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Computational Color Science: Variational Retinex-like Methods
Computational Color Science: Variational Retinex-like Methods
Computational Color Science: Variational Retinex-like Methods
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Computational Color Science: Variational Retinex-like Methods

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About this ebook

Color is a sensation generated both by the interaction of the visual sensors in the eyes with the natural environment and by the elaboration of visual information by higher brain functions.
This book presents the mathematical framework needed to deal with several models of color processing of digital images.
The book starts with a short yet exhaustive introduction to the basic phenomenological features of color vision, which are constantly used throughout the book.
The discussion of computational issues starts with color constancy, which is dealt with in a rigorous and self-contained mathematical setting. Then, the original Retinex model and its numerous variants are introduced and analyzed with direct discrete equations.
The remainder of the book is dedicated to the variational analysis of Retinex-like models, contextualizing their action with respect to contrast enhancement.


Release dateMar 13, 2017
Computational Color Science: Variational Retinex-like Methods

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    Book preview

    Computational Color Science - Edoardo Provenzi


    Color Image Processing

    Digital image processing has become one of the most important research fields in modern science. In fact, image processing algorithms are no longer confined to professional photographers or dedicated technicians (e.g. experts in medical imaging or in post-processing for fashion and cinema), but spread across the entire society thanks to the constantly increasing diffusion of portable digital devices, such as smartphones or tablets, with integrated cameras. Moreover, the complexity of mathematical techniques used nowadays in several image processing models is comparable to that of much more ancient scientific disciplines, e.g. theoretical physics.

    Despite this, many image processing algorithms are still proposed for grayscale images and their extension to color images is not straightforward. Treating color information with the naive replication of well-established grayscale techniques on the three chromatic channels may not be feasible due to intrinsic mathematical problems or the possible introduction of artifacts and/or color shifts.

    A dramatic example is given by histogram equalization, which will be introduced in Chapter 4. While this technique can be regularized and smoothed to considerably improve the contrast and detail visibility of a grayscale image, it may totally disrupt the chromatic content when directly replicated on the three color channels. In the literature, we can find multiple proposals to avoid, or at least limit, this problem. A common strategy consists of encoding the image information in a color space where achromatic and chromatic channels are separated, e.g. HVS, CIELab, Lαβ and so on, and only performing transformation on the luminance (achromatic) channel, while operating minor corrections on the chromatic content. Another proposal, which will be presented throughout this book, consists of devising transformations inspired by the human visual system (HVS) and applying them to the three color channels independently. The precursor of this kind of model is the famous Retinex model of Land and McCann [LAN 71], which will be described in detail in Chapter 3, along with its many interpretations.

    In the subsequent chapters, it will be shown how a whole class of Retinex-based models inspired by the properties of the HVS can be embedded in a rigorous variational framework. The variational interpretation allows us to understand the behavior of these models with respect to important image features such as contrast and dispersion of tonal intensities. Moreover, we can mathematically compare different Retinex-based algorithms and clearly understand their similarities and differences, which is very difficult to do without relying on their variational formulation.

    Due to the importance of human visual properties in the analysis of the color correction models presented in this book, a brief summary of the basic features of the HVS is presented in the first chapter.

    Edoardo PROVENZI

    February 2017


    Rudiments of Human Visual System (HVS) Features

    In this chapter, the basic facts about the processing of a visual signal by the retina and brain will be recalled. The purpose of this chapter is not only to provide an exhaustive treatise about the Human Visual System (HVS), but also to introduce some important concepts and formulae that will have a fundamental role in the development of the models described in Chapter 5. For complete details on these topics, see, for example, [FAI 05].

    1.1. The retina

    In Figure 1.1, a human eye and the cross-section of a retina are represented.

    Several layers of neural cells constitute the retina, beginning with around 130 million photoreceptors (rods and cones) and ending with about 1 million ganglion cells. The specific processing that occurs in each type of cell is complex and not yet completely understood.

    What we know for certain is that retinal cells may respond nonlinearly to stimuli and are connected via links called synapses, which are able to perform basic mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, amplification and gain control. Considered as a whole, these operations result in a clever and sophisticated modification of the visual input.

    Among all retinal cells, the most important for our purposes are the photoreceptors (rods and cones), to which the next section is devoted.

    Figure 1.1. Top: a human eye. Bottom: the cross-section of a human retina. Courtesy of [KOL 95]. For a color version of the figure, see

    1.1.1. Photoreceptors: rods and cones

    Rods and cones are labelled in this way because of their shape. Rods work in the so-called scotopic region, below 10−3 cd/m², while cones respond to luminance levels higher than 10 cd/m², a range called the photopic region. In the intermediate range, called the mesopic region, both rods and cones are activated, but their response is less efficient than when they work in isolation from each other. Henceforward, we will only consider photopic conditions and thus the properties of cones.

    Color vision in the photopic region is possible, thanks to the existence of three types of cone receptors with peak spectral sensibilities distributed along the visual spectrum (see Figure 1.2). This is due to the existence of three slightly different molecular structures in each cone type, which are referred to as L, M and S cones. They refer to the long, middle and short wavelengths where cones have their maximal sensitivity at 560 nm, 530 nm and 420 nm, respectively.

    The LMS cones can also be referred to as the RGB cones. Of course, RGB is the notation for monochromatic red, green and blue, but, as shown in Figure 1.2, this is an abuse of language, in particular because the L cones are gathered in the region of monochromatic green-yellow, not red.

    Figure 1.2. The normalized spectral sensitivity functions of the LMS cones. Courtesy of [KOL 95]. For a color version of the figure, see

    Note that the spectral sensibilities of the three cone types are broadly overlapping, in particular those of the L and M cones. This constitutes a substantial difference with respect to most physical imaging systems, in particular digital cameras (see, e.g., [JIA 13]), where sensor responses are only slightly overlapping.

    Finally, it must be noted that the distribution of cones in the retina is not uniform: S cones are relatively sparse and completely absent in the fovea, the central part of the retina with the highest density of L and M cones.

    1.2. Adaptation and photo-electrical response of receptors

    Light adaptation is the name used to describe the fact that the HVS is able to adapt to different light intensities in order to enable detail perception over a range of 10 orders of magnitude.

    Figure 1.3. Compressive effect of Michaelis-Menten’s response in arbitrary units between 1 and 1000 and with γ = 0.74. The semi-saturation constant S has been arbitrarily set to 100 and r( S) = 1/2

    Before reaching a photoreceptor, rod or cone, light intensity is reduced by the cornea, crystalline lens, the humors and the macula. Moreover, when a light photon is absorbed by a photoreceptor, a transduction occurs: the electromagnetic energy carried by the photon is passed to the photoreceptor, which changes the electric potential of its membrane. The empirical law that describes the photoreceptor transduction is known as Michaelis-Menten’s equation [SHA 84] (or Naka-Rushton’s equation when γ = 1):


    where ΔVmax is the highest difference of potential that the membrane can handle, γ is a constant (measured as 0.74 for the rhesus monkey), is light intensity and S is the value at which the photoreceptor response is half maximal, called the semi-saturation level. Note that, as previously mentioned, each type of cone is most sensitive over a particular waveband, thus the value of the semi-saturation constant S can change for the three types of cones.

    The photo-electrical response of photoreceptors, along with other phenomena occurring mainly in the retina, is considered one of the main explanations for the property of adaptation to the average luminance level of the HVS. In fact, after the photoreceptors transduction, the dynamic range is centered in r( S) = 1/2, as can be seen in Figure 1.3, which shows the nonlinear compressive behavior of Michaelis-Menten’s response. The adaptation property of the HVS is crucial: without it, the operational range of our vision would be much narrower and sight as we know it would be impossible.

    1.3. Spatial locality of vision

    Transduction curves shown in Figure 1.3 represent the very first stage of visual processing. The electrical signals generated by the photoreceptors are processed by the retinal neurons, synapses and ganglion cells, until they are then finally transmitted to the brain via the optic nerve. In the brain, the visual signal is processed in several zones, each of which is devoted to processing different characteristics, e.g. shape, orientation, spatial frequency, size, color, motion [ZEK 93].

    Our present understanding of post-photoreceptors physiological operating principles is far from being precise: not only the brain, but also retinal functions still present some unknown features. Without entering the very complicated analysis of post-photoreceptor physiology, what is important to underline here is that the signals transmitted from the photoreceptors to higher levels of the visual path are not simple point-wise representations, but they consist of sophisticated combinations of receptors responses to photons coming from different parts of the visual scene. In fact, even when we fix a single point, our eyes are constantly moving and capturing light information from all over the visual scene. These movements are called saccadics, and they are the fastest of our body.

    A conventional nomenclature has been introduced to rigorously define the local neighborhood of a point in a visual field (see, e.g., [HUN 14] and [FAI 05]):

    – Stimulus: the visual element corresponding to foveal vision, about 2° of angular extension;

    – Proximal field: the closest environment of the stimulus, it extends isotropically for about 2° from its edge;

    – Background: extends isotropically for about 10° from the edge of the proximal field;

    – Surround: a field that lies outside the background;

    – Adapting field: the total environment of the stimulus considered the proximal field, the background and the surround, until the limit of vision

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