the tristimulus theory of vision" our ees

perceive color through the stimulation of the three visual
pigments in the cones of the retina

Pea+ sensivit

4dditive color model *!asis for video monitor,

CM& 'and CM&() Color Model

Primar colors: can" magenta" ellow

Su!tractive color model *!asis for hardcop devices,

&* Color Model

)ecoded )G1 for transmission efficienc" compati!ilit

with !lac+ and white !roadcast (A

(he Eational (elevision Sstem Committee *E(SC, color

model for forming the composite video signal
% Duminance *!rightness, information is contained in the >
% Chromaticit information *hue and purit, is incorporated into
the I and ? parameters
&+, Color Model

5ncodes a color image or video ! ta+ing into account

human perception:
% )educed !andwith for chrominance components
% =efines a color space in terms of one luma *>, and two
chrominance *@A, components
% @ and A can !e thought of as F and > coordinates within the
color space

(he weights used to compute > are identical to those

used in the >I? color space

@sed ! P4D *Phase 4lternating Dine," an analog color

(A encoding sstem
HS, Color Model

More intuitive model derived from

the )G1 color model

@ser specifies
% Color
% 4mount of !lac+ and white to achieve
the desired shade" tint and tone
% Cue G.H" -6.HI" saturation G." 1I
and value G." 1I components
HS, Color Model

Color definition:
% Select hue: S 8 1" A 8 1
% 4dd !lac+ pigment: decrease A
% 4dd white pigment: decrease S
HLS Color Model

(hree parameters: hue G.H"

-6.HI" lightness G." 1I and
saturation G." 1I

=ou!le cone model

Shade" tint and tone are achieved

! ad$usting D and S
nteracti!e Tools
Color Perception
5es focus on colors according to their frequencies" causing them
to appear at different depths
(he perceived color of a colored area is affected ! the color of
the surrounding area
Colors tend to loo+
% =ar+er and smaller against white
% Dighter and larger against !lac+
Color Perception

Color codes can easil carr unintended meanings *eJgJ

displaing compan earnings in red and green,

1lue and !lac+ var ver little in !rightnessB ellow on

white is relativel hard to distinguish

(he ee cannot distinguish the color of ver small


If a user stares at a large area of highl saturated color

for several seconds and then loo+s elsewhere" an
afterimage of the large area will appear
% =isconcerting
% Causes ee strain
Color Selection and Applications

2!tain a set of coordinating colors

% Set from a su!space of a color model
% Select at regular intervals along straight lines in the )G1 or
CM> cu!e
% )estrict colors to one half or less of the CSA he7acone
% (ints and shades !lend !etter than pure hues

@se a small num!er of colors

% 4 little color can !e more effective than a lot

Kor !ac+ground" use

% Gra or
% 4 complement of the foreground color
Color Selection and Applications

Create harmon: use a group of colors that loo+ pleasing

in com!ination
% Aar hues in lightness and saturation
% Palette should contain contrast *light and dar+ tones" pastel
and saturated ones,

=onLt use color that doesnLt support or add to the

meaning of the information displaed

Create all components of a G@I in monochrome then

add color to enhance usa!ilit
% @se strong color in small details onl" such as icons
+sing Colors Effecti!ely in C%

4void colored te7t on colored !ac+ground where legi!ilit

is important

Color is a powerful and attractive aspect of our

e7perience of the world
% Color shapes our perception" interpretation and memor of
everthing we see

Proper handling and understanding of color is necessar

at ever step
+sing Colors Effecti!ely in C%

Man different factors influence how the color will !e

% (pe of displa device
% (he viewing environment
% (he visual capa!ilit of the user
% (he tas+ and application requirements
% Position of other graphical windows and displas

(here is no eas formula that will wor+ in all

+sing Colors Effecti!ely in C%

In Computer Graphics" careful use of colors helps to get

the message across
% 4void clutter
% 5mphasi6e legi!ilit
% 4ccommodate the viewer

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